A Enchanted Christmas special Chapter 8

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6 months later after the curse is broken, 3 days till Christmas, y/f/c/s means your favorite Christmas song, and y/h means your height

Y/n's pov
  I was reading in the library while Adam was attending to some important matters he had to fix that he did to the village. I was reading A Midsummer Night's Dream. It reminded me so much of Christmas time. The joyful singing of Christmas music, the beautiful decorations hung up on the Christmas tree, and spending and giving presents to friends and family. I closed up the book and thought of the last time I had a Christmas with Adam. If I remember correctly, we had a Christmas party with Adam when I was 14, that was before Adam's mother died. That was 8 years ago. I started to think what this year's Christmas would be like when I felt arms wrapped around my waist and soft lips press to my neck. I sigh as I felt his lips on my neck. Ever since I broke the curse Adam has been very touchy feely. I didn't mind it at all, because I knew what it was like not to have someone touch you lovingly for years. I turn around and look up in Adam's beautiful blue eyes with a playful smirk. "You know it's rude to tease a woman like that." I say to Adam with a playful smile on my lips. Adam smirks back at me and takes my hand and kisses each of my knuckles with the slightest touch of his lips making a shiver run down my spine. "I'm so sorry, my love.
     I just couldn't help it." Adam says with a chuckle and kisses my lips. I kiss back and feel a tingle go through my entire body. No matter how many times Adam kissed me, he seemed to always make my heart flutter, especially on my lips. His lips are so soft to the touch. I could kiss those lips all day if I could, but I was a human being and I needed a breath of air. I move my lips away from Adam's. I lean my head on Adam's chest and give him a hug. I thought of what Christmas would be like in the castle. "Adam?" I ask him curiously. Adam pulls away from our embrace and looks at my e/c eyes. "What is it, y/n? Is everything alright?" Adam ask me. I nod my head yes and I wonder how Adam will react to the question that I'm about him.
  "Can we have a Christmas together?" I ask him. I watched as he froze in place at my words. I was a bit worried on what Adam would say.

Adam's pov
  "Can we have a Christmas together?" Y/n ask me. I freeze in place at y/n's words. A Christmas? I haven't had a Christmas in 8 years since my mother died. I didn't know what to think, I mean having a Christmas would be really fun, but who would we spend it with. I look down at y/n's face and see her worried and sadness in her eyes. If I said no, then it would crush y/n's heart. I knew how much she loved Christmas time and spending time with family and friends. I wanted to make y/n happy so that's what I'm going to do. "Of course we can, my love." I say with a smile. Y/n looks at me in shock and surprise. "Wait? You mean it?!" Y/n ask me curiously.
    I nod my head yes and kiss her forehead. "Of course I do, y/n. Anything to make my beautiful girlfriend happy." I say to her with a smile. Y/n's smile widen into a grin and jumps into my arms knocking us onto the ground. "Thank you so much. I promise you will not regret and have the best Christmas ever!" Y/n says kissing my lips and quickly runs off to tell everyone about the big news. I watched as she exits the library and sigh. What did I do to deserve such a strong, confident, beautiful woman like y/n? I was just me. But y/n didn't think that way. I've known y/n since I was a child. And ever since I was a teenager, I dreamed of having y/n as mine one day. And here she is in the castle as my girlfriend everything I could ever imagine. And she will always be mine forever more.
     I then thought of something but I needed the help of y/n's older sister, Belle. Belle and their father moved into the castle 6 months ago. I knew Belle had to be around here someone. I walk out of the library and go to look for Belle.

