Chapter 18

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Hermione was pulled from her thoughts

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Hermione was pulled from her thoughts... No wait visions... Memories maybe, by Harry. Hermione realised she was gripping her necklace and she could feel the familiar and comforting pulsing of the jewel.

"Hey Harry." Hermione greeted as Harry grinned at her. "Morning Mione." Harry grabbed some toast as Draco walked over. "Ready for today Potter?" Draco smirked. "Ready to lose Malfoy?" Harry shot back.

It was the first Quidditch match of the season Slytherin VS Gryffindor, and both Harry and Draco were the teams seekers. "You guys be careful, I don't want any of you to get hurt." Hermione frowned, she hated Quidditch seeing how violent the game was, it just seemed pointless.

"Mione Harry has this in the bag." Neville assured her as he sat down next to Harry with Pansy beside him. "Yeah right Draco will beat him you watch." Pansy smiled at Draco who winked jokingly. "Oh yeah I'll win it for you Pansy." He joked.

"How sweet Draco." Blaise sat down next to Draco and grabbed a glass of pumpkin juice "Never pegged you as a romantic." He continued. Draco laughed "Oh the most romantic." He replied sarcastically.

"Hi Harry." Harry turned to see Luna standing by the empty seat next to him. Harry was momentarily stunned at Lunas appearance, her hair was now in more tamed curls. Her skin was a soft shade of ivory, her cheeks were more defined and her lips were now a soft red colour. But the most stunning was Luna's eyes. They were a ice blue and they stood out against her hair, she was simply beautiful.

"H-hi Luna." Harry stuttered as Luna smiled softly "Can I sit?" She gestured to the seat and Harry nodded "Of course." Luna sat down and grabbed some pancakes. "Can you pass the pumpkin juice please?" Harry quickly grabbed the juice and poured it for Luna without even thinking. A soft blush tinted Luna's cheeks as she smiled.

Luna had liked Harry since she first meet him but she could see Harry liked Hermione... Maybe even loved her. But the way his emerald eyes looked at her then filled her with hope, he looked at her like she was the most beautiful person he had even seen. It made her heart skip a beat.

The others watched with smirks it was clear Harry was stunned and it was obvious Luna liked him. "You ready for the game?" Luna asked and Harry smiled "Of course are you going to be watching?" Harry felt his heart skip a beat as Luna smiled "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry would later look back at this moment and realise this was when he began to fall for Luna Lovegood.


"Alright team today's the first match so lets go out there and kick some Slytherin ass!" The team cheered after Harry finished his little prep talk. They where ready and he couldn't wait to show off their new tactics.

They left the changing rooms and walked onto the pitch, Draco was approaching them with the Slytherin team behind him. Madame Hooch put down the chest containing the quaffle, bludgers and snitch. "Captains shake hands."

Harry grabbed Dracos hand "No hard feelings when we win?" He taunted "Don't worry I'm sure you won't." Draco grinned as Harry laughed. "Mount your brooms." Harry got into position, the handle of his Firebolt tilted upwards ready to take off.

Madame Hooch opened the chest, the bludgers flee into the air along with the snitch. Harry watched as the snitched zoomed away and soon lost sight of it. Madame Hooch grabbed the quaffle looking at the teams "Now I want a nice clean game! No cheating!" She threw the quaffle into the air while blowing her whistle. The game had started.

Ginny instantly darted forward and grabbed the quaffle as Harry zoomed into the sky until he was high enough to avoid bludgers but he could still clearly see everything. Across the pitch Draco had done the same thing, his Nimbus 2001 was almost as fast as Harrys Firebolt but no where near as nimble. Firebolts could make tighter turns and were easier to pull out of dives than the Nimbus 2001 giving Harry a huge advantage.

Harry watched as Ginny passes the quaffle to Katie who promptly scored "AND BELL SCORE THATS 10-0 TO GRYFFINDOR!" The familiar voice of Lee Jordan could be heard as he did the commentary. Harry grinned as Angelina dodged a bludger and scored.

Draco was scowling as his keeper let the second goal in. "Bloody idiot." He muttered as Crabe flew to him "Who do we take out first?" Draco watched as Ginny grabbed the quaffle again. "Take out the female weasle then take out the other weasle." Draco ordered and Crabe nodded.

He flew over to Goyle and told him the plan, Goyle nodded to Draco before flying off. Draco watched as Goyle smacked a bludger straight into Ginny's stomach. Ginny flew off her broom and landed on her right side on the floor, the quaffle was grabbed by Theodore Nott who promptly scored.

Goyle and Crabe high fived as Madam Pomfrey ran onto the field to tend to the fallen chaser. Crabe then aimed a bludger at the other Weasley only for Finnegan to beat it back towards him.

Harry watched as Ginny fell and he the only feeling he felt was annoyance that he had lost a chaser. "Damn it." Harry muttered as he looked at the score 40-20 to Slytherin. Harry began to circle around the pitch in an attempt to spot the snitch.

He soon saw it flitting in the middle of the pitch near where Ginny had fallen. Harry dived straight towards the snitch "HARRY POTTER HAS SEEN THE SNITCH!" Lee Jordan's voice boomed as the Gryffindor stand began shouting words of encouragement.

Draco was also shooting towards the snitch, time seemed to slow as Harry reached out towards the snitch. His fingers closed around the golden ball just as Draco's did. They stopped in mid air both of them holding the snitch. "ERM WHO CAUGHT THE SNITCH?!"

Harry and Draco looked at each other as Madame Hooch flew over to them. Both teams had gathered around "Lets see then boys." Madame Hooch examined their hands before deciding that because Harry was holding more of the snitch he had caught it first.

"Gryffindor wins!" She proclaimed as the Gryffindor stand erupted into huge cheers. "Good game Draco." Draco smiled "Yeah good game Harry."

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