1: Fallen

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All he could see was them falling. Falling as their white wings were ripped from their backs and they were taken by the black oblivion that was Hell. As the doors to Hell closed, he felt the heavens shake. Without them, the heavens would fall. But one thing was keeping them from collapsing immediately.

He turned over to see her, her white wings fluttering gently as she placed her hand on a pedestal, murmuring a few words of the ancient language. The heavens stabilized as soon as the last words escaped her lips. She turned to him, smiling grimly as she pulled her hand away.


Aurora flew over to him, resting a hand on his chest as he held her waist, looking down at the Earth worriedly.

"Seokjin, I can only support the heavens for so long with my power. You have to figure out how to get them back from Taehyung."

Seokjin held her close as he stared down. Even though he had lost his five virtues, at least he still had his little sister, the newly appointed angel of chastity. Aurora was the most precious thing in his life; she was the only family he had left, after their parents were murdered.

"Aurora, you know I cherish you, right?"

She nodded. Seokjin hugged her tighter.

"If I lost you, it would be like taking my weakness."


"If I lost you, it would be like taking my weakness."

Taehyung grinned at hearing those words. Now he knew exactly how to hurt Seokjin until he begged on his knees. The angels disappeared along with a mirror as a demon entered.

"Your Highness." The demon said, bowing formally before his king.

"What is it Jungkook?" He asked lazily. Jungkook presented a scroll to the king, before he used his powers to levitate it up to his throne.

"Here is the scroll you requested on Aurora, angel of chastity."

Taehyung unrolled it and looked at the portrait inside. It was of a pretty looking angel with wavy chocolate brown hair surrounding her heart shaped face, innocent dark brown eyes, and pink rose petal shaped lips. She was smiling in the portrait, pushing dimples in her cheeks. She was the epitome of purity, even without her fluffy white wings, she was still an angel.

There was some information about her at the bottom of the portrait; she was the sister of Seokjin, the angel of temperance, she was 19,000 years old, and she had been appointed as the angel of chastity right after his coupe had been discovered. He smiled cruelly at the fact that she was the angel of chastity now; the ways he could tempt her.

"Prepare an attack towards the heavens. I want to see those columns fall and that wretched angel Seokjin begging for his life in front of me." Taehyung said, dismissing the demon. Jungkook nodded before he left. He summoned a glass of dark wine, but he didn't drink it. Turning the glass in his hand, he saw all five of Seokjin's virtues he had corrupted: Namjoon, the former angel of patience, was now the demon of wrath; Yoongi, the former angel of diligence, was now the demon of sloth; Hoseok, the former angel of charity, was now the demon of greed; Jimin, the former angel of kindness, was now the demon of envy; Jungkook, the former angel of humility, was now the demon of pride.

And Taehyung? He controlled them all; as the Devil himself and king of Hell, controlled every demon that resided in his dark realm. But how to use Aurora against Seokjin... how could he use his enemy's greatest weakness against him? He thought about that pure, innocent face again as he rotated the wine glass in his hand.

"Of course..." He said, grinning as he realized what he had so foolishly looked over. He took a sip of the dark wine, red as the blood of all his victims. The only way he could hurt Seokjin the most, was to turn his only family against him. He would seduce Aurora to fall in love with him and tempt her to his side.

Taehyung's eyes flashed blue as he summoned for a mirror, the surface of it rippling before revealing the sweet looking Aurora. He smirked at the thought of hearing her cry for mercy. His tongue licked the remaining wine off his lips as he watched Aurora pick flowers.


Aurora hummed quietly to herself as she picked another white lily from the field, placing it gently in her basket before bending over to pick another. White lilies were Seokjin's favorite flowers, and after today, she knew she was going to have to try to cheer him up in any way possible. Once she had filled her basket, she headed back to their home, a white four story mansion with beautiful gardens filled with flowers of every kind. Aurora opened the door and called, "Seokjin, I'm home."

Instead of Seokjin, she was greeted with silence. She sighed as she flew up to his room; he was probably in one of his brooding moods again. She knocked politely on his door before hearing a monotonous reply from her brother.

"Come in."

Aurora entered, seeing her brother stare blankly at the sky. She put down her basket and went to change the water of the vase on his vanity and switched out the wilting hyacinths for the lilies she had picked today. Seokjin turned around to see Aurora changing out the water and flowers in his room, replacing the flowers with white lilies. He smiled softly at the flowers.

"You know I could have done that later. I don't want you to take care of me all the time. I'm still your oppa."

Aurora looked up and smiled back.

"It's the least I can do to ease your nerves." She said cheerfully. Seokjin gently enveloped her in a hug, thanking the younger angel quietly. He heard her sigh softly as she said, "I'm sorry I can't do more."

Jin shook his head as he hugged her tighter.

"You don't need to do more; having you around to still cheer me up is enough." He said as he hugged her smaller frame. He suddenly heard the doorbell ring. He pulled away and excused himself. Aurora followed him down the stairs, standing at his side as he opened the door.

Jin opened the door, to revealed a distressed angel.

"Lieutenant Xiumin? What is it?" Jin asked with a raised brow. Xiumin pointed out to the edge of the heavens.

"Seokjin you have to hurry: the demons are attacking." He said desperately. At those words, the siblings flew off to the edge of the heavens. Indeed there was a battle ensuing, but that wasn't the horrifying part. It was the fact the battle was being led by Seokjin's former friends, now the demons of the deadly sins.

Seokjin gulped. Could he really do this? Just when he was considering second options, he felt Aurora's hand on his arm. He turned to his little sister, who nodded solemnly.

"I'll head to the pillars and stabilize the situation. You just focus on pushing them back."

With that Aurora flew off to the highest point of the heavens, where a small pavilion of pillars sat. That pavilion held the seven pillars supported all of the heavens. Seokjin sighed as he unsheathed the sword on his belt. If he could protect Aurora, that was all that mattered.

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