A Enchanted Christmas special Chapter 9

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0 days till Christmas and m/n means your middle name and f/c mean your favorite color

Y/n's pov
       Ever since I've put the Christmas tree, Adam has been very busy lately for the past three days. And are suppose to open presents, which I haven't seen Adam anywhere. I get out of bed and put on my Christmas dress that I brought yesterday in Paris. (Picture up above) It was only a four hour ride there and back. While I was there I got presents for everyone in the castle. I walk down the stairs from Adam's bedroom and smell a delicious smell in the air. It smelled like cinnamon. I walk down the stairs trying to find out where that smell is coming from. I walk into the dining room and see cinnamon rolls on the table. "Merry Christmas, poppet." Mrs. Potts says happily. I smile at her and sit down in the chair. "Merry Christmas, to you too Mrs. Potts. Have you seen Adam? He's been very busy lately." I say curiously.
    When I wanted to talk to Adam yesterday in the library he picks something up and tells me that he's busy. Mrs. Potts shakes her no and picks up the teapot mourning me a cup of tea. "No, dearly. I haven't seen Adam. Only on some occasions of course, but I also think Belle is being very weird lately as well. When I call her down for dinner yesterday she came in, grabbed her plate and heads back up to her room to eat. Very strange, indeed. Well, I'm going to wake up Chip and get him ready to go to the village and get Mr. Potts so he can celebrate Christmas with us." Mrs. Potts says wiping her hands on her apron and start to walk out to door. "Oh, y/n." Mrs. Potts say turning back around to look at me. "Yeah?" I say. Mrs. Potts smiles and points to my Christmas dress. "You look beautiful in your Christmas dress." Mrs. Potts says happily.
    I smile at her and nod my head in thanks. Mrs. Potts walks out of the room to go and wake Chip up. I finished my breakfast and stand up to go into the ballroom and look at the Christmas tree. I walk into the ballroom to see Belle and Adam talking to each other quietly. Thankfully they didn't hear me come and I look at the both of them curiously. Why was Adam always so busy? Belle is keeping secrets from me? She always tells me everything, were sister for Pete's sake. I quickly walk out of the ballroom and up the stairs of the West wing to mine and Adam's bedroom. I grab my winter coat out of the closet and grab one of my books. I needed some fresh air outside of the castle. I open the front door and walk down the stairs towards the horse stables. I walk inside and hear a neigh in greetings from y/h/n and Philippe. I walk over to y/h/n's stall and open the gate, close it back, then sit on the haystack. What was Adam's problem? He didn't even acknowledge me when I came into the ballroom.
    I starting to feel like this isn't going to be the best Christmas ever.

Adam's pov
       Mrs. Potts and Chip just got back from Villeneuve with Mr. Potts and it was time to open presents, but I didn't see y/n anyway. Terrible thoughts start running through my head. What if she's hurt? What if she left without telling anyone? What if she's never coming back? What if someone took my y/n? When I thought that last terrible thought, I knew automatically if anybody lays a finger on my y/n, they are in for a fight of their life. I couldn't believe any of that now, y/n is here somewhere. But where? I walk over to Mrs. Potts and look at her with a worried look. When Mrs. Potts seeing the expression on my face and frowns. "What's the matter, Adam?" Mrs. Potts ask me curiously. I sigh and look back up to her. If y/n got hurt really bad and dies, I don't know what life would be like without her. "Y/n is missing.
         I can't find her anywhere." I say worried laced in my voice. Mrs. Potts could tell I was really upset, she pulls me into her arms and hugs me in comfort. "Don't worry, dear. We will find y/n, she has to be here somewhere." Mrs. Potts says looking around hoping y/n would show up. But she didn't. Belle and her father come down the stairs and Belle looks at me with a curious look. "What's wrong?" Belle asked curiously. I look at her with worry. "Y/n's missing." I say to Belle. Belle's eyes widen in shock and worry. "We'll find her." Belle says. I watched as Mrs. Potts told the other servants that y/n is missing.
    And split up in different directions to find y/n. Belle and I go to the library and look for her. But no sign of her. "Where else could she be?" I ask Belle. I'm starting to get really upset and frightened, because she actually maybe did leave without telling anyone. I look over at Belle to see she's thinking really hard to where y/n maybe. "I know where she is. She's in the horse stables, y/n always goes there to have time to herself." Belle says honestly on her voice. We walk out of the library and outside to the stables where the horses are kept. I walk inside before Belle and looks around for y/n. I spot her h/c hair and e/c eyes in y/h/n's stall reading a book and looking very unhappy. I rush towards y/n and open the gate and pull y/n into my embrace. Y/n gasp as I pulled her into my chest. Tears run down my cheeks as I hold y/n in my arms.
   "Y/n, I thought I lost you forever." I say quietly crying. Y/n looks at me and rubs her hand in circles on my back in comfort. "Adam, I'm never gonna leave you, I love you too much." Y/n say to me in a soothing voice. I look at her and nod my head. Y/n takes her finger and wipes away my tears. "Adam, please don't cry. You're going to make me cry." Y/n say fanning her hands to her face. I laugh at this and kiss her forehead. "Sorry. Well, just letting you know that we're about to open presents." I say to y/n with a smile. Y/n smiles back and kisses my cheek. "Okay, I'm coming."
        Y/n says. I hold out my arm and she takes hold of it. Me, y/n and Belle go back into the castle. I look down to y/n's Christmas dress, and she is stunning. I look over at y/n's Christmas dress and back into her e/c eyes in awe. Y/n blushes when I looked at her, she's so cute when she blushes. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Y/n ask curiously. I smile at her and move her h/l h/c hair behind her ear. "Because you look beautiful in your Christmas dress." I say with a grin. Y/n blushes once again and I laugh at this. And we all go back to the ballroom.

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