Daylight - Iceland

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Iceland x Vampire! Reader


'I can't look at you in the same light
Knowing what you did in my heart doesn't feel right
Yeah, my heads been tripping all night
I need another point of view'

I faced my crush and watched her ageless beauty put many into a trance. Vivid memories of what I stumbled upon last night came into my brain but tonight it just seemed like I was tripping or something. I knew in my heart that no one was supposed to do that. No one was supposed to act like that. She had a place in my heart and it doesn't feel right. It felt weird. I swore I needed another point of view on this feeling. I can't even look at her in the same light as I did at the start of the year.

'I got a friend who's committed to sci-fi
He's read every comic
He's addicted to Twilight
He'll give you the Goosebumps
But he's never led me wrong'

I sat opposite Leon. Many people told him that the stories he tells them gives them the goosebumps. His past time is reading comics and of course obsessing over Twilight. I tell him he's addicted but he tells me it's more of a fascination. He's never lead me wrong about anything though. I'll go to him and he'll give me the advice that I need.

'He said, she's got a method of killing
Pulling you in like she's gonna start kissing
Fooling around until you lost all feeling
Sucking your blood until your heart stops beating'

He pulled me closer to him and pointed over to where (Y/N) was sitting. "She's got a method of killing Emil. It's almost like you're going to start kissing. She'll pull you in and fool around until you've lost all feeling. Here's the thing though, she'll suck your blood until your heart stops beating." he said. I stared at him incredulously. "She can't kill." I muttered.

'Before we started it was over
I feel our bodies getting colder
She gives me a feeling that I can't fight
And it's the road that leads to nowhere
But all I want to do is go there
She's got me
Running from the daylight, Daylight'

Before we even started dating it was over but I didn't know that. I felt our skins cool down. She gave me a feeling and I couldn't fight it. I just needed her. I felt her cuddle into my side. "You know, I really like you Emil." she said. "I really like you too." I responded kissing the top of her head. I felt her teeth graze my neck. "What?" I whispered and she plunged two of her sharper teeth into my skin.

'I got a taste for it and I'm obsessed
Lying here no fear of the darkness
Now I'm not happy unless
I'm close enough to you'

Once I got a taste of what she ate for a living, I was obsessed. I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I wasn't very happy that (Y/N) wasn't next to me. I'm never going to be happy unless I'm close enough to her. I have no fear of the darkness around me. It's soothing.

'And all these dreams I'm dreaming
Freaking me out I wish I knew the meaning
Doesn't make sense because I'm just not seeing
How I'm alive it feels like I'm not breathing'

Not too long after, I fell asleep. All the dreams playing in my mind were freaking me out. I didn't know the meaning of them. I couldn't see how I was still alive after what happened. Leon told me she kills but how am I alive when it feels as though I'm not breathing any more. I don't understand and I don't think I will.

'Before we started it was over
I feel our bodies getting colder
She gives me a feeling that I can't fight
And it's the road that leads to nowhere
But all I want to do is go there
She's got me running from the daylight, Daylight'

Again she stopped by for just one night. I couldn't resist the feeling that she gave me. As we walked around on the rooftops with her she was thinking about something. I didn't know. I knew that dating her was a road that leads to nowhere. I wanted to go there though. Try and get her to change her mind about dating me. I looked up and saw the sun arising. I ran off with her hand in hand back to my house.

'I'm not ready to start again
And you're not willing to make amends
Now the daylight's dangerous
It will turn us both to dust
I'm not ready to start again
And you're not willing to make amends
Now the daylight's dangerous
And it's much too late for us'

She left me shortly after and moved on to the next person. "What did you do to me?" I asked. She seemed as though she hissed at me. "Can't you figure it out from your friend? You're a vampire, I changed you. God I hate you." she responded. Those last three words struck me like a knife. I hate you. If this was the end then I'm not ready to start all over again. "Can't we make amends (Y/N)?" I asked. She glared at me. "No." she stated walking off.

The daylight was dangerous for me now. I couldn't go out until it was the night-time. It's too late for us to even think about rekindling whatever we had together.

'Before we started it was over
I feel our bodies getting colder
She gives me a feeling that I can't fight
And it's the road that leads to nowhere
But all I want to do is go there
She's got me running from the daylight, Daylight'

All I knew from the road that lead to nowhere was that I was running from the daylight constantly.

'I feel our bodies getting colder
She gives me a feeling that I can't fight
And it's the road that leads to nowhere
But all I do is want to go there
She's got me running from the daylight, Daylight...'

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