Happy Birthday Yurio (FT. Otabek)

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(victors pov)

"he just fell asleep... get the tiger onesie." I whispered to Yuri as he quickly ran out of the room returning with the onesie and we carefully put it on trying not to wake him.

when we got it on Yuri and I went to the other room to set up and get out cake for when he woak up we even got Otabek to come over

(time skip)

"Otabek can you go wake him up its already 1PM and weve been up since 6" yuri wined. Otabek nodded and went into yurios room

(Yurios PoV)

I felt someone hand playing with my hair and a faint voice "come on time to get up its already noon."

I realized who it was and tried to pretend I was asleep so he would keep rubbing my head

"oh I see " he whispered he stopped rubbing my head and put his thumb on my lip "What's with this smirk..." he moved his hand up to my cheek "and blush?"

he put his nose up to mine "do you like when I rub your head kitten?" I could fell my face heat up by the second until he moved away and I took a breath of relief "so you are awake"

he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from the bed and into his arms "its time to get up."

he carried me bridal style into the other room "I got the kitten" he yelled and I heard victor and yuri both yell "happy birthday."

"come on at least open your eyes!" victor laughed. I blinked open my eyes and looked up at Otabek. I had pretty much forgotten that he was holding me and I flinched and almost fell. i heard the katsudon fuck laugh and i hid my face in Otabek's shirt after flipping him off

"HEY DONT FALL BACK ALSEEP!" victor yelled. he put me down and I walked towards the bathroom to go brush my teeth until i got a glimpse of myself in the mirror

(Yuri's pov)

yurio walked out of the bathroom with a half angry half embarrass look on his face "WHAT. THE. FUCK." (tiger onesie)

the three of us started laughing and yurio went and sat on the couch

a little later victor asked if we wanted anything to eat and ordered delivery. "yurio! when the food gets here and we finish eating you can open the things we got you and eat cake!" i said excitedly

victor jumped on to the couch and started cuddling me and soon Otabek sat next to yurio.

(Yurios pov)

Otabek put his arm around me and pulled me to his chest "don't fall asleep" he put on the tv and he started rubbing my back making me sleepy

(time skip)

(pizza guy door bell noise)

(otabeks POV)

victor asked if i could go get the food and i stood up to go to the door but yurio grabbed on to my shirt before i could leave "n-no your warm" yurio sleepily said "come on just go with me" i suggested while bending over inviting him to jump on to my back

i got to the door and yurio had is legs wrapped around my torso and his arms lightly around my neck

i grabbed the food and victor already pre paid for the meal so i thanked him and went back to the couch letting yurio down and putting the food on the coffee table

after eating, yuri went to go get the cake and presents

(3rd pov)

yuri lit the candles they sang happy birthday and yurio made a wish and blew them out then they cut the cake

(yurios pov)

yuri handed us slices of cake then cut one big one for him and victor to share. I turned and looked at Otabek and he whipped frosting on my nose and smirked then kissed my noes and patted my head. i looked up at him and stole a kiss on the lips trying to be "power bottom like"

(time skip)

"yurio are you ready to open the presents!" victor asked while putting them on the couch. I nodded and grabbed the one that said "from victor" on the tag, but before I could open it Otabek grabbed me and lifted me on to his lap

I opened the gift and got a lap top cover with cats ice skating on it and I matching phone case "I'm naming this cat Jesus" I told victor and he started laughing his ass off "where did you even find these?" Yuri asked I had them custom made"

"OPEN MINE!" Yuri yelled and pointed to his wrapped in blue paper "oh my god I didn't even know they made these! like Otabek have you ever seen a life time free pass to any cat café like I'm about to cry" Otabek shook his head and smiled "were gunna have to go to a cat café"

"you can also bring a friend for free with that to!" Yuri said happily

I grabbed Otabek and leaned back into his chest and looked up at him "you didn't have to get me anything you know" I told him "open it anyway" he smiled

I opened the present and smiled while pulling out a huge blanket and other candy's and snacks "awe " Yuri fan Boyed with victor

Otabek lifted my chin with his finger making me look up at him "did you like it?" he asked.

I turned around and hugged him I love it!"

"happy birthday"

I started writing this once I got home from school and some how I'm finishing now at 9:50 so it probably makes like no since idk I just had to get this up before 12 and stuff because I already did the valentines one late and I refuse to get a birthday late

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