(late) valentines day (yuri X victor)

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(yuris Pov) (2/13/17)

I looked at the clock as victor slowly started to fall asleep for a nap... its the perfect time to run out and het him a little something

victor fell asleep and I quickly ran to the store deciding weather to get him a box of chocolates or just a bunch of small candy. when I got inside there was a whole section of hearts and chocolate I stumbled apon a chocolate bar with a dog printed on it that looked lake makachin I grabbed that and then a bag of bite sized chocolate bars that you would give out on Halloween and started going home

when I walked inside I saw victor still asleep so I quickly hid the candy and layer down next to him.

he rolled over and opend his eyes "what where you doing?" he asked "where you hideing another poster? I'm right here you know." he said holding my hands "n-no I wa-sent" I stuttered "a-any way its time for dinner."

we got up and got dinner then went to bed

(next day)

(victors pov)

"Victor time to get up! I have the whole day planned are you ready?" I looked up and yuri was hovering over me with a smile on his face and I quicly pulled him down into a kiss and it took him a moment to kiss back

He pulled me out of bed and we went to a restaurant and saw a movie and just had a fun time all day and

(Yuris pov)

We got back at around 5 and I pulled him right into my room and got out the chocolate

"This is what I was hiding yesterday!... as you can see it's not a poster " we both laughed And we started eating the candy

(Time skip )

I looked at victor and he clearly had something on his mind

"Everything ok?" I asked and he smirked "I got you a little present to yuri

he lifted me on the bed and started to take off my clothes with a smirk then rubbed my member making me hard. he pulled a ribbion out of his pocket and tied a bow around my member

"this is the only thing I need for valentines day yuri." I blushed and looked away he started to push me down and lick up my torso making me shiver

"will you be mine tonight ?' victor asked I blushed even harder and he kissed me "Y-yes " I stuttered. victor started playing with the ribbon then messed around with my tip

(victor pov)

I slid my hand up yuris torso and he gasped when I got to his nipples witch where rock hard. I played with one and sucked on the other "I-I c-a v--ict-r " yuri tried to form a sentence

I got off of him and helped him up then tied another bow on his head "you look so cute yuri." he blushed and looked down at my pants "do you want it" I said while taking his hand and rubbed the erection turning yuri on even more.

I pulled out the last ribbon and tied his hands above his head. I pulled out 2 chocolates and placed each on his nipples and started to suck on one making yuri moan. I slid my finger up and down yuris erection and he pleaded for more

"yuri, your leaking everywhere" I told him and all he could do is moan. I started to in tie the ribbion from his member and started to get things out of the night stand next to the bed

(yuris pov)

I looked up to see was victor was getting and he pulled out a small vibrator with a remote and started messing with my member "you know what this is?" victor asked while holding up a remote with the numbers 1-10 on it "n-no" I said softly

"then why don't we just put it on 10" he switched it to 10 and I jumped with the sudden amount of hard vibrations going trough my body. tears fell down my cheek as I yelled moans kicking my legs "v-vahh-vict-vict!" I yelled trying to beg for him to turn it down. he laughed and turned it down to 3.

"wow that really tuned you into a monster, such a cute face though." he laughed a bit then gave me a kiss and turned it off completely "I'm sorry,... did you not like it?' he whipped away my tears and kissed me again on my nose "we can stop now." he said then layed down down and pulled the covers up

"yuri,... I" tears started to fall down and he looked away from me. "Victor, whats wrong " I said "I'm sorry" he said making eye contact then looking away. "I'm sorry I did that to you... you looked like you where in pain and-" I cut him off with a kiss "your acting like you just cheated on me." I said then kissed him again "yuri bu-" "don't worry... just go to sleep." I shut my eyes but not without giving him a long kiss "happy valentines day "

(next day)

I woak up and victor was on his phone "hey you ok?'' I asked victor "yeah I just.. don't know what came over me last night. I was going so rough on you and I didn't even use my dick ... but the face you made after I turned it down,... you looked scared like I was going to hurt you and I keep seeing it and its going to haunt me for ever. I've never seen anyone make that face in my life" he started to cry again

I wipped away his tears and and kissed him "look at me victor." I pulled his face up "I'm ok I promise. no matter what you do ill always love you no matter how badly you hurt me I promise" I wrapped my pinky around his and let go of his face

he apologized for the last time and he held me to his chest and we bolth fell back asleep.

OOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FAMAMAMAMMAMAMMAMAMM So I'm late af to this sorry but like no joke I was in the middle of social studies and I just yelled to my friend "i forgot to do a valentines day thing!" and the teacher already hates us so she got triggerd and told us to shut up so we just decided to listen to vocoloid butt yeah ALSO I found out when I'm getting a phone so that's gunna be next month and ill write faster then sonic can run.

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