The Last Song - Denmark

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Denmark x Reader


'What am I gonna do when the last song's over
I was out with my lonely heart
First a movie and then to a new club
I wasn't planning on staying out long,
then there's this girl from dreams started smiling at me
Went up to say hello, say hi and stereo,
she whispered in my ear hey there Romeo.
No-no-no we dance more, we're on the dance floor,
she's making me feel like no one else before.'

I was at Gilbert's for our monthly lads night. I remembered how I felt before we came here, I felt as though my heart was lonely. It needed companionship. That's why Gilbert told me I couldn't skip out. First we went and saw the new movie out. Some weird horror with the main couple actually surviving. It was still early. "There's this new club a few streets up." stated Alfred. I wasn't planning on staying out long. Maybe another hour or two and then I'd head back.

When we got to the place, it looked awesome. I scanned the crowd and I spotted the girl of my dreams. She started smiling at me. Wow, that smile. I walked up to her and said hi. She leaned into my ear. "Hey there Romeo." she whispered. What was I going to do when the last song's over? That wasn't the last of our interaction. Oh no. It's only just started.

We started dancing. While we were in a space on the lit up dance floor, she's beginning to make me feel like no one else before. I couldn't explain it but it just feels special.

'Hey there Mr DJ, I can't see straight
What am I gonna do when the last song's over
Sorry Mr DJ, Hey excuse me,
What am I gonna do cause I can't let go her
What am I gonna do when the last song's over.'

Hey Mr DJ, I couldn't see straight. The thoughts were running through my head. What was I going to do to when the last song is over? What am I going to do cause I can't let go of his beautiful girl in front of me. No way, I can't let her go. What am I going to do when the last song is over?

'Now here's a chance that I cannot miss
I never thought I could love you like this
(but I only got one shot, gotta show you what I got)
What am I supposed to do, I don't want to be a fool
Hey there DJ help me out cause I am so confused
You see this every night, before they hit the light
Give me a chance, one more dance before you press rewind.'

Here was a chance that I couldn't miss. I could take this girl home with me. I never thought I could love you like this. I've only got one shot and I've got to show you what I've got. Shit! What am I supposed to do? I don't want to be a fool. I looked over to the DJ. Help me out please. I am so confused right now.

You must see this every night before they hit the lights in this place. You must see a guy trying to hook up with a girl. What do you do to help? Give me a chance, I beg of you. One more dance before you press rewind.

'Hey there Mr DJ, I'm feeling dizzy
What am I gonna do when the last song's over
Sorry Mr DJ, I know you're busy,
What am I gonna do cause I can't let go her
What am I gonna do when the last song's over
What am I gonna do when the last song's over.'

I feel slightly dizzy. I don't want to alarm you Mr DJ but I'm actually feeling dizzy. I couldn't help it. I was with this stunning girl with the most gorgeous smile. What am I going to do when the last song's over? It felt as though I couldn't let go of her, that I shouldn't. What am I going to do cause I can't let go of her.

'And I know it's getting late, it feels like I'm pushing fate
The clock is ticking baby time won't hesitate
This is the last chance, we got the last dance
I'll know for sure if this is more than a romance.'

I knew it was getting late. Later than I wanted to stay out. I feel as though I'm pushing fate. "The clock is ticking baby time won't hesitate." I mumbled. This is it. The last chance. We have got the last dance to make this happen.I'll know for sure if this is more than a romance.

'Hey there Mr DJ, I can't see straight
What am I gonna do when the last song's over
Sorry Mr DJ, hey excuse me
What am I gonna do cause I can't let go her
Hey Mr DJ, I'm feeling dizzy
What am I gonna do when the last song's over
Sorry Mr DJ, I know you're busy
What am I gonna do cause I can't let go her.'

I couldn't see straight and I was feeling dizzy. Must've been the alcohol I had earlier with this beauty. I felt her hug. Her empowering scent filling my nose and calming me. I don't think I could let go of her. I can't let go of her. I just can't.

'Hey Mr DJ, can you hear me
What am I gonna do when the last song's over
Sorry Mr DJ, did you hear me
Tell me what to do now that last song's over.'

I slumped in my seat. The flashes of the lights lit up my memory. The stunning girl I was dancing with. The only question of what I was going to do once the last song was over.

I felt a piece of crumpled paper in my pocket and opened it out.

'Hey hot stuff, call me x XXXX-XXXXXXX'

There was no name but was that the number of the girl from the club. Sorry for bothering you with those questioning thoughts Mr DJ but please....

Tell me what to do now that the last song's over.

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