Chapter 22

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"You want to hurt her make her suffer

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"You want to hurt her make her suffer."

The voice hissed in Hermiones head as she locked eyes onto Pansy the next morning. She glared as Neville sat next to her across from Draco and Blaise as if nothing was wrong.

"He has betrayed you! MAKE THEM SUFFER!"

The voice demanded and Hermione could feel the darkness swirl across her mind. Neville looked over at her and waved her to sit but she glared at him her eyes flashing red before she walked out, her magic lashing out as she grew even more angry. The sound of shattered glass and screams of shock accompanied her exit. Hermione walked out the doors and made her way down to the black lake, her magic slowly reigning back in. Until Pansy set her off.

"What the hell Granger!" Pansy was red in the face as Draco, Blaise and Neville stood behind her. Hermione stared at Pansy as she continued her rant "What gives you the right to not only hurt Draco but Neville too?? And smashing the windows!! That's something a child would do!" Hermione narrowed her eyes as her magic reared it's head and the darkness engulfed her mind. She couldn't control her emotions so she released them.

"You want to talk about being childish?? Ah poor Draco got hurt so I'll strangle Hermione and be a stupid pug faced bitch!" Hermione hissed and Pansy paled when her eyes turned red. "I'll show you childish!" Her magic sensing her intention seemed to grow excited as the darkness pushed itself further into her mind.  Hermione pointed her finger at Pansy before hissing "Crucio." Her magic obeyed and she watched in sick fascination as Pansy crumbled to the ground screaming. Neville tried to rush forward but was soon frozen in place by Hermiones magic. Pansy screamed as her eyes rolled into her head, some of her veins also burst as she twitched uncontrollably.

Foam frothed at her mouth along with bile as Hermione smirked. After several minutes she lifted the curse and watched as Pansy threw up her breakfast that was speckled with her blood. Her veins were still visible as her body shook from the aftershock of the curse. Tears streamed down Pansy's face as she looked at Hermione. "The next time you lay a hand on me I'll keep you under the curse for an hour and not five minutes." Hermione spat on Pansy's face before walking off leaving her in own vomit. She unfroze Neville when she reached the school entrance and calmly walked into the hall, sat down next to Luna and ate her breakfast as if nothing had happened.


Pansy couldn't move, she could barely breathe after Hermiones brutal torture. Draco was stood still trying to process what had happened, Pansy had strangled Hermione and then Hermione tortured Pansy. For a second when he looked into her eyes he saw Cynthia's pain filled eyes staring at him before they disappeared. Blaise was stood still like Draco but soon snapped out of it to see Neville knelt next to Pansy trying to calm her down.

"Pansy shh you'll be OK." Neville whispered but Draco coming out of his shook scoffed. Neville turned and glared at the blonde boy as Pansy tried to sit up. "You idiot Pansy." Draco shook his head. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT HOW DARE YOU HURT HER WHEN I TOLD YOU NOT TO!! NOT ONLY HAVE YOU MADE CYNTHIA HATE US MORE BUT THE DARK LORD IS PISSED OFF AS WELL." Draco screamed at Pasny causing her to go even more pale.

"Oh Merlin." She whispered and Blaise sighed "Fucking hell Pans I don't think even Merlin would be able to help you." Neville held Pansys hand as he glared at both of them "What does that have to do with Hermione torturing Pansy?" He demanded and Draco sighed he hated explaining the whole Cynthia situation it brought it to many painful memories.

"OK so you know that Tom and Rosalie Riddle have a daughter who was stolen from them?" Neville nodded as Blade continued "Well we were best friends with Cynthia especially Draco but what everyone doesn't know as that we know who Cynthia is." Realisation filled Neville's eyes as he shook his head "No... No way I refuse to believe that Hermione is Cynthia! Come on shes Hermione until today she has probably never used a dark spell before hell never even thought of using one!! She... She can't be she's to good and light!"

Draco smiled sadly "She is and I told her yesterday hoping it might bring back Cynthia but she kicked off and basically broke my heart. Pasny was so mad I guess she went after her, that evening I got called into a meeting with Tom and Rosalie. Tom was pissed off that Cynthia was hurt so Pansy must go to next meeting where he will not go lightly on her. So that on top of what she has just suffered will be terrible for her." Draco told Neville who paled.

"No Pansy will not go... I will... I'll take her punishment." Neville sounded unsure however his eyes shone with determination. "Neville.... No." Pasny croaked. Neville looked at Pansy and smiled "Its OK I'll do it." He assured her "I can take it you can't not after today and I imagine the dark lord isn't going to wait a week which is how long it takes for most of the side effects to disappear."

Blaise and Draco stared at Neville on shook as Pasny protested "Neville you can't take my punishment its not right! Besides I was being stupid thinking I could hurt Cynthia and get away with it." Pansy explained as her body began to shake with tremors. "See your shaking now! No I'll do it I know I can take it! I'd take a thousand punishments if it ment you wouldn't have to endure one."

Neville declared looking into Pansy's eyes. "Why? Why would you do that Neville?" Pansy looked away down at her lap waiting to be told it was a friend thing. Neville grabed her chin and looked into her eyes "Because I am madly in love with you Pansy Parkinson."


I'm so sorry for not updating in awhile. I'm currently in the process of getting ready to move to University and I've been to a festival in Budapest called Sziget for a week and I haven't had internet while being there.

Updates will be slow but I will write what I can for you guys! You are incredible and your support means so much!

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