I got tagged

738 12 5

Important thing I need to say. Will anyone be mad if I post multiple smuts because I know some people don't like reading it as much as others. So PLEASE if you don't like smut PLEASE tell me so I can figure out a smut to fluff ratio

CaiyaContortiana2315 thx for tagging me

Do I have a crush?

What's your middle name?

What's your height?

Eye color?
Brown / Hazel

Last time i cried?
A few hours ago, I got no sleep and just got food after going to the gym and my sister clogged a toilet and then started to eat that food so I'm doing 2 things at once after a long time with no sleep and then I just have a break down

Biggest fear?
The velvet texture

Last song I listened to
4 O'clock by Rap-monster and V from BTS
(Stop right now and listen to that song you wont regret it I swear)

Last person I texted
Mah friend jasmine

Favorite app

I'm sorry but I'm not gunna tag others because eh and I don't have 20 people but I'll tag

Also another chapter is coming soon if I have my phone then idk if I will but I'm trying to write

Yuri on ice smut and fluffWhere stories live. Discover now