A Enchanted Christmas special Chapter 10

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2 months later, February 21 the day you and Adam met when you were kids

Y/n's pov
  I laid in bed and suddenly I heard a knock on the door and bustling of feet on the floor. "Rise and shine, mademoiselle. It's time to get you ready for your big day!" Plumette says opening up the curtains to the big window. The light shines through and I cover my hands over my eyes. I feel Plumette tap me again. "Come on, you don't want to be late for your big day." Plumette says trying to be as nice as she could. I lift my head up to look at her. She smiles at me and points over towards the bathroom. "I'll run your bath water." Plumette says walking out of the room to run the bath water. I slowly lift my body out of bed and stretch. I put my feet on the ground and walk over to look at myself in the mirror. My h/l h/c hair was all in tangles and a big mob of hair everywhere. I walk into the bathroom to get my bath.
   "Wherever you're ready call me and I will bring Madame Garderobe up here to help do your hair and get your wedding dress on." Plumette says walking out of the bathroom to let me get my bath. I take off my pajamas and get into the warm water and wash my body. After I'm done with that. I step out of the tub and call for Plumette. I step out of the bathroom and I see Plumette and Madame Garderobe with makeup, my wedding dress, and their also wearing their bridesmaid dresses. (Picture of the dress in media) "You guys look so beautiful." I say to both of them with a smile on my face. They smile back at me and sit me down in front of the mirror. They put some makeup on me that made my e/c eyes sparkle when I walked down the aisle. I felt a shiver run up and down my spine. I could feel my hands getting sweaty, I knew it was just me being nervous for the wedding. I just didn't know what to expect. I mean I know it will be perfect day for both me and Adam, I just don't know if I can act like a princess. Adam would be there to help me, he always is and always will be. Next Madame Garderobe did my hair.
     And when she showed me what it looked like from behind, I gasped at the beauty of the hairstyle.

  (If your hair is short, I'm sorry for adding that) "It's beautiful, guys

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  (If your hair is short, I'm sorry for adding that) "It's beautiful, guys. I feel just like a princess. Oh, wait I am a princess." I say with a laugh. I hear a knock on the door and Plumette goes to answer. When she opens it, I see Belle and Papa. Plumette invites them both in and Belle walks over to me and gives me a hug. "Y/n, you're so beautiful." Belle says with smile on her face. I smile at Belle and look over to see Papa with something in his hand. It was a blue rectangular box, and it looked really old. Like it's been around for a while. "You look beautiful, y/n. I have something to give you." Papa says to me opening the box. I gasp at what I saw.
          I couldn't believe it. It's the tiara that Maman wore on her head for her wedding day.

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