6: The Helping hand holding

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July 15th, 2017.

6: The helping hand holding - When someone can't walk easily or walk up/down something without support and you offer your hand.

FYI: I have a friend which I've literally known since I was born (because our dads have been best friends since they were in elementary school) and they can't walk very well so I help them when they need it so I know what I'm talking about!


"Are you sure this is a date?" Josh asked Tyler as he bit his lip. Tyler nodded with a smile. "Of course, I asked you to go on a date with me, so it really is a date", he said, causing Josh to blush.

They continued walking down the pavement and Josh frowned when someone passed them.

He hated that almost everyone was faster than him when it came to walking, 'cause he had trouble doing so.

His legs didn't really... cooperate. He could walk, yeah, and he could run a bit even - but running for him was a normal speed walk for others. He couldn't properly lift his legs, he couldn't properly bend his knees either. He'd never been able to sit criss cross like others, he'd never been able to run up stairs or pull on his shoes without having to pull his leg up with his hands. He also had to wear special insoles for support, and he couldn't walk too long 'cause he'd get exhausted.

He hated it.

And he definitely wasn't the only one 'cause he'd been bullied his whole life. But Tyler befriended him a year ago in college, when Josh was 19, and now he'd asked him on a date.

A date.

Josh had never been asked on a date and he only had a few friends. Apparently people still cared about stuff you can't do anything about and you definitely didn't choose for.

So he hated it when someone passed them 'cause that meant that Josh was walking too slow. Walking overall could be exhausting for Josh, and definitely when he started to walk faster, like now.

Tyler, though, didn't care about it. He just walked besides Josh on Josh's tempo, and he didn't care how slow it was, or how many people passed them. He liked Josh, a lot - definitely as his best friend, but even more than that. He only cared about Josh's happiness. That was important. He didn't care about how fast Josh walked.

"Why are you walking so fast all of a sudden?" Tyler asked. Josh glanced at him. "I'm not fast", he lightly rolled his eyes.

"Why are you walking faster all of a sudden?" Tyler said.

Josh kept silent.

"Because that man passed us", Tyler stated. Josh looked at him and then looked down.

"Joshie, you don't have to", Tyler said as he reached out for Josh's hand and slowed them down to the more comfortable tempo for Josh, and then let go of his hand again. "We have plenty of time and your legs are only gonna get tired quicker", he said.

"Yeah but-" Josh started.

"No buts Joshie, we don't care about those strangers, do we? Only about us", Tyler said. Josh softly smiled.

"...yeah. Yeah okay", he blushed.

They kept walking on the comfy tempo for Josh. "Will you tell me where we're going now?" Josh asked. Tyler smiled. "Nope, it's a surprise", he said. Josh sighed. "Once we get there, will you tell me?" Josh asked.

"Once we get to the door", Tyler smiled.

They then reached their destination and Josh looked up at the building.

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