Y/n's pov
  I quickly run to find Lumiere and the others to tell them what we are celebrating this year. I find Lumiere and the others in the dining room and I come in and I'm breathless from running. Lumiere turns to see me and walks towards me and leads me to a chair to sit in. "Mademoiselle, are you okay?" Lumiere ask me curious as to why I ran into the dining room out of breath. I nod my head yes and I wait till I catch my breath to speak. "We're going to be celebrating Christmas this year." I say happily. All of the servants mouths drop open in shock at hearing my sentence. "Are you sure, poppet? We haven't celebrated Christmas since the Master's mother died." Mrs. Potts says sadly. I nod my head yes in truth and all of them smile in excitement. "It's the truth. That's why I came to ask you guys for help to decorate the castle for Christmas." I say standing from the chair I was sitting in.
      Lumiere walks to the towards the dining room door. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's starting decorating." Lumiere says to all the servants. We follow Lumiere to a spiral staircase that leads to a basement. When we get there, I see tons of boxes. I look towards my right to see lots of Christmas decorations. "Guys, I found them." I say gesturing to the others showing them the Christmas boxes full of decorations for the castle. Everyone grabs a box and carries it up the stairs to the ballroom. We gotten all of the Christmas decorations into the ballroom, but I didn't see a Christmas tree anywhere. "Where's the tree?" I ask curiously looking at Mrs. Potts. Mrs. Potts smiles at this and gestures outside. "We have to get one, dearly. From outside."
     Mrs. Potts says kindly with a smile. I nod my head in understanding and look at the decorations. "Okay, so we need to split up into a group and do different things." I say to the servants. "Lumiere, Plumette, and Cogsworth will handle the dining room decorations." I say pointing at both of them and look around once again and point at Mrs. Potts and Chip. "You two and myself with decorate the tree when we get one." I say happily to the two of them. I point over at Madame de Garderobe and Maestro Candeza. "You guys will decorate the ballroom. And the Christmas tree will also be going in here." I point around in the ballroom. I try to think of anything else that needs to be decorated. Then I remembered that the entrance to the front doors of the castle and the staircase railing needs to be decorated, and we still need someone to get a tree. "I will decorate the railing, the front entrance inside the castle and get the tree and bring it in for us to decorate." I say with pride.
      Lumiere smiles and looks over at me. "Mademoiselle, are you sure you can get the Christmas tree all by yourself?" Lumiere ask curiously. I nod my yes and then I think for a moment I would actually like some help. But I don't want to ask Adam, it would spoil what we were doing. "I won't do it all by myself, I've Belle helping me." I say kindly. I walk out of the ballroom with two boxes of decorations and set them down by the stairs. Now first things is to find Belle and go find the perfect tree. I walked up the stairs toward Belle's room in the east wing. It was my old room before I moved over to Adam's room in the West wing after the curse was lifted. I walk towards the door and hear some voices coming from inside Belle's room. I put my ear to it and hear Belle's voice. And Adam's voice? What was he doing in my sister's room? I open the door and they both stopped talking automatically.
    That is really weird. Why did they stop talking when I came in? "Am I interrupting something?" I ask Belle and Adam curiously. Belle shakes her head no and gestures me to come in. "No, not at all. I was just getting to know Adam better. Did you need anything, y/n?" Belle ask me curiously. I look over at Adam and back at Belle. Something seems fishy, I know something's up when I see it. "Yes, I did. Could you come help me with something?" I ask her. Belle nods her head and puts her boots on and her coat. I look over at Adam and walk over to him.
    Adam looks at me with a smile and kisses my cheek, then my forehead, then my lips. I kiss him back and I hear aww coming from Belle. I pull quickly away from Adam and blush at what Belle just said. Adam on the other hand found it quite amusing. I walk towards the door with Belle and turn back around towards Adam. I smile him and wink at him. "Love you, Adam." I say with playfulness in my voice. Adam smiles back and wink back at me. "Love you too, my love." Adam says. We walk out of Belle's room and go down the stairs. "You two are quite the love birds, aren't you?" Belle says teasing me. I playfully push Belle and blush again. "Stop embarrassing me in front of Adam, it's not funny."
