Chapter 3

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Lightening crashed across the sky

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Lightening crashed across the sky. A symbol of Voldermort's anger. He knows.

Albus Dumbledore watched the weather from his office at Hogwarts, wishing he could go back in time and stop himself from bring Tom Riddle to Hogwarts. To stop Tom Riddle from becoming Voldermort. If he didn't ignore all the signs...

The rain pored down relentlessly as Albus apperated to an alley next to Wool's orphanage. He quickly pulled out his umbrella and walked to the front door, watching as several muggles walked past. He knocked on the door and a woman with brown hair opened it.

"Good afternoon my name is Albus Dumbledore, I am here to inquire about a boy in your care. His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle." At the boys name the woman paled. "Y-yes of course come in." The woman stepped aside allowing Albus to walk in.

The woman took his cloak and umbrella while muttering softly under her breath. She ushered him to her office and took a seat behind her desk as Albus sat on the chair opposite her. "Why are you interested in Tom?" The woman asks and Albus smiled.

"I'm a professor at a school that specializes in students such as Tom. I believe that under the right teachers he could be an exceptional man." The woman regards him for a moment before asking "Where is this school and do you have any evidence to prove this?"

Albus nods while bringing out several papers from waistcoat pocket. "The school is near Scotland and I believe these papers shall surfice." The woman reads over them and nods "Everything is in order now Mr Dumbledore are in interested in meeting Tom?"

Albus nods and the woman stands up. She walks out the room and Albus follows her as she leads him upstairs. "I should warn you there have been some... Nasty incidences with the other children." She tells him.

"What like?" The woman shudders "Awful ones." She stops by a door and opens it softly. "Tom you have a visitor." The boy looks at the door before turning back around. "Go away."

The woman opens her mouth to reprimand the boy but Albus waves her off. The woman looks at the boy one last time before walking back to her office leaving Albus behind in the boys room. Albus closes the door quietly and casts a silencing charm on the room.

"Your the doctor aren't you?" The boy asks, Albus smiles "No." "They say I'm mad because I can do you things." The boy tells him and Albus nods. "Tom I'm not a doctor, I'm a professor at a school... A school for magic." The boy raises an eyebrow "Prove it." He challenges.

Albus sets the wardrobe behind him on fire as a rattling noise comes from inside. The boy gasps slightly before regaining his composure. "There's something in your wardrobe Tom." The boy walks over to the wardrobe and hesitates to open it. Albus inclines his head reassuringly and Tom opens it to find the tin box that had items he had stolen form other children.

"Thievery is not tollerated at Hogwarts." He tells the boy who nods "Term will start Spetember the first but I will collect you the day before to get your school supplies." The boy nods again. As Albus goes to leave Tom Riddle asks a question then sends shivers down his down his spine."I can speak to snakes is that... Normal for someone like me?"


A scream pierced the quiet night. Albus left his office heading towards the direction of the scream. As he approached the third floor he coukd hear horrified sobs coming from the girls bathroom.

Albus reached the door the same time Professor Dippet did. Together they pulled out their wands and entered the girls bathroom to be met by a girl on the floor sobbing. The girl was a fifth year Ravenclaw called Olive Hornby, she was sobbing uncontrollably.

Professor Dippet went to the girls side as Albus studied the bathroom. He was about to help console the girl when a he saw a pale hand peaking out behind the end cubical. He approached the hand and soon found the pale, lifeless form of Myrtle Warren.

Her eyes were still open and they were wide with horror, her mouth open as if she was silently screaming. Her body was cold, she had been dead for sometime and it faced towards the sinks. "Albus I need.... Oh my!" Professor Dippet stared at Myrtles body.

They had been other attacks on students leaving them petrified but Myrtle was certainly not petrified.

Albus watched as Myrtles body was carried away and noticed Tom Riddle standing on the stairs, his face emotionless. "You shouldn't be out after hours Tom its not safe." Tom looked at Albus his eyes cold and impassive. "What will happen a
Sir? To the school?"

Albus sighed "If the person responsible isn't caught the school will be closed. We can't teach when there's someone or something attacking students." Tom's face flickered with an emotion but it was too fast for Albus to place it. "If... if the person responsible could be caught would Hogwarts stay open?"

Albus looked at Tom trying to decipher an emotion from him. "Do you know something Tom?" He asked and Tom shook his head. "No sir." He answered and Albus felt that the boy was lying "Very well then Tom."

Tom Riddle inclined his head and walked off in the direction of the Slytherin dungeons. Albus went back to his office feeling disturbed. The next morning Albus found out Tom had found Hagrid with an acromantula that Hagrid had been expelled, and Tom was awarded for service to the school that Albus knew Tom Riddle was not who he seemed.

Albus sat in his new office. Since Dippet had left Albus was now the headmaster of Hogwarts. A knock on his door pulled Albus out of his thoughts. "Come in."

To say Albus was shocked when Tom Riddle walked in was an understatement but Albus made sure to keep his face impassive. Tom Riddle was always attractive at Hogwarts but now he was heartbreakingly so. His hair was brushed over to the side in soft curls, his skin was a soft shade of ivory. His shoulders had broadened and his suit was impeccable. Albus eyes darted to his left hand and to his surprise he was wearing a wedding band.

Tom noticed were Albus's eyes went and he lifted up his hand and smiled slightly. He practiced dark magic and even managed to create two horcruxes but he did love his wife very much.

"Who is the lucky lady Tom?" Albus asked and Tom smiled "Rosalie Ollivander we married almost three months ago now." He answered. Albus nodded, "Any children yet?"

"No not yet, but eventually." Tom mused and Albus nodded. "Why are you here Tom?" Tom Looked Albus in the eye "I have come to inquire about taking the position of defense against the dark arts professor." Albus would have said yes as Tom seemed to have redeemed himself. But Albus stared into his black eyes and said very calmly "No."


Albus was pulled out his thought's by the arrival of Minerva McGonagall. "He knows doesn't he." She stated and Albus sighed "He will come for her." She continued.

"Peace now Minerva he can't touch her at Hogwarts and she doesn't trust him." He assured but Minerva frowned. "You don't know do you?" She inquired watching as Albus stared at her, confusion dancing in his blue eyes.

"She displayed signs of dark magic in front of Bellatrix Lestrange and told Molly that she will find out what was being kept from her." Albus already knew about the first but he recoiled when Minerva told him the second part. It was worse than he thought, it was crucial Hermione did not find out her true heritage. If she did she would win the war for Voldermort, after all she knew everything about Harry Potter and the order. Voldermort would win overnight if Hermione remembered who she truly was.

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