Chapter 1: Leave her alone

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*Y/n means your name, e/c means eye color, h/l means hair length, h/c means hair color, y/h/n means your horse name, and y/h/h/c means your horse hair color*

Y/n's pov
     I rode through the forest on y/h/n looking over my shoulder every few minutes. I felt like someone or something was out here watching me. But I've done this before and I don't know why I'm looking over my shoulder. I've never had any wolves attack me. I tried to look for the path to Villeneuve, but I just couldn't remember where it was. I had a bit of trouble with my life in Paris. I've been having recent memories from my past. Not only ones with Belle and Papa and Maman, but also some different ones. They were easy to know where I was but I couldn't see the faces they were all so blurry. It was just difficult to get pass them. Soon I looked at my surroundings once again to see if I was being followed. I just came from Paris, I've gotten this far, I can't turn back now. Their was this memory of my Maman, I always had it quite often. The memory with my maman's her face is pale white and there's another deep voice in their telling us we have to leave immediately. Then the memory ends there. Soon I hear some howls coming from the south and I realized that they found me and y/h/n which means both of us could possibly die.
       I rode onto this other path to get away from the wolves. Then I heard some growling behind me. I quickly turn my head and see about 5-7 wolves chasing after me and y/h/n. "Go, y/h/n go." I yell. We gallop through the woods but we don't get really far when suddenly y/h/n starts to slip on ice. One of the wolves jumps on y/h/n's y/h/h/c back and he/she tries to kick it off. I go tumbling to the ground and as I look up I see a lot of wolves surrounding me. I grab a long stick to whack the wolf, but he grabs it and tosses it to the side. I look around me and sigh. There were way too many wolves for me to fight off. I tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but nothing came to mind. I looked in front of me and the leader of the wolves starts growling at me and he leans on his hind legs. And jumps at me, I coward back in fright knowing that this is the end for me when suddenly a bigger creature jumps out of nowhere and slams the wolf away.

Adam's pov
    I paced back and forth in the West wing. Ever since I became a beast from the enchantress, I felt like this stupid curse will never be broken. The only person I knew who wouldn't be scared of me is y/n. She's helped me through everything. When my mother died, my father being cruel to me, and making sure that I'm still kind to all the servants in the castle including herself. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Every day I think she may come but what can I expect from that. She's forgotten all about me all because of this stupid curse. I've always watched y/n in the enchanted mirror. Every time I look at her she's smiling at people. Her e/c eyes brighten up when she comes on her favorite part in a book, her h/l, h/c hair cascading down her shoulders. (If you have short hair I'm sorry for adding that in) Soon I hear a knock on the door and look up. "Who is it?" I snarled. The door opens and reveals Lumiere at the door. "Master, your dinner is ready."
    Lumiere said gently. I nod my head in thanks and look back at the enchanted rose. "Thank you, Lumiere. I will be down in a minute." I said quietly. Lumiere shuts the door and walks back down to the kitchen. I grab the mirror and look into it. "Show me y/n." I ask. The mirror part fades away and soon I see y/n on her horse. And in some type of woods. I look at it closer and realized that was the woods near the castle. Y/n gets knocked off of her horse and I soon realize that she's getting attacked by wolves. I sit the mirror down and quickly walk out. I quickly walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen. "Lumiere!
    Get another plate of food ready, we are going to have a guest." I said and quickly walk out of the castle. I run on all fours paws to the place where I saw Y/n in the mirror. I listened for the sound of the wolves and I heard the howls coming from the north of the castle. I pick up my pace and I see y/n. She looks so scared for her life. She grabs a long stick and tries to hit the wolf but it grabs it and throw it over towards me. But it doesn't hit me. Soon I saw the fear in y/n's e/c eyes. I saw that one of the wolves was about to jump at her. I lunged right at the wolf and I heard y/n gasp. The wolf went flying into the tree roots. He growled at me. And the other wolves lunged at me. I threw the wolf away from me and all of the other wolves started attacking me making me fall to the ground. I snapped at the wolves and threw two of them off me.
     While I was taking care of the last wolf on me, I heard a scream of pain come from my right. I quickly look to see Y/n getting dragged by a wolf who had his teeth in her left leg. I lunged over at the wolf and got him to release her. I threw him away from her and stood in front of her. I heard the growls from the wolves. "Leave her alone!" I roared at them. They whined and ran off. I looked over at y/n and her e/c eyes were wide with fear. I walked over to her and kneeled down beside her. "Don't worry I'm here to help." I said kindly.

Y/n's pov
         How was I supposed to trust this beast? Well, I wouldn't say he's mean but he did save my life. I looked down at my leg and blood is running down my leg. I knew from the way it looked it was definitely broken. I felt really weak and a idiot for not bringing a gun or a knife. "Want me to carry you?" He asked. I look up at him and I see his beautiful blue eyes, they looked so familiar. But I didn't know where. I nod my head yes. "But first you have to get my first aid kit out of y/h/n." I said pointing over to y/h/n. He gets up and carefully walks over to y/h/n and grabs the first aid kit out of his/her saddle pack. He comes back over to me and opens the kit. He grabs the gauze out of the kit and wrapped the gauze around my leg to stop the blood. He then puts the gauze back in the kit and picks me up carefully.
   I look over at y/h/n and gesture with my hand. "Come." I said. He/She walks over to me and I grab his/her reins so he/she can follow us. I look up at the beast and smile. He reminds me of someone I know from my past, but I can't remember who. "What's your name? Because I don't want to just call you beast. That is just so weird." I said with a laugh. He smiles at me and looks down into my e/c eyes. "My name is Adam." He said. Hmm, Adam that is a very nice name. It reminds me of someone I know but I can't remember who.

Wow! That was a very intense battle. And the story is going just as planned. Sorry that I haven't been uploading my Bucky x reader stories. I'm having a hard time finding my inner writing. But do not worry I'm working on the stories. Slowly but surely. And if you haven't watched the Beauty and the Beast live action movie. Please go watch that first before reading this story because there will be some spoilers in this book. I hope you enjoy this book. It will be kinda like the movie but in some ways different. I will post the next chapter of this tomorrow. Love you guys and remember if your not smiling your doing it wrong. Bye guys!

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