Secrets out, but proud??

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Shiro had called a meeting at the table. But he didn't call lance, so he kept it to the other paladins. Him and Keith thought I'd be a reasonable to tell the rest of the paladins about Lance's little destruction on the robot. As Shiro told them hunk then rose a brow. "Now that where talking about this...last night I heard lance cursing, and when I came by to check what happened he said 'I hit my funny bone.' " Hunk said looking a Shiro. Shiro thought, "Why didn't you check inside to make sure?" He asked, "I didn't want to be a bother, or invade his privacy man.." Hunk said looking off. Pidge then rose her arms in the air, " What if he had super strength??!" The girl said. "If he did wouldn't he have been using it when we do hand to hand combat?" Keith said raising a brow. He does have a point. "What if he's alte-" Shiro was cut off as Allura shook her head, "Impossible, if he was I should've known" she said. "Plus he can't speak altean" she said making a point. The crew kept talking and thinking. Meanwhile lance eavesdropping, he made a face,'I'm gana be found out soon...' he said quietly. Lance then just walked off.

Later on, the alarm sounded telling the paladins that lotor has found them and would be attacking. They all had left, meanwhile lance being in blue already had taken off his helmet and looked around. "Please don't let them know..." he said quietly as he put his helmet back on. As they went out of the ship, Prince Lotor's space craft was big, well not surprised since he was zarkons son. Lance spaced out, he only heard Shiro giving orders, Keith and pidge take down the Craft, hunk and Shiro attacking the bots, lance didn't know anymore, he gently put his hands on the handles, freezing them. "No not now!" He growled. "What's wrong lance talk to us" Shiro said coming through. "O-oh it's nothing I'm fine!" Lance replied as he went to help hunk and Shiro. Shiro being a concerned space dad nodded and kept doing his duties. Lotor grew sick of this as he brought this battle on the ground, shooting lasers unable to form voltron without being blasted by them. ' it's Impossible'. Lance thought. "AH SHIT IM DOWN!!" Pidge yelled out through the helmet. "On my way!" Shiro said moving the black lion to help pidge. "Hunk! Help me out with this one!" Keith said as the bot kept attacking Keith, "On it" Hunk said as he drove his lion over to Keith. Lance was all by himself again, like always. He sighed a bit and kept blasting. Lotor noticed the actions and gave a smirk. He then pressed a button to release even more Droids. Keith clicked his tongue making a 'tch' sound. Shiro and pidge were being shot down at. Hunk and Keith was being cornered, and lance was trapped by some of lotor's Galra guards. "Dear paladins of voltron," lotor spoke firmly with a cocky sound in his voice. If you get out of your lions i won't take them hostage neither would I hurt you, if you won't listen I will kill you at this instant" he said growling. Keith growled. Shiro blew a sigh "if it means not to kill neither of us or taking our lions....we'll do as" He said glaring. Lotor smirked, and nodded, "alright dear black paladin.." he said. Each paladin got out of their lion. Lotor got out of his ship only to see lance who was already trapped with multiple droids. Then looking at Shiro, Pidge, Keith, and Hunk, who where all together and aiming. "I see you left long leggy blue behind" he said looking at Shiro. Shiro clenched his teeth. Lance started to grow anxiety, 'Fuck...don't grow ice now...not now! Not now!!!' He thought starting to panic. Lotor was only taunting them, Keith got tired of it and raised his sword "KEITH NO!!" Shiro yelled as Keith being a hot headed kid he was ran at lotor very pissed. Lotor stood still as his droids punched Keith, and rose Keith in the air, holding the paladin by his neck. "Attack again, and your neck will snap.." lotor said with a cocky smirk. Lance eyes widen, he started to get angry. Lotor noticed the small male behind Shiro and Hunk , "I want that one too" he said as he pointed at Pidge. The droids came after pidge as she shook her head, Shiro screaming and hunk protecting her. The droids slammed both Shiro and hunk on the ground, breaking hunks helmet as he bled from his lip and nose. Then Shiro having his nose crushed on the rocks. Pidge was taken up, the grip of the droids causing her to cry.
Lance had enough, he clenched his fists, before he knew it the floor started to turn into ice. "Uh..sir" a Galra guard said to lotor as lotor turned back to notice, the was iced. He looked under his feet and it was pure ice. Everyone was confused, "where is it coming from?!!" Lotor demanded. "I think it's-" the Galra was interrupted with a "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Coming from lance as he swayed his arm towards the Galra freezing him head to toe on to the ground. Lotor gasped as the rest couldn't believe what they were seeing. Lances arms where growing into a shade of dark blue, then light blue, then white to the fingertips. His face had little patches of ice. Lance glared at lotor, "Let go of my friends" he growled. Lotor clicked his tongue as the Galra started to shoot at lance, he shielded himself with ice, as he then moved his hands to freeze one Galra then stab the other through the chest. Lances eyes weren't bright...they where...faded. Shiro gasped, Keith was shocked just like everyone was. Lance then faced Lotor, "let. Go. Of. My. Friends..." he said. Lotor looked at lance and glared. " win this time, dear ice boy" he said, lance glared and formed an ice fist around his hand as he punched the shit out of Lotor. Lotor coughed blood and glared. He was running out of time. "I'll deal with you all some other time....your lucky i have business to take care of.." he mumbled as he told the droids to let go of the rest of the crew. Pidge's legs where shaking of fear of what lance had done. Keith was speechless, Shiro was shocked, and Hunk was trying to think straight. Lotor soon left with his droids and guards. Lance then coughed as he put his hands on the floor and melted the ice, then dusted himself off and looked at them. "Are you guys...okay?" He asked. Shiro being the figure of voltron slowly walked to Keith. " ice..powers?" He asked. "Yeah...I found out yesterday when I froze my whole room..." he said quietly. Shiro was still shocked. Pidge teared up and ran to lance hugging his cold body. Shiro nodded "t-thanks for back there" he said hugging lance also. Keith ran and hugged lance. "You son of a bitch..." Keith mumbled. Hunk lastly hugged lance smiling "thanks lance."
Lance then shed a crystal tear falling on pidges head. "Woah, that's cool!!- hey why ya crying?!" Pidge said looking at lance. He chuckled as more crystals came out.
"It's just that, I'm happy you guys appreciate me" he said chuckling. Everyone smiled.
He smiled as well.

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