Carousel - Prussia

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Prussia x Reader


'Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,
Will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,
Chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,
Feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel'

You had heard of this abandoned amusement park from Tobias. He walked passed it everyday. "C'mon show me." you said to the brunette in front of you. He sighed and lead you towards the place. "It's nothing much, just rides that were left to rust." said Tobias as he helped you climb the gate.

Immediately you had an idea. "Wasn't there this ghost story that you kept talking about?" you asked. He nodded before dropping down and catching you in his arms when you tumbled from the top of the gates. "About this place comes to life every once in a while and grants you your biggest fantasy." he mumbled looking forward at the carousel. 

'Come, come one, come all,
You must be this tall
To ride this ride at the carnival

Oh, come, take my hand
And run through playland
So high, too high at the carnival'

This guy was standing there with a sign. He held his hand out and you felt that you just had to take it. You were going to run through this amusement park called Playland all night with this attractive guy. You were on one of those sky drop rides. There was a carnival below you. You were so high but too high at this attraction. It was almost as if you were flying. 

'And it's all fun and games,
'Til somebody falls in love,
But you've already bought a ticket,
And there's no turning back now

Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,
Will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,
Chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,
Feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel

This horse is too slow,
We're always this close,
Almost, almost, we're a freakshow'

You and him were like a freakshow with this love. It was like he was standing there watching you go round and round in circles for him. There was always something that set back this relationship. Something that always made you two have space. 

'Right, right when I'm near,
It's like you disappear,
Where'd you go? Mr. Houdini, you're a freakshow.'

"Just call me Mr. Houdini." said the albino in front of you. He seemed like a freakshow for his strange features. Though it seemed as though when you were near him, he disappeared completely. Where did he go though? There wasn't many places he could. 

'And it's all fun and games,
'Til somebody falls in love,
But you've already bought a ticket,
And there's no turning back now'

There was no turning back. These games that you were playing with him seemed so fun but it seemed too deep once you felt yourself falling in love with this stranger. Though you bought one of the old tickets to see this.

'Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,
Will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,
Chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,
Feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel'

This man, was everything to you it seemed. You could never tell if you'd catch up to love. It seemed like this was a fairytale. One that was going to go wrong. One that didn't end so happily. 

'Why did you steal my cotton candy heart?
You threw it in this damn coin slot,
And now I'm stuck, I'm stuck,
Riding, riding, riding'

You stared at the red eyed guy who leaned against the pole in front of the horse you were on. Why did it seem as though he stole your heart? You were stuck in this endless loop. Stuck here in love and stuck on the carousel riding on the horses until you could get off. 

'Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,
Will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,
Chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,
Feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel'

You woke up and saw that everything around you was gone. The attractive guy was gone, everyone that you saw was now a memory that was seemingly fake. The carousel you were on was still going round, the eerie music still playing. Though the music seemed far away as though it was in the back of your mind. "TOBIAS!" you called out hoping that your friend would answer. You looked at the mirror on the middle bit of the carousel and saw a name carved into your arm. You couldn't make it out though.

There was nothing. No more sound. No lights. Nothing. It worried you. Now you'll never get off of this carousel.

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