Some stuff I want to address

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Hey guys! There's some stuff I've been wanting to address for a while lately, but I haven't yet. Sooooo I just wanted to do that here one time, 'cause I think it's kinda important.


1: The smash mouth x clique thing
Alright so part of the clique totally freaked out when Smash Mouth said that Tyler writes the songs and not Josh.

Everyone's like "Josh is just as important, don't attack him!!!"

1: they never said Josh wasn't important!! They also didn't say he was least important than Tyler!
2: they're not attacking him! They said lots of nice things about Josh!
3: Tyler writes their songs, he writes the lyrics and melody. That's true. That's a fact. Josh doesn't do that. He comes up with the drum, but he does not write the lyrics.
4: this tweet by Smash Mouth made me laugh it's great:

5: Like they said: RELAX! They're not attacking anyone they just said that Tyler writes the songs and not Josh and that's true! If you don't believe me, go grab your vinyls or CDs and check the booklets

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5: Like they said: RELAX! They're not attacking anyone they just said that Tyler writes the songs and not Josh and that's true! If you don't believe me, go grab your vinyls or CDs and check the booklets. It literally says right there that Tyler writes the songs and Josh does the drums.

2: The "twitter clique", "Facebook clique", "Instagram clique" thing
Okay. So. When are we finally gonna stop dividing the clique in groups? The clique is supposed to be a family. We're a fandom, we're all here for the same band! Why do we still divide the clique in smaller groups?

First it was the "new" and "old" clique, the original clique and the new ones. Now it's the twitter clique, the Facebook clique, the Instagram clique.

I really don't see the point? We're all the same clique, guys.

3: Clique members pretending to be Blurryface or starting rumors
yeah this needs to stop too. They just finished tour de Columbus and people are already spreading fake images of the website with cryptic messages and Morse codes. IT'S FAKE! It's all fake. Don't believe it, guys! Only believe it if it comes from someone we can trust; Tyler, Josh, the band account, or the Blurryface account.

4: "New album is coming in 4 days/weeks 'cause Tyler is showing 4 fingers"

4: "New album is coming in 4 days/weeks 'cause Tyler is showing 4 fingers"

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I'm sorry guys but those 4 fingers don't mean anything. We're not getting a new album in 4 days or weeks. Give them a break, let them enjoy time at home, give them time to write music. There's people saying that the album is coming out in November but neither Tyler or Josh or anyone close to them said that & Tyler even said there might not be new music 'til 2018. So calm down, give them time. They're working on stuff and it's gonna be EPIC. The new music will 100% be worth it!

5: "Tyler and Josh should make their merch cheaper"
I agree that their TDC merch is expensive, yes, but Tyler and Josh don't come up with those prices! They don't choose how much a shirt or hoodie or jacket costs.

6: Those girls sneaking into a private wedding to meat Josh.
No offense but what the HELL are you doing??
RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY! Don't ruin someone's day or wedding by showing up unannounced, not even knowing whose wedding it is or anything, and only going there to take a pic with Josh!! They're not gonna let us in on anything of their private life ever again if y'all keep disrespecting their privacy. Don't do that, please, I'm begging you. Don't do that. You're gonna ruin it for everyone if you think it's a good idea to do that. It's not a good idea. They're not happy with the fact that that happened either, 'cause they addressed it. They know those girls weren't invited and sneaked in.

Be yourself and I'll love you. Love your own sexuality, gender, etc. Respect others, love them for who they are. You guys are important.

8: Respect
An idea:
Instead of thinking "I don't respect anyone until they earned it", try "I respect everyone until they show me they're not worth my respect."  It helps a lot.


Okay guys I think that was it for now! I love you guys & let me know your opinion on certain stuff I addressed 💙

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