147. The drive thru whoopin house

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Come one, Come all:
We are gonna have a ball!

Here at the Drive-Thru Whoopin House
Where parents can learn first hand, how
To whoop their child that gets outta line:
Who disobeys, and thinks it's just fine.

Might even see a parent or two
Gettin' whoopins coz they needed to.
YeeHaw! and Yippee! It's gonna be FUN
At 'Drive-Thru Whoopin' House,' they can't run.
If your parenting skills have a few glitches,
We'll turn you on to some peach tree switches:

Coz, take it from me, I have good experience:
I can hold 'em down, so they'll be no interference.
They'll feel loved when they leave, coz we didn't abuse 'em;
But I got switches, and I know how to use 'em! 

Free drinks for all the on-lookers, okay?
So C'mon, we're cuttin' the ribbon today!

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