Chapter 3: Y/n? How did you get here?

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WARNING: One cuss word

Belle's pov
  As soon as Philippe came back without Papa. I knew something was wrong. I was also worried about y/n. She was suppose to be here from Paris three days ago. I was starting to worry. What if she got lost? What if she got eaten by wolves? There were so many possibilities. I rode on Philippe through the forest going past the tree that fell over on the path on the left. It then started to snow. Snow in June? That is so weird. Philippe stopped by a cart that I knew was Papa's that he took for the trip. And I also saw the jewelry box that he made. I pushed Philippe forward and found a castle. I jumped off of Philippe and put him by the stables with the y/h/h/c hair horse.
    I stopped a minute and looked at the horse. She/He had y/h/h/c hair and a white stripe from her/his y/h/h/c hair to their nose. I feel like I know this horse from somewhere, but she can't be here. Can she? I pick up the stick and walk up the stairs. I open the door and I looked around the castle. I heard something from around me but I didn't know where. "Look, Cogsworth. A beautiful girl!" I heard someone say.  I look up the stairs to see if I see anyone but I don't. "Yes, I can see it's a girl. I lost my hands but not my eyes." The other voice said. "But do you think that y/n's sister? Her older sister?"
   The voice from before said. I turned towards the table and saw a candelabra and a clock. "Who said that? Who's there?" I looked at the candelabra and then heard a cough coming from upstairs. I quickly grab the candelabra. And quickly walk up the stairs. I listen for the coughing again and I hear it coming from the spiral staircase. "Papa?" I say loudly. I run up the stairs and hear the coughing again. I run quickly up the stairs and set the candelabra on the ledge. "Papa, is that you?" I ask and I see him in a cell. "Belle! How did you find me?"
     Papa asked holding his hands on the bars. I put the stick down and kneel on the floor. I grab his hands and they feel like ice. "Your hands are ice. We need to get you home." I say looking around for a key to the cell. Papa shakes his head no. "Belle, you must leave at once! This castle is alive! Now go, before he finds you!" Papa says quickly. I wonder who else would be in this castle. "Who?" I yelled. And then I hear a growl from somewhere in front of me. I grab the stick and hold it near me getting ready to attack who ever it was. "Who's there?
     Who are you?" I yell out. It's hard to see through the darkness. I hear a deep voice come up from 2 flights of stairs. "Who are you?" It growls at me with annoyance. I grip the stick tighter in hands for comfort. "I've come for my father." I say with determination in my voice. I soon hear big footsteps coming down the stairs in front of me. "Your father is a thief." The voice says. I realized that the deep voice belong to a male. "Liar." I yell. My father is not a thief.
    He's never stolen anything in his life. Then I hear footsteps coming from behind me and I turn around to see a female with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. I knew those eyes anywhere, those were y/n's eyes. But how did she get in here? "Y/n? How did you get here?" I asked curiously.

Y/n's pov
  I was reading my book minding my own business when suddenly I hear the front door of the castle open. I close my book and walk towards the stairs carefully making sure not to be seen. I look over the railing and see my sister Belle in the castle. What was she doing here? And where is Papa? He's not with Belle at all. Soon I hear some coughing and I automatically knew who that was. I duck down out of sight as Belle came up the stairs with Lumiere. I climb the stairs quietly and listen for Papa and Belle. I soon hear a growl. Oh no. That's not good. I quickly climb up the rest of the stairs and step in front of Belle. Belle looks at me in shock. "Y/n? How did you get here?"
    Belle ask me in shock. I look over at Belle and back at the black shadow up the stairs. "It doesn't matter how I got here or how I found you. Now is not the time." I say with a firm voice. Then I just realized something. While I was listening to Belle yell at Adam and beg to let him out, he called my father a thief. "Adam, please let my father out. Can't you see he's sick." I asked kneeling down to feel Papa's hands. They were freezing, any longer and he could get worse. "He's a thief! And he deserves to die." Adam says with a snarl. I gasp and took a few steps back. Did Adam just say that? He's never been mean to me, never.
   "How?! How is my father a thief?" I asked in a demanding voice. Soon I hear Adam's big footsteps come down the stairs. "He stole a rose." Adam says. I go to say something but then I am stopped. "I asked for the rose. Punish me, not him." Belle says quickly. And I know where her mind is going. She's wants to take Papa's place. "No! He means forever. Apparently, that's what happens around here when you pick a flower." Papa say a bit upset that he had to face a crime just for a rose.
     I look at Adam like he's crazy. I can't believe this. Just because of a flower, my father had to stay in there forever. "A life sentence for a rose?" Belle and I both say with disbelief. Adam jumps from the other staircase and roars at me and Belle. Probably because he's irritated with me and annoyed at Belle. "I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now, you still wish to take your father's place?" Adam says with a questioning tone. I look over towards Belle and shake my head no. I knew what was going to happen next. "Come into the light." Belle ask with curiosity in her voice. I look over at Adam and I know he doesn't want to show anybody else what he looks like.
          Then I see Belle get annoyed of waiting, so she brings the candle light towards Adam and when she see Adam, she gasp. Adam glares at Belle and looks over at me. "Choose." Adam says in a forced voice trying to keep calm. I realize what Adam meant by that and I looked over at Belle and grabbed her arm. "No, Belle! I won't let you do this. You have a full life ahead of you. I wouldn't waste it in a castle dungeon for the rest of your life. Take me instead." I say looking up at Adam. Adam's blue eyes go wide open with what I said. "Y/n, Belle; I won't let you do this. I lost your mother, I won't lose you guys, too. Now, go. Go!"
    Papa say but is stopped by a cough. I look at Papa in the cell and I can tell just by the way he looks, he doesn't look like he couldn't survive much longer. "Alright, Papa. We'll leave." Belle says to Maurice. Then looks over at Adam. "We need a minute alone with him." I asked nicely. Adam looks over at me first, then Belle and goes to turn and go back the way he came. "Are you so cold-hearted... you won't allow two daughters to kiss their father goodbye? Forever can spare a minute." Belle says with determination in her voice. Adam looks at Belle with curiosity and pulls the handle near the wall. "Once this door closes it will not open again." Adam says with a frown on his face. Me and Belle both go in and hug Papa.
      "Y/n! Oh, I thought I lost you forever. You had me so worried." Papa says. I hug him tightly look up at him. "Now go on. Live your lives and forget me." Papa says to us. I realize that I'm going to have to be the one to stay. Because if I don't go and Belle decides to become Adam's prisoner, then who will take care of Papa? I knew what had to do. "Forget you? Everything thing I am is because of you." I say grabbing both of them in a hug. Papa gets out of the hug and extends his arms out towards me. "I love you Y/n and Belle.
      Don't be afraid." Papa says holding both of our hands. I smile at this and I know it will be the last time seeing them. "I love you too Papa and Belle." I say pulling them into a hug and whisper, "And I will try to escape. I promise." I say with weak determination in my voice. Belle and Papa look confused and I shove them out of the cell and shut the door. Papa falls over onto the floor and looks at me with shock. Adam looks over at Maurice and Belle and back at me. And from what I'm seeing is that he's shocked that would do that. "You took their places." Adam says stating a fact. "Their my father and sister." I say with a certain confidence. Adam shakes his head and looks over at me.
     "They are fools. And so are you." Adam says and looks over at Belle and Maurice telling them to get up. "We'll come back. I promise." Belle says putting her hand to my cheek. As soon as they left, I felt like I just got stung in the heart, by a big hornet. I can't believe he said that. I curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out.

