Ill be home in 20! (Yuri X victor)

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(I wrote some of this on a computer so sorry if the paragraph spacing looks messy BTW the title is what yuri said before he left)
(Yuris pov)

Victor had asked me to go out and get groceries while he cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes.

(Time skip)

"That will be ¥3838.46 sir" (34.50 USD according to google)
I pulled out the money and put it in the small blue tray as the lady counted it and put it in the register
"Have a good day!"
I nodded and took my stuff to leave

(Time skip)
I walked down the rode and went around a corner. The path I always take because it's faster.

"Katsuki yuri!"
I heard un fimilur voice call my name while a hand grabbed my shoulder intensely strong and pulled my other arm behind me
"A-am i being arrested?" I said as my voice filled with fear.
Someone pulled the bags out of my hand and threw them to the ground then pulled me to the closest wall and slammed my head against it

I felt his fist smash into my gut as I fell to the ground. I started coughing and my mouth tasted like metal

Tears slid down my cheek as I got slapped
"He-lp" I called out getting kicked again spitting up blood

They held my chin and I opened my eyes seeing someone waring a mask, hat and sunglasses

"You wanna try calling out for someone again," he pulled a knife out of his back pocket and flipped it open "ill cut your god damn vocal cords right out."

He pressed the knife against my neck and I felt blood run down to my collarbone

"Sharp isn't it?"

He pulled it away and kicked my head

I was shaking intensely and felt like I was going to pass out until they pushed me to my side and started kicking me until everything went black

(Time skip)
(Victors pov)

"It's been 3 hours" I mumbled to myself "he said he would be back in 20 minutes"

i started calling his phone and spamming him with text messages. i got no response

"Chris?" i yelled panicking into my phone, "yuri has been out for three hours when he said he would be back in only half an hour what do you think he is doing is he safe I-"

Chris cut me off with soft shushing in trough the phone making me quiet

"slow down. Now, where is Yuri?" he asked


"then go look for him. be careful, call someone like the police."

"Ok then, bye!" i put my phone right into my pocket and trew on my jacket then flew out the door running to the store Yuri went to and passing around every cronner praying that he was just mad about the price of a vegetable or something.

"sir" i soft voice called "were about to close, do you need help with anything


she staired at me and looked like she diddent know what to do

"ok sir ill call to police and we can look at the cameras. what does he look like"

i gave the girl a dyscription of yuri and the cameras showd him walking out

"thats all we have recorded sir"

"ok, thank you for helping."

a polieace man told me to go home and if they find yuri they will call me

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