      I say crossing my arms over my chest. Belle laughs at this and looks over at me. "Hey, that's what older sisters do." Belle says truthfully. I nod my head in agreement and grab the axe beside the door and walk outside towards the back of the castle where Christmas trees were at. "Guess what?" I say to Belle with a happy smile. Belle looks at me curiously and shrugs her shoulders. "What is it?" Belle ask curiously. I smile happily at what I'm about to tell Belle. "Adam says we can celebrate Christmas in the castle." I say happily. Belle grin widens at what I said. Belle looks down at the axe and then realizes what we are doing. "So, we're getting a Christmas tree to cut down and put it in the ballroom?"
    Belle ask. I nod my head yes. "Okay, we are looking for a 7 foot tree that is round, but isn't too round and not too skinny." I say to Belle. She nods her head and we split up look around for the perfect tree. I look around for a few minutes and can't find the right tree. Most of them are too skinny or too round. I then hear Belle's voice yell for me. I go towards the sound of her voice and find her standing by a Christmas tree. "I found the perfect tree, it just right. Not too round and not too skinny, it's 7 feet tall." Belle says with a smile. Darn it, my older sister is always good at finding the perfect Christmas​ tree. I've never been good at it at all. "Good job, Belle. Now stand back so I can cut this down."
      I say taking the axe and swinging at the trunk. It took about five good swings to cut it down. It starts to falls down and everytime we cut a Christmas tree down. Me and Belle would do our special sound. "Timber!" Me and Belle yell in unison. It falls to the ground and I grab the trunk of the tree and Belle grabs the front. We pick it up and back to the castle. After about three breaks from carrying the heavy tree, we finally made it to the ballroom. I look to see Mrs. Potts and Chip set up the tree stand to put the Christmas tree in. We walk over with the tree over to the tree stand and with help of Belle and Mrs. Potts we sit down into the tree stand. I grab the screws and screwdriver​ and screw them into the tree to hold it in place. I stand back to look at the tree and I see Chip yawn. "Come on little one. It's nap time for you." Mrs. Potts says taking Chip's hand and leading him to bed.
     Chip grumbles and groans trying to get his mother's hand out of his. "But I want to decorate the tree." Chip grumbles. Mrs. Potts tries to get Chip to come with her, but he won't go. I walk over to Chip and bend down to talk to him. "Hey, Chip. If you go take a nap, I'll let you put the star on the top of the tree when you wake up. Okay?" I ask hoping that Chip will go with his mother. Chip smiles a big smile and gives me a hug. I hug him back and let him go. "Okay." Chip says excitedly and runs over to his mother. I stand back up and walk over to the Christmas tree and pull the three boxes over towards the tree that said Christmas tree decorations. I look over to see Belle standing there. I knew she wanted to help decorate, but I could also tell something is on her mind.
     I walk over to her. "Something on your mind, Belle?" I asked her. She snapped out of her daze and giggles nervously. I knew something was up. Could it possibly be what her and Adam were talking about in her room? "No, there's nothing on my mind." Belle says with a nervous smile. I knew she wasn't telling the truth. She is my sister for Pete's sake. "I know you're lying, Belle. What were you and Adam talking about in your room about?" I ask Belle crossing my arms over my chest. Belle's eyes widen and I can tell she doesn't want to tell me. "I'm sorry, y/n. But I can't tell you.
      Adam made me promise not to." Belle says stubbornly. I sigh in annoyance and look back towards the tree. "Want to help me put the lights and garland on the tree?" I ask Belle. Belle nods her head yes and we get to work on decorating the Christmas tree. We finished putting the last piece of garland on the bottom and I stand back to admire our beautiful work. The light strand of beautiful colors: green, red, gold, blue, and white. I watched as Belle walked out of ballroom. I was confused on where she was going. "Where are you going?" I ask her curiously. Belle turns to look at me and nods toward the staircase by the front entrance. "I'm going to go decorate the front entrance and stair railing for you." Belle says with a smile. I smile at how kind my sister is to me.
    I'm so glad we don't fight like other sisters do. Because me and Belle have a strong sisterly bond that we love each other and we're always kind to each other. I turn my head back around towards the Christmas tree and get ready to put the ornaments on the tree. There were many different color ornaments and designs on them. But my favorite of them all was this deep red with a pink rose on it. (The picture above) I started putting different ornaments on and start hum to one of my favorite Christmas song, y/f/c/s.

