Try Hard - Iceland

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Band member! Iceland x OC x Ex! Reader ft Luxembourg, Hong Kong and South Korea


'She dropping outta school 'cause she don't need the grades.
The colours in her hair don't seem to fade.
I get dressed up when I go out, but she gets dressed down.

She's 17, I told her I'm 20.
I couldn't take her out 'cause mum's got no money.
It's stuff like this that makes me wish that I could change somehow.

Sitting here at home.'

There she was. (Y/N). She dropped out of school last week claiming she didn't need the grades. The colours in her hair never seem to fade. When I go out somewhere, I get dressed up. She gets dressed down. "Cool how old are you?" I asked. I remember that conversation. It was ages ago when she decided to talk to me before she met up with her friends. "I'm 20." I responded. She looked at me weirdly. She probably knew that I wasn't. I couldn't take her out anywhere even if I asked because Lukas has no money. We rely on the jobs we have after school hours. It's stuff like this that makes me wish that I could change somehow. I sat here at home by myself. 

'It's obvious,
She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
That she makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again

'Cause I'm trying too hard again'

It's obvious how out of reach she is from me. And I'm finding it hard in trying to get her attention. She makes me feel like I'm trying to hard. Cause I'm not being me and it's getting me down. I'm trying to hard and I shouldn't be doing that. She's making me feel like I'm trying too hard again. It's because I'm trying too hard again isn't it?

'She's got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered,
I play guitar but she's into drummers,
She's seen my face around but she doesn't even know my name

I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool,
I ripped my jeans and dropped out of school,
I followed her 'round the town but she thinks that I'm a weirdo now'

I knew she had a rose tattoo but she kept that covered up. It was the talk of the school for ages. I play guitar in the band I made up but unfortunately she's into drummers. She's seen my face around but she doesn't even know my name. I sat on the seat and braced myself for something that's going to happen. "Ready, this is going to sting." said the piercer as she got the stuff ready. I nodded. 

She put the clamp down over the bit she was going to get ready. "Deep breath." she said and pushed the needle through just as I did. She pulled it back out again and replaced it with the labret bar. "Good boy. Remember treat it before you go to bed and when you get up. If there's any complications come back and we'll see what we can do. And you can come back at the halfway mark or when it's completely healed to change the jewellery." said the piercer. I nodded and walked out of there with my friends.

I got the lip piercing so she thinks I'm cool. I ripped up my jeans and dropped out of the school. I could then pursue the band dream I had in the back of my mind. I followed her around the town but she thinks that I'm a weirdo now.

'Sitting here at home.
It's obvious,
She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
That she makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again'

Sitting here at home with my guitar, it's obvious that she's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard cause she makes me feel like I'm trying too hard. I'm not being me. I'm trying to be someone else just to keep her interested. 

'But now, who knew?
That she's in the crowd of my show
Nothing to lose,
She's standing right in the front row
The perfect view,
She came along on her own,
And there's something that you should know

You're so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause you make me feel, you make me feel,
Yeah she makes me feel, she makes me feel'

It was me on guitar and lead vocals, Yong soo on bass guitar and vocals, Leon who played guitar as well and did vocals. And on drums was Amara and sometimes he did vocals. I saw (Y/N) standing in the front row of our show. She came along on her own. There's something that you should know. I sang along to our new song that specifically about her. 

' 'It's obvious
She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
That she makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again

(And again, and again, and again, and again)
'Cause I'm trying too hard again
(And again, and again, and again, and again)
'Cause I'm trying too hard again' '

We ended the show and went backstage. I saw her standing there but I didn't have time to react. It turned out that I liked the lip piercing. I didn't have time to react but not because the others wanted me but because I was in the middle of a hug with my girlfriend. She also had two lip piercings and coloured hair. I pressed my lips to hers in a kiss. "Hey Emil." said a voice. I turned to the girl who I had a crush on once upon a time and smiled towards her with the band. "It's nice to meet you...." I said trailing off. "I'm (Y/N)." said the girl. Oh right. I'd forgotten her name for a bit.

"(Y/N). I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Frida. Frida meet one of our fans (Y/N)." I said and we all gave her signatures on her photo. Once we walked away I couldn't contain the thoughts. "Don't worry babe, you did good. She's your past." said Frida. I nodded and placed a ring on her finger. It's been 4 years with Frida and I'm so proud. "You are my present and future." I responded. She kissed me passionately. The key is to not try too hard to impress someone.

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