Chapter 5: Special moment

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Y/n's pov
        Adam takes me into the library and grabs something from off of the shelve. "Another little gift from the enchantress. A book that truly allows you to escape." Adam says blowing off the dust that has collected on it. I gasp in amazement. The cover of the book was gold and embroidered with many beautiful designs. Adam flips open the book and it shows some type of dust that inside and a picture of what looks like the world. "How amazing!" I say looking at Adam and back at the book. Adam shakes his head begging to differ. "It was her cruelest trick of all. It was just another curse." Adam says with a hint of disgust. I look over at Adam's blue eyes and sigh. Even though I didn't know him that well, I knew what he was thinking. The outside world has no place for him.
"The outside world has no place for a creature like me. . . but it can for you."
    Adam says with a kind smile. I felt so bad for Adam, no matter how he felt about himself he always saw himself as a beast. "I don't think that way." I say to Adam. Adam looks up at me with a curious look. "Who you are on the outside doesn't mean you aren't what you are on the inside. For these last few months I've stayed in the castle, I've seen so many things come from you that I couldn't even imagine coming from a beast. Your kind, gentle, and a lot happier from what I hear from the servants." I say with a smile. Adam's blue eyes twinkle with delight at my words. I smile at this and it was all done by me. "Just remember that when you're feeling down about yourself." I say with a smile. Adam nods his head in appreciation and grabs ahold of my hand gentle and puts it on the book. "Think of the one place you've always wanted to see. Now find it in your mind's eye.
     Then feel it in your heart." Adam says gently. I start to think of the place I want to go and I look down at the book and the gold dust is spreading all over the book. Then I feel us traveling to the place I wanted to go. I soon look around. I knew this place. This was the windmill that me, Papa, Belle and Maman lived in. "Where did you take us?" Adam ask curiously looking around. "Paris." I say quietly looking around at all of the stuff. It felt like I was dreaming. This can't be real, but it is because I'm with Adam. "Oh, I love Paris. This is your town you live in. What would you like to see first?
Notre Dame. . . The Champs-lyses. . . No? Too touristy?"
   Adam says looking out the window. I look around the windmill once again and sigh. "Of all the windmills I've looked at, this one I never knew of. It's so much smaller than I imagined." I say certainly and a familiar tune I know very well. I start to sing.

🎵This is the Paris of my childhood
These were the borders of my life
In this crumbling, dusty attic
Where an artist loved his wife🎵

🎵Easy to remember
Harder to move on
Knowing the Paris of my childhood
Is gone🎵

   I sit down on the old bed and hold a rose pen. There were lots of stuff that looked a lot like Papa's work. A toddler picture of Belle and a baby drawings of me. They were so well detailed. Adam looks over at me and back around the windmill. "What happened to your mother?" Adam ask curiously. I sigh and looked up at him. I always asked Papa about Maman. He would tell me a couple of things. Except for how she died. "It was the one story Papa could never bring himself to tell. I knew better than to ask." I say quietly. I had so many questions. What happened to Maman that Papa had to up and run off so quickly with us?
     It never made sense. I watch Adam walk over to a chair in the corner and pick up something. "Oh. A doctor's mask." Adam says quietly. I slowly rise from my place on the old bed and look at it, then at him. Then I realize something, a doctor's mask in the windmill could only mean one thing. "Plague." Adam says sadly. I look over at the old bed and suddenly a memory comes to me.

   A baby starts to cry and I hear voices around in my head. A suitcase closes and I see a doctor with the mask. And behind him looks like my mother?! "You must leave now." Doctor says to Papa. Papa looks over at Maman and goes over to her, wondering what he what's her to do. "Quickly! Before it takes them too." Maman says to Papa. I look at Papa's eyes and see that he's trying really hard not to cry. Maman kiss the rose pen to her lips. He grabs Belle's hand and grabs me out of the bassinet. My baby self starts to cry and the memory ends.

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