Adam's pov
  I walk down the stairs from the West wing and see Belle wrapping garland around the railing of the stairs. Belle looks up to see who's coming down the stairs and smiles when she see it me. "Hey, Belle. Have you seen y/n?" I ask curiously looking at her. Belle thinks for a moment and shakes her head no. "I've haven't seen her. Not since she told me that she was going to do something." Belle tells me and looks back down wrapping garland.  I walk down the stairs and thank her. I start to walk towards the library to see if y/n is in there when all of a sudden I hear humming of someone singing a lovely tune. Whoever that humming is coming from their voice sounds beautiful. I found the sound of the humming and stop at the ballroom. I see y/n decorating the Christmas tree she picked out with ornaments and humming to herself. I lean against the doorway and listen to her hum. I knew that song anywhere, it is a Christmas song.
   Y/n's favorite Christmas song, y/f/c/s. I watched as she kept on hanging ornaments and humming to herself. Her voice is like a beautiful melody I could listen to it forever. Gosh, was she beautiful. Actually more than beautiful, y/n is the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on. And she is mine. I remembered my mother telling me before she died told me to always love y/n and not let her marry another man. The reason she said this is because she knew that y/n was the one for me. And I kept my promise just like my mother asked me to. I watched as she stood on her tiptoes trying to hang an ornament on a higher branch she couldn't reach. I snapped out of the romantic thoughts I was thinking about y/n and walk over to y/n quietly and  grab her waist and put her on my shoulders. I hear y/n gasp above me and she looks down at me. "Adam!" Y/n yells. I looked at her confused. Did I make her upset?
   "What?" I ask curiously. Y/n rolls her eyes and sighs. "Don't scare me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack." Y/n says holding her left hand over her heart. I laugh at this and gesture for her to put the ornament where she wanted it. "Go on. Now that you're up there, you may as well put the ornament where you wanted it." I say to her. She grumbles at saying she could do it herself and I laugh at this. Y/n is only y/h feet tall, the tree is seven feet tall. And me being quite taller than her has their advantages. As soon as Y/n finishes putting the rest of the ornaments up on the higher branches, I set y/n back on the floor. Y/n sighs and looks up at me. "I guess now that you've seen the Christmas tree the surprise is ruined."
   Y/n says dramatically. I look into her e/c eyes and see disappointment in them. I hated when I see my y/n like this. "I'm actually am surprised. Did you really do this all by yourself?" I ask y/n curiously. Y/n smiles at me and gives me a big hug. I smile at this and give her a hug back. "No, I had help from Belle getting the tree in here. Mrs. Potts and Belle helped me put the tree onto the tree stand." Y/n says with pride in voice. Suddenly Chip comes running into the room looking at y/n excitedly. "I took my nap. Can I put the star on top of the tree?" Chip ask curiously. Y/n nods her head yes and pulls out the star.
   I remember that star well. It was my mother's. It's really old which means it's been in my family for generations. I pick up Chip and put him on my shoulders and he puts the star on top. I put him back down on the ground. I pull y/n towards me and ask Chip to plug in the lights. Chip runs behind and plugs the lights into the wall. The Christmas tree lights up the ballroom in all its glory. I hold y/n's hand and stare at the Christmas tree in awe. I felt like I was a teenager all over again as I looked at the Christmas tree. "Merry Christmas, Adam. I love you." Y/n say kissing my cheek. I smile back at her and lay her head on my shoulder. "Merry Christmas, my love. I love you too."
        I say kissing her forehead. As y/n stared at the tree, I thought of present I'm going to give her on Christmas. And it's only 3 days till Christmas. It was the biggest present I could offer to her. I just hoped she likes it.

First special chapter completely. Now I bet your wondering why Adam and Belle are being so secretive to you. Well you will find out in the next chapter of the special chapter. Because I can't tell you what it is and that would the chapter. I hope you enjoyed this special chapter of enchanted Christmas. I will see you guys in the next chapter. Bye guys!


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