Chapter 6: Surprise Attack

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Adam's pov
  When I hear y/n say she had a special memory while we were dancing, something in my heart sparked at this. I felt like it was a very important memory that y/n remember. And this was possibly it, maybe she'll finally know me again. "What was it then?" I asked y/n curiously. She smiles at me and in her e/c eyes I noticed something there that was their before. Could it be? Is she going to know me again?! "Well, I was a teenager in a castle. This exact castle and there was this prince." Y/n says smiling at the memory. I waited patiently for y/n to continue on with the memory. I could tell by just the way her body posture showed that she was going to burst with excitement. "He was my best friend. We always played together as children, that was also the day that we dance on the ballroom floor. I pulled him onto the dance floor and asked him to dance with me.
     He happily agreed to and it felt just as wonderful as our dance did." Y/n says with a giggle. She was so cute when she giggled. I thought about the memory y/n told me about. I knew that memory very well. It was one of my most prized moments I replayed when y/n wasn't with me. I look over at y/n and she's smiling at me. As curious as I was, I knew I had to ask her who the prince was. "Do you know who the prince was?" I asked curiosity bubbling in me hoping that I was the prince she was talking about. Y/n walks closer towards me and puts her hands on my cheeks. I was a little confused and nervous on what y/n was doing. She smiles at me and looks into my blue eyes. "Yes, I do. It was you, Adam. I remember every single memory we've had together."
      Y/n says with a bright smile. When I hear this news, my cheeks go into a huge smile and I hug y/n. I then realized something, y/n isn't a guest at the castle anymore. She's a prisoner, my prisoner. And she can't ever leave. I put y/n back on her feet and look out at the castle grounds and back at her. Y/n's still smiling happily at me from all of the memories she got back. "But do you think you could be happy here?" I asked y/n curiously. I probably knew what her answer would be but I didn't know for sure. "Well, I could but I do miss my father and sister. Not able to see them as freely as I want to." Y/n says quietly. I knew where her sadness was coming from. I've always had that ache in my heart. I stood quietly beside y/n in comfortable silence.
        "My father taught me to dance. I used to step on his toes a lot." Y/n say with a smile at the memory. I laugh a little at what y/n said. "You must miss them." I told y/n with certainty in my voice. I looked over at y/n and she was looking straight back at me. "Very much." Y/n says her voice quiet to the touch. I knew how she missed her father and sister. Then I thought of an idea. I turn towards y/n and look at her. "Would you like the see them?" I asked her curiously. Y/n nods her head yes and walks with me up into the West wing. When we reached the pedestal with the rose on top.
       I grab the enchanted mirror and hand it to y/n. She looks into the mirror with curiosity and back up at me. I gesture to say something to the mirror. Y/n looks down and sighs. "I'd like to see my father." Y/n ask the mirror. The mirror portion disappears and shows her father. I watch as I see her father struggle to get loose of someone's grip. "Papa! What are they doing to him? He's in trouble." Y/n says with a worried expression on her face. I realized what this means. I look down at the ground and back up at y/n. I knew what I had to do. I have to set her free in order to rescue her father.
     "Then you must go to him." I say with a seriousness in my voice. Y/n quickly looks up at me with shock and is confused on what I just said. "What did you say?" Y/n asked curiously wondering if she heard me right. I look at her with a worried and serious expression. This was going to be so hard for me to do, but I have to do it. "You must go to him. No time to waste." I say shaking my head. I knew from what I saw on the mirror that y/n's father is in deep trouble. Y/n takes the mirror and tries to hand it back to me. I push it back into her hands and shake my head no. "No. . . you keep it with you. Then you'll always have a to look back on me." I say with a small smile.
      I felt like I had a piece of my heart torn from me. I've never felt that way since my mother died. Y/n looks over at me and back towards the stairs of the West wing. I could see y/n's e/c eyes are filled with worry. "Are you going to be alright?" Y/n ask with a worried tone in her voice. I felt my heart squeezing in pain at the way her voice sounded worried for me. "I'll be alright. Go, save your father." I say trying my hardest to not break down in front of her. "Thank you." Y/n says nodding her head in appreciation. She turns and runs down the stairs of the West wing and out of the castle. I let out a shaky sigh that I didn't even know I held. I take off my fancy attire and put on my torn up robe. I stare at the rose and sigh.
     I then hear footsteps coming from the entrance and I don't even look over to see who it is. "Well, Master, I have had my doubts, but everything thing is moving like clockwork. True love really does win the day." Cogsworth says happily. I finally look over at Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Plumette. "I let her go." I say sadly. I can feel Cogsworth look at me in shock. I can hear the servants gasp at what I say, all except Mrs. Potts. "You what?" Cogsworth says in disbelief that I did that. I could feel everyone's disappointment radiant off their skin. "Master, how could you do that?" Lumiere ask me in pure disbelief. I look over at Lumiere and sigh. "I had to."
       I say with a knowing tone in my voice that I did the right thing. I just couldn't believe the servants didn't see what I did for her was out of love. I know I didn't want to, but I had to. Y/n doesn't deserve to be a prisoner in the castle if she can't come and go as she pleases. "But why?" Cogsworth says disbelief and sadness in his voice. I hear an annoying sigh come from Mrs. Potts. I knew the feeling, I was getting quite annoyed with them as well. "Because he loves her." Mrs. Potts says with honesty and kindness in her voice. I could also hear a hint of sadness in her voice as well. I look at the servants and I see Lumiere look down at himself to see if he was human, but unfortunately he wasn't. "Then why are we not human?" Lumiere says gesturing to everyone in the room. Cogsworth gives Lumiere a look and I know that look anywhere. It's the look that means you're forgetting one part of the curse.
     "Because she doesn't love him. And now, it's too late." Cogsworth says sadly. My heart twitches at what Cogsworth just said. I mean she could still come back, but that's not possible. Plumette on the other hand was trying to keep a positive attitude. "But she might still come back." Plumette says a determined look on her glass face. I shake my head no and look down at the ground. "No. I set her free. I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for all of you. Now, go. Our time is almost past." I say sadly. I could see from everyone's faces that they looked so sad that they couldn't be human again.
          I hear Plumette silently cry into Lumiere's metal shoulder. "Come, my love." Lumiere says putting a candle arm around Plumette's shoulder. As soon as everyone left. I look down at the rose and went into a song.

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