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(I know the house doesn't have stairs, but I just thought it would help the story more.)

Ch. 1: Tease

The sky ran clear as the grass swayed from the restless wind. Over the rolling hills and through the rocky passages, sat a suburban house. Pretty normal, typical two story, white house, but what lived here wasn't the average man.

Lazily, the pale man glided down the stairs, never taking a single step. His grey arms stretched out as a yawn exposed rows of sharp teeth.

"Glob..." Marshal Lee breathed while he scratched under his shirt. Into the kitchen, he hovered in front of an open fridge. The man rummaged through countless red fruits and red veggies, coming across a few other foods of the hue, before snatching up his breakfast.

An apple rested in his hands before he shoved his fangs in, sucking its beautiful shade away. Slowly it was drained into a grey white then tossed aside, for he had no use for it any more.

Humming a melodic tune, the man came into the living room, twisting and turning slowly to his song. In the far corner sat his base, an axe he modified to piss off his mom, he went towards it. The man flew by it, slinging it on with out a pause. Left hand curled fingers over the neck of it as the right plucked the strings. As and Bs, flats and sharps sliced through the amp, forming to his humming.

"Lookn' around...

I'm thinkn'

I've figured it out...

Unblinkn' ...

There isn't a sound

I'm alone smilen'

No body sees me

and I ain't feeln' down...

Cause I'm lookn' around..."

He hung there for a second, just starring off into nothing before he bent over. Suddenly his laughter pored out with shaking shoulders.

"That was stupid!" he cried as he glided up the stairs, "Glob, what the hell?" he slid down the railing with a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt on. At the bottom, he jumped into a pair of converse and shot out the door.

Finally the sun was down, though that rarely stops him from going out, and he was ready to meet up with friends. First; Fionna and Cake.

Not that far from his cave sat a towering tree house. Windows decorated the sloppy wood paneling while ropes and ladders lead to different branches, which also held rooms of random windows and boards. Yet the entire house didn't have a single light on.

"Crap..." Marshal sighed when he looked through their bedroom window, they were asleep. He turned around, leaning against the third story window, as he thought in mid air.

'I can prank them...' he thought as a malicious smirk cracked across his lips, '...nah...' his smile faded as he pushed off the glassed pains and flew away.

With his back facing the ground, he soared across the land while strumming his base guitar. Eventually he ran into something, lightly hitting his head against it. Looking up, the man saw the icing encrusted walls of the candy kingdom.

"Gum Ball, you better be awake." Marshal hissed as he scaled the wall. Eventually he reached the lit window. Just barely, he peaked in with intruding red eyes, spying Prince Gum Ball on his bed.

Marshal was shocked by how pink this guy's face could get, for it was practically red from blushing. Sweet sweat ran down the prince's rounded features as he read from his novel. The guy's shirt was even undone, making Marshal chuckle quietly. Curiously, he snuck in, lining the walls and ceiling to keep hidden from Gum Ball. Quietly, the man looked over the prince's shoulder, spying at his book's content.

With a burst of laughter, Marshal plopped down on the bed next to the shocked prince.

"Woah dude!" Marshal chuckled, "are you seriously reading smut?!" the man had placed his base beside the bed as he rolled around laughing. Gum Ball just laid scrunched up in shock, his book held tightly in his arms.

"W- what are you doing here...?" the prince stuttered, inching away. The vampish, or rather entirely a vampire, Marshal grew his devious smirk. In a heart beat, he had the prince pinned down. Marshal's nose was pressed firmly against Gum Ball's with deep eye contact.

"You look like shit." Marshal stated "Who were you thinking about, huh?"

"W-wh- what? N-no one..."

"Liar. Who was it? You had a very erotic look on your face... You were picturing some one."

"Shut up!" the prince tried to push the vampire off, but Marshal just grabbed his wrist to hold him down.

"Was it... Ice Queen?" Marshal joked

"Please." Gum Ball said with rolling eyes

" Was it... Cake?"

"No." Another eye roll.

"Was it..." The man paused for a minute before realizing, "It was Fionna!"

The prince just shook his head no. Marshal sat up, the prince still under him, confused.

'Who else...?' The vamp thought as he tried to make a list of girls that actually liked this guy. He came up with a total blank, took only five seconds, and looks back at Gum Ball. His book was closed, but his face held the same look as before.

"Is it any one I know?" Marshal asked

The prince nodded as he turned redder, eyes squeezed shut.

"Is she a ghost?"

Gum Ball shook his head.

"Is she a... Vampire?"

The prince mumbled something too quiet for even this vampire to hear.

"What? I can't hear you!" the man yelled leaning in close to the prince's face again. They sat there in silence, Marshal making faces implying Gum Ball to say something. Finally the prince repeated what he said.

"N-not she..." Gum Ball said with yet another stutter. Marshal cracked a smirk, immediately interested.

"Who? Who? Who? Who is he?" Marshal pressed on as he got closer to Gum Ball's face.

"Uh, ah... get off of me..."

"No, tell me."

"Um, n-no..."

"Tell me or else I won't leave."

The prince just got redder and tried to push the man off again. He fail and just got flipped onto his stomach. Marshal pinned a pink arm behind Gum Ball's back while sitting directly on the prince's butt.

"Tell me." The vampire hissed directly into Gum Ball's ear. They sat in silence as goosebumps chilled its way across Gum Ball's arms and neck.

Then it dawned on the man, the chills, the red face... it all made sense now!

"Wait..." Marshal began, "... you mean to tell me..."

"Don't say it." Gum Ball begged


"Don't say it."

"you like..."

"Don't say it!" the prince commanded pushing the man off.

Marshal laid on his back, facing the ceiling, surprised that whimp over powered him. Slowly the vampire sat up only to be pushed back down, pinned by the wrists. Now he looked up to the dark red of Gum Ball's flustered face.

"Kinky, now are we?" the man teased. The prince's expression was emotionless, except for the extensive blushing, squinted eyes stared deeply at Marshal.

"Get out of my castle." the Prince ordered, "and never come back."

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