Chapter 2: For still here I'll be

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Adam's pov
    I was still carrying Y/n to the castle. She had passed out from all that blood loss from her leg. I saw the castle in view and sped up. I quickly put y/n's horse in the stables. Then walked up to the castle as quickly as I could. The door swings open and their stands Lumiere, Cogsworth, Plumette, and Mrs. Potts on her cart. I walked up the stairs quickly, then I realized that y/n would need the room in the east wing cleaned up. "Plumette, go and round up the other maids and go get the room cleaned up in the east wing." I said. Plumette nodded her glass head and flew off towards the kitchen. I walked up the staircase towards my bedroom in the West wing with y/n in my hands. The others followed me up to the room. Once I got in the room I dusted off the bed as much as I could and laid her down. I looked down at her leg with concern. "Master, is that who I think that is?" Lumiere asked with curiosity.
    I look over at Lumiere and Mrs. Potts. I have no idea where Cogsworth went. "Yes, it is. It's Y/n." I said looking at her pale face. Mrs. Potts rolls over on her cart towards us and looks over at y/n. "She doesn't look to well. Is she going to be alright?" Mrs. Potts ask me. I lean towards y/n and move a piece of hair out of her face. As soon as I moved her h/c hair back behind her ear, y/n grabs my hand and snuggles into it. I smile at this and try to move my hand. But y/n has a tight grip on my hand. Then I hear a whoosh and I know Plumette is back. "The room is all finished and there's warm water waiting for you to clean her wound on her leg, also her first aid kit with needle and thread to stitch the wound up." Plumette says.
     I nod my head in appreciation and pick y/n back up. I'm just hoping she will be alright. I walk down the stairs and back up another set of stairs leading to the east wing. I got to the bedroom and laid her down. I carefully take off the gaze that was wrapped around her leg in order to start cleaning it. I grabbed the warm towel from the bowl and went to dab on the wound. I started touching it when I heard a blood curling scream. I then realized it was only y/n. "Owwwww! That hurts!" Y/n said pulling her left leg away from me. I remember y/n was very sensitive when it came to wounds on her body. "I'm sorry. I will try to be as gentle as I can." I say. I carefully dabbed on her wound and she winced and clenched her teeth together. As soon as I got it cleaned up I went straight for the needle and thread.
       But this needle and thread were a part of the the castle so all it had to do was sew it by itself. After that was done on both sides of y/n's leg. I wrapped it up in gauze. And sat on the bed. "Try and get some rest, y/n." I say. I get up and walk out of the room and back towards the west wing. I looked at the rose and sighed. She was here, she's finally here. I never knew how much I cared for her. "Master?" Lumiere asked. I look over to see him standing on the stairs leading towards the rose. "Yes, Lumiere?" I ask gently fearing that I would wake up y/n. Lumiere looks at the enchanted rose and back at me.
       "Do you think y/n is 'The One'? The one who will break the spell?" Lumiere asked curiously. I look over at the rose and smile. I think for a minute and then I look over at Lumiere. "I hope so. Because their is only one person who can break the curse." I say quietly to myself.