Adam's pov
   As soon as Y/n's father and sister were out of sight, I went back inside. I walked up towards the west wing. As soon as I got there I looked up at the picture of me, y/n, my mom all playing in the garden. My mother adorable y/n. She always said that she is a beautiful ray of sunshine. And she is right. But as I thought more and more. I realized what I said to y/n. I quickly regretted it as soon as I realized I said it. I walked towards the cell and saw y/n on the floor curled up in a ball crying her eyes out. I feel so bad, I did this to her and it's all my fault. I pull the switch and the cell door opens. Y/n looks up and sees Adam. I looked at her e/c eyes, they were so red from crying. But she still looked so beautiful. "Y/n, I'm so sorry that I said your father deserved to die, I'm also sorry for calling Belle a fool along with your father and yourself.
    It was wrong for me to do it. I had no excuse. Will you please forgive me?" I ask looking at her with pleading eyes. She gives me a small smile and nods her head yes. "Yes, Adam. I can forgive you. Now let's get you up to bed." Y/n says standing up and walking with Adam.

Y/n's pov
   Once Adam got settled into his bed, I looked around his room and saw a lot of pictures of a girl and a younger version of Adam. They were everywhere. And the thing is that they weren't ripped like the other ones were. "Who's the girl in the picture?" I ask Mrs. Potts, who is pouring a cup of tea for me. Mrs. Potts looks over at the picture I was looking at and smiles. "Well, that is Adam's best friend, they played with each other for hours on end. They were basically inseparable, no matter where you put them in the castle, they would always find each other." Mrs. Potts said with smile. I smile at that. It seems the way Mrs. Potts described that it sounded like the two children in my dream. "Do you remember her name?" I asked curious of who the lucky girl was, but also jealous because I never knew Adam back then, or did I? Mrs. Potts nods her head yes and sighed. "Unfortunately, I do. But the master doesn't like to mention her name.
        Well only on occasions, like her birthday!" Mrs. Potts says happily. I nod my head and look over at a glass top over a rose. It looks like an enchanted rose. But why were their dead petal on the bottom? What did they mean? "What does that Enchanted Rose do?" I asked curiously. Mrs. Potts sighs and look over at the rose and back at me. "Well, poppet. It's our life line. We're not really house objects. We were humans a long time ago. But now that that we are placed under a curse and we became house wear items that walk around and the master is a prince just waiting to be set free." Mrs. Potts says with a small smile. I look over at Adam.
        His eyes are closed and his chest rises and falls slowly. I look back over at the rose and I get curious again. "What happens when the last petals falls?" I ask curiosity going throughout my whole body. Lumiere is the first to speak, because it seems like some of the others don't even want to think about that. "The master remains a beast forever. And we become..." Lumiere says trying to think of the right word to say. "Antiques." Mrs. Potts says sadly. "Knick-knacks." Lumiere says looking up at me and down at the ground. "Lightly-used houseware." Plumette says. "Rubbish. We become rubbish."
    Cogsworth says sadly. I felt so bad for them. I wonder if there is some way to break the curse. "I want to help you. There must be some way to break the curse." I asked with a smile. Cogsworth steps forward towards me. "Well, there is one." He says but is stopped by Lumiere. "It's for you to worry about, lamb. We've made our bed and we must lie in it." Mrs. Potts says with determination. I look back over at the rose and see a petal drop. I really want to help them become human again. I just have to try.

Hey guys. I am so sorry for not uploading for 3 weeks now. I've not been feeling good. And I didn't feel like doing anything at all. But now that I'm back. Yes, I know what your thinking. I'm still up at 1 am in the morning trying to finish this chapter for you guys. I can barely keep my eyes open. I hope you guys love this chapter and have any awesome day.


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