7: The Secretive hand holding

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July 16th, 2017.

7: The secretive hand holding - When you don't want anyone to know about your relationship (yet) so you hold hands under the table in the kitchen or under a blanket on the couch.


Tyler and Josh were both raised by conservative families in a small and very conservative village.

Very conservative.

They were all people of God, very religious and they went to church every Sunday.

Not to forget that a man is supposed to marry a woman. A man was supposed to love a woman, and never another man.

The Joseph family and the Dun family had always been close friends. Tyler and Josh grew up together.

They were best friends and that'd never ever change.

In high school, Tyler met Jenna. Jenna became Tyler's best girl friend - Josh would always be his number one.

When both Tyler's family and Jenna's family saw how close they were and how great their friendship was, they all expected Tyler and Jenna to marry.

So they did.

Jenna and Tyler married and Tyler was happy, but there was one person that was not so happy.


Josh was heartbroken and Tyler caught him crying, but Josh told him it was nothing, just some dark thoughts he'd been having. They hugged and Josh tried his hardest to be happy for his best friend.

Tyler quickly discovered that he didn't love Jenna, though. Sure he loved her, as his best friend, but he didn't love her like he should love his wife.

Josh then met a girl, Myrina. They became great friends and started dating, then they married.

Tyler cried. Only then he realized that he was really in love, but not with Jenna.

He was in love with Josh.

Josh caught him and Tyler told him he was crying because he was so happy for josh. A few days after the wedding, though, Josh caught him crying again and eventually Tyler confessed that he was in love with him.

Josh was in love with Tyler, too. He loved Myrina, as his friend, but not as his wife.

Now the Joseph family and the Dun family had set up a big dinner and Tyler and Jenna were there, just as Josh and Myrina.

"Let the boys sit next to each other so they can catch up", Jenna had told mrs. Joseph with a smile when she asked why they weren't taking their seats next to their wives. Tyler sent her a smile and wanted to thank her for giving him his moment with Josh, but of course he couldn't tell her.

Myrina had wholeheartedly agreed as she sat down next to Jenna and talked about lots of things. Tyler looked around the big table and saw that everyone was busy talking to someone else, and no one paid attention to them.

He grabbed Josh's hand while being very cautious and once his fingertips met Josh's skin, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach all over again. Josh intertwined their fingers and gave him a light squeeze. Tyler sent him a smile and Josh returned it, and they continued to talk about stuff they usually talked about, so no one would notice.

Josh was caressing Tyler's hand with his thumb the whole time though, and they gave each other's hands little squeezes every once in a while.

10 Ways to Hold Hands (Joshler one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now