Into the mind and understandment

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As lance unfroze the ice he sat back in his corner, his legs crossed. "What is it?" Lance asked. Keith and Shiro looked at each other. "We heard your punches" Keith said crossing his arms. "Lance what's wr-" he was quickly cut off my lance who said "nothing's wrong!! I don't want you to understand!! So nothing's wrong!!".
"Lance we just-".
"JUST WHAT KEITH? THINK IM DANGEROUS?!" He yelled as ice slowly started to form below him, but then retreated. "Lance  we don't think your dangerous" Shiro said looking at lance. "Well you guys surely agreed with the princess when she said that" he mumbled as he got up. "Only to shut her up" Keith spoke out as Shiro elbowed Keith. "Just what do you want?" The Cuban said coldly as if they where bugging him. "Where gana go into your mind." Shiro said grabbing lance. "W-what- no! I have personal information on there! Hey Shiro!" He yelled as he froze shiros hand. Shiro backed up and sighed. "Lance please." He said as Keith suddenly came up and cuffed lance's hands. It was iron that covered lance's hands for the ice won't come out. "This is all where gana do so you won't freeze anything" Shiro said as Keith nodded. Shiro walked off while Keith stayed. "Lance let us help you, we want to see what's wrong, what causes you to freeze things, besides us getting hurt" Keith said as lance stayed quiet and nodded. Keith smiled a bit. "Trust me" he said as lance looked at him and nodded, Keith walked off and lance quickly fallowed. When he met everyone in the training room they where sitting in a circle. As soon as lance walked in a chill was sent to the room. Lance sat in the middle and Keith sat by Shiro and Allura. "Lance" she said. "Allura" he said back. She put the headband on him and then put her own on. "Lance please, open up your mind and memories for us to see" she said as everyone nodded and closed their eyes. "When lance does this, there's gana be a blue door, go through it and then open your eyes and watch lance." Allura commanded as they nodded or hummed in response. Lance closed his eyes giving a sigh. His mind was opening. Keith noticed a blue door, so did the others, and as they all walked to it they opened it. Then opened their eyes to watch lance's memories from the beginning.

Lance's memories/thoughts/insecurities....

As they saw lance as a baby his mom was happy, his dad wasn't there though. But he was surrounded by other kids. After that was over it transferred to one that when lance was 7. He was on a beaten down couch sitting there. He was playing with a soccer ball but as he tossed it away it hit on the coffee table knocking over a vase that had flowers. He gasped and got off the couch as he was about to grab the soccer ball a man that looked like he was in his mid 30's grabbed lance.
"T-tío! (Uncle)" Lance gasped as his uncle shoved him away from the ball. "LO QUEBRASTE! (You broke it)" His uncle yelled angrily. "P-perdóname!!" Lance choked out as he started to cry. His uncle had a beer bottle but threw it and grabbed lance. He spoke English now saying, "Forgive me my ass, your place is a child! You should beg!" He yelled as he slapped lance. Lance started to cry more and nodded "o-okay!! Please! Déjame!!" He begged gasping for air as his uncle started to strangle lance laughing. "Your fucking worthless!! Eres una desgraciada!! (Your a disgrace)" He yelled. Lance cried louder and after that the memory cut. Now at the age of 10 lance was playing with his younger siblings, they where playing and swimming. Noticed how one of them where missing. He looked over at the water and saw his younger brother drawing and struggling. Lance ran and swam through the rough waves that splashed over him he coughed on the water but grabbed his younger brother and swimming all the way back. His brother was crying and hugged lance "gracias hermano" he said crying as he ran off with the rest of his siblings. Lance smiled "no problem! I'm okay" he said smiling watching his brother leave. But what he didn't know is that when lance stood up he had a large gash on his leg from when the waves pushed him on a sharp rock. Then that memory cleared up. Then it went to another memory, lance was 15 and he was what seemed like a marriage, he smiled as he watched his sister get married off. "You better treat my sister good bastard or I'll kick your ass!!" Lance yelled out as the groom chuckled and nodded. But soon after that, 4 months passed and they noticed that lance was angry, he growled and yelled "he's a imbecile!!". Lance's sister was crying. Why? But whatever it was lance hung up and put on his sweater as he walked out of his home. He then arrived at a home, And knocked viciously on it. Then a man opened it, a familiar one, lance's sisters husband!! As he opened the door lance threw a strong punch at his face. Lance growled "BASTARD! I told you I was gana kick your ass for hurting my sister!!" He yelled as he walked in and grabbed the man punching him, jab, jab, jab. After what felt like hours lance stopped as he huffed. He got up and spat at the man. "Speak to her again, I'll kill you" he said as he walked off.
Now that memory was over.
A new one then opened up, he was 16 just like now. He was getting ready to leave. His mom smiled and fixed his shirt, "que lindo mi neno!" She said smiling. Lance's dad appeared and looked at him crossing his arms. "Be a man, not the pussy that you are now. Don't you dare go disgracing our family name." He growled. Lance nodded as he hugged his mom and left. After that it was over.
Everything was black, then his thoughts popped up.
'I'm an idiot' 'I'm useless' 'I'm worthless' 'I just drag the team down' 'I'm annoying' 'I'm just the 7th wheel' 'I'm just the weakest link' 'I hate myself' 'my puns and jokes are just as useless as me' 'I can never cheer anyone on with them' 'why can't I be taken seriously' 'be more like keith' 'Keith is better than you' 'your nothing' 'stop being useless for once' 'your just like uncle said, a whore' 'stop talking be serious' 'why am I so stupid'
After that everything was white,  meaning it was over. Everyone just stared. They didn't say anything, but was this the reason lance was acting up? Was this why he couldn't control much of his powers? Why hasn't he opened up? To hide something this

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