Y/n's pov
   Adam came in three times a day to check up on me and to change my gauze on my leg. It was very kind of him to do so. I haven't been able to get out of bed on the occasion of my leg being broken, all thanks to those stupid wolves. The third day that I was in bed Mrs. Potts and Chip, that was there names. Bought me a warm cup of tea, also my stuff from my saddle. I drank all of my tea and I got bored so I started reciting A Midsummer Night's Dream, it was one of my favorite shakespeare books. I also thought of someone who loved Shakespeare just as much as I did. Not just Belle but someone else too I just couldn't remember. "Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore." I say but I quickly hear another voice but a lot deeper. "And therefore winged Cupid painted blind." The voice finished for me. I turn towards the door and see Adam. I looked at him in confusion. He was a beast and he lived in a castle and he knew Shakespeare?!
      What the heck! "You know Shakespeare?" I ask him curiously. He sighs like he thought I would've know he knew Shakespeare. "I had an expensive education." Adam says with an annoyed look on his face. I smiled at this. "Actually Romeo and Juliet is my favorite play." I say with a playful smile in my voice. Adam groans at this and rolls his eyes. "Ugh, why is that not a surprise?" Adam groaned rolling his eyes up to the ceiling. I looked at him and giggled. Adam was acting so much like a immature adult. It was actually kinda cute. What?
     Did I just say that? Oh geez. Is that a good thing or bad thing? Oh, well. I will just go along with it. "I'm sorry?" I asked curiously. I really wanted to see his reaction of it. Adam walks over towards me and sits down on the bed. "Well, you know that heartache, pining, and blubb... ekh!" Adam says making a face of disgust. I laughed at Adam's face he made. It made me hold my stomach. "No, I was only joking." I say stifling my laughter. "Romeo and Juliet is not my favorite play, my favorite is actually 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is my favorite play."
       I say with a giggle. Adam rolls his eyes up towards the ceiling and gives me a look that says Really?! "Anyways as I was saying so many better things to read." Adam grumble to himself but loud enough for me to hear. I look at him with a offended look and thought he would never know what I can and want to read. "Like what?" I said with a shocked expression. Adam smiles at me and picks me up and walks with me down the stairs. Then he sits me down on the floor and I lean on Adam for support. He opens the door and I hobble inside to follow him. "Well, there are a couple of things in here, which you could start with." Adam says walking in. I gasp and look around the huge library. "Are you alright?" Adam says. I hear him but I am too busy looking at all of the books.
      There were books everywhere. There were books from the floor to the ceiling. I didn't know that their were so many books in one big library. "It's wonderful!" I say with happiness. I look at Adam and smile. He nods his head agreeing with me. And I swear for a minute that I saw blush on his cheeks. Or maybe I'm just imagine things. "Yes, I suppose it is. Well, if you like it so much, then it's yours." He says and starts to walk off towards the right. I was in shock. Adam just gave me his library, this day is the best ever. I look around once more at the books and back at Adam.
       "Have you really read all of these books?" I ask curiosity peeking up in me. I look over at Adam's beautiful blue eyes, they reminded me of someone I knew but everytime time I looked at Adam, I felt like I knew him. But where? Adam turns towards me and huffs. "Well, not all of them. Some of them are in Greek." Adam says gesturing to the books. I laugh quietly to myself and look at Adam. "Was that a joke? Are you making jokes now?" I ask curiously. I've never heard him do something like that even when he was taking care of me. Adam makes a face and looks away from me trying to think. "Maybe." He says with a hint of a joking in his voice.
             And then he walks off looking confused as ever. I put my hands over my mouth and start squealing in excitement. I grab a book and take it with me. I go to the dining room and sit down. I feel someone looking at me and I see Adam looking straight at me. I smile at him and eat my lunch. I soon hear slurping from in front of me and I see Adam's head in the bowl licking up the soup. I try to not laugh but it's just so hard. Adam's beard is covered in soup. He looks away from me and licks his lips to get the soup covering his lips. We walk outside to get a breath of air. And I start to read from a poem called: A Crystal Forest. "The air is blue and keen and cold, and in a frozen sheath, enrolled. Each branch, each twig, each blade of grass seems clad miraculously with glass." I stopped abruptly when Adam stopped in the middle of the bridge. I look around and I sigh.
               The forest and lake were as beautiful as the snow and ice crystals cover the trees and water. I heard birds chirping in the distance. "I feel like like I'm seeing it for the first time." Adam said looking around the forest in a daze. I smile at this and look out towards the lake. And for some reason it felt familiar like I've been in this very spot before. Adam looks over at me and looks down at the book. "Is there anymore?" Adam ask curiously. I smile a big smile and nod my head. "For in that solemn silence is heard in the whisper of every sleeping thing: Look, look at me, Come wake me up for still here I'll be." I say looking up at Adam with a smile and determination in my e/c eyes. Adam smiles at me and stares into my e/c eyes while I stare into Adam's blue eyes. We quickly both look away from each other and looking out towards the beautiful view of the lake and forest.

Ugh! Finally I'm done with the second chapter that was so long but I got it done. I'm sorry to keep some people of reading this book and I know that I'm not updating this as much as I should but I'm having a hard time adding in Belle and Maurice. I did however find a solution to the problem. They are both going to be in the third chapter. It's going to be just like the movie at the beginning where Maurice is in the castle and lost his way. You guys know the rest of it. I don't want to spoil the book. So please enjoy this chapter and have an awesome July 4th!


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