3: The 'Hold my hand so I won't lose you' hand holding

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July 11th, 2017

3: The 'hold my hand so I won't lose you' hand holding - When you hold someone's hand so that you won't lose each other in a big crowd


Tyler and Josh were at one of the biggest festivals of the summer, and they were with the two of them in the pit watching the headliner, Blink-182.

They were best friends and decided that they weren't gonna ask other friends to join them 'cause they'd probably want to see different bands or they'd complain the whole time about whatever, and Tyler and Josh weren't really looking forward to that.

So now they were loudly singing along, both with a beer in their hands - it wasn't the first one of the day.

"Let's go
Don't wait
This night's almost over
Honest, let's make
This night last forever
Forever and ever
Let's make this last forever
Forever and ever
Let's make this last forever"

"All the small things
True care truth brings
I'll take one lift
Your ride best trip
Always I know
You'll be at my show
Watching, waiting, commiserating
Say it ain't so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na"

"The drops of rain they fall all over
This awkward silence makes me crazy
The glow inside burns light upon her
I'll try to kiss you if you let me
(this can't be the end)
Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad"

"And that's about the time she walked away from me
Nobody likes you when you're twenty three
And I'm still more amused by TV shows
What the hell is A.D.D.?
My friends say I should act my age
What's my age again, what's my age again?"

And after the entire set was over, and Josh and Tyler were done laughing and dancing their asses off together, they giggled and smiled as Tyler rested his head on Josh's shoulder.

"We should head back to the camping, 'cause tomorrow the festival starts soon again", Tyler yawned. Josh nodded as he loosely rested his arm on Tyler's shoulders.

"We're gonna have to push through that entire crowded crowd", he complained. "Hope I wont lose you", Tyler hummed as he took the last sip of his beer and dropped the cup.

"I'll lead us through the crowd", Josh said as he held his hand open in front of Tyler, and Tyler grabbed his hand without thinking twice. He didn't want to lose Josh in the crowd.

So Josh started to make his way through the huge crowd of festival people trying to leave as well, while he held Tyler close by tightly holding his hand so they wouldn't be separated.

And then, finally, once they reached the exit, they could breathe and move again 'cause the crowd was behind them.

"This is a lot better", Josh said. Tyler grinned and nodded. "Blink was so amazing", he grinned as he swung their hands clasped together back and forth in between them. Josh smirked. "Fuck yeah they were! Can't believe we were that close", he sighed happily as he tightened his grip on Tyler's hand a little and pulled him closer, then twirled him around as they hopped and skipped towards the camping, still full of energy because they just saw Blink-182 live.

They finally reached the camping and Josh supported Tyler in stepping over tent cords and other things by holding his hand, so that they both wouldn't get hurt. They reached their tent and Josh got in as he pulled Tyler with him inside.

Tyler giggled as he plopped down on the two person mattress next to Josh and looked at him with a grin. Josh smiled back at him.

"You're still holding my hand, silly", Tyler giggled. Josh smiled and turned on his left side, facing Tyler, who turned on his right side after Josh. Josh wrapped his right hand around both their hands as well.

"Yeah I don't really want to let go", he smiled, his drunken mind being completely honest and not knowing any shame at the moment.

Tyler chuckled. "Why, dork?" He asked. Josh shrugged with a smile.

"Dunno", he sighed.

"Because I like you", he then added.

"I like you too, you know that", Tyler giggled. Josh smiled.

"Would you kiss me?" Josh asked.

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "What? How D'you mean? Josh what-"

"I'd kiss you", Josh interrupted him as he turned on his back and looked up at the stars through the mesh part of the tent.

"You mean... you mean you like me like... that?" Tyler asked.

Josh nodded. "Yeah I think I do", he smiled.

"Really? But you never told me!" Tyler said. Josh shrugged with a smile. "Probably wouldn't've told you how either if I wasn't drunk", he smiled as he tightened his grip on Tyler's hand a little.

"Remember all those guys hitting on you, and you always fell for it so quickly, and then I somehow ruined it for you and you were super mad at me at first but then eventually forgave me?" Josh asked.

"I do..." Tyler trailed as he, to Josh's surprise, tightened his grip on Josh's hand a little as well. "Was that because of this? But you've been doing that for months!" Tyler said. Josh smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it's been a while", he smiled. "That's been months! You should've told me Joshie!" Tyler said.

"Why?" Josh asked. "Because... well I... uh.. well I think I kinda have a pretty big crush on you too", Tyler said. Josh looked at him with big, happy eyes. "Really?" He asked in disbelief. Tyler giggled and nodded. "Yeah, really", he smiled.

"You should've told me earlier!" Josh said. Tyler chuckled. "But you didn't tell me earlier either!" He said. Josh blushed and nodded. "Okay true", he smiled, looking up at the stars again.

"You wanna come closer?" Josh asked and Tyler nodded. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and pulled him closer.

"Woah slow down!" Tyler giggled as he intertwined his fingers with Josh's again and pressed their noses against each other.

"D'you wanna sleep here?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded. "We gotta change first though", he said.

They undressed and decided to only sleep in their boxers since it was hot as fuck outside. Tyler curled up to Josh, who pulled him a little closer with his left arm and held Tyler's hand with his right hand.

"If I wake up sober tomorrow like this, I might faint", Josh said as he pressed a kiss atop of Tyler's head.

Tyler giggled as he cuddled up more to Josh.

"I'll take care of you. I'll make sure you'll be okay", Tyler smiled as he pressed a kiss on Josh's jaw.


Yay let me know what you think of this!

I didn't put too much thought in it 'cause I just really wanted to update for y'all today but I'm so so so excited to write one shot 5 'cause I have great ideas for that one!!

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