5 to 7 Years - Norway

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Norway x Reader


'Let me kiss your tears away
There's no need to feel afraid
I told you, darling, you're the one
So, don't worry, when tomorrow I'll be gone'

I looked over to Y/N and she was standing there with tears running down her face. I walked over to her and put my hands either side of her face. "There's no need to feel afraid any more." I murmured softly as I kissed the tears away. "But wha-" I cut her off from saying something stupid. "I told you, elskling, you're the only one. Do not worry when I'll be gone tomorrow." I commented.

'I will return,
with gold and treasures for you,
from all the world'

As I sat down on the ship that carried me from the shores of Norway to our next conquest. "I will return Y/N. With gold and treasures from all the world. All just for you. No one else." I delivered my promise to the wind hoping that somehow it would find it's way to my love and calm her. Even if it calm her for just tonight. 

'And you may roll your eyes at me
Tell me once more how I used to be
But you hurt my feelings
'Cause everything I do
You know, I do it just for you'

"What's wrong with you? You used to be so open. So full of life. Now it's like you're dead. You're like a walking corpse." she had said to me. "You hurt my feelings. Everything I did. Everything I do. You know that I do it just for you. No one else." I retorted. This stung. All this time I waited for her to make up her mind. I couldn't believe how we used to be. All those years ago when I found enjoyment from torching villages and pillaging them with Mathias and Sweden and the others. 

'And I believe with you in my heart
There's nothing I can't achieve'

Though I believed as I sat in this meeting that with you, Y/N, in my heart there was nothing that I couldn't achieve. I was going to strive for the very best and not get brought down by telling myself that I can't do something when I could. I can. I will. 

'And so, I hope our love will last forever
Just give me 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours
Because I know that we belong together
I just need 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours'

I sighed. It was just like last time. I put everything the way it was and picked up my packed suitcase. I was going to have some time to myself. "Give me 5 to 7 years. That's all I ask of you. I believe that we belong together." I remarked to the silent Y/N. She didn't say a thing. I didn't know if she was agreeing or disagreeing.

When I reached the door a question stopped me in my tracks. "What then Lukas? What will you do after those 5-7 years?" she asked quietly. "I'll be yours." I responded and walked out the door.

'So, please, you must have faith in me
There's no place, I'd rather be than home with you
Where all is safe and warm
But now I need to fight this storm'

I looked at the photograph as I leaned on the railings. I've been travelling trying to do things I wouldn't normally. I had some things on my mind that I needed to take care of. "You must have faith in me Y/N. I have no other place I'd rather be than home with you reading a book. Where everything is safe and warm." I whispered to the picture. I had a storm in my heart and mind and I needed to fight it. 

'And I will win
My life together with you,
will soon begin'

I smiled at what I held in my hands. "I promise you that I will win the fight and my life together with you will soon begin." I murmured to Y/N over the phone. I had to call her and reassure her that it wasn't the end of us. It would never be the end of us. 

'And so, I hope our love will last forever
Just give me 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours
Because I know that we belong together
I just need 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours' 

"5 to 7 years. You know that's all I'm asking." I responded to her question. "I want you home now Lukas." she stated. I felt like she was angry at me for leaving her but I needed time away from her. I listened to the heavy sobs from the other side of the phone. "5 to 7 years Y/N and then I'll be yours. I promise." I remarked and hung up. I rested my head back against the wall behind me. I couldn't help but think of how long our love would last. Hopefully it would be forever. 

'But lately you've been silent
Please answer when I call you
You're so cold to me
And now I'm back
But you don't even notice
I told you I'll be home tonight
But all I see is empty rooms
No pictures left of me and you
A letter lying on the floor, "it's over"
You don't love me anymore'

Her tone and the things she was telling me was so cold. It was like I was in the middle of a winter storm with nothing on. "Please pick up when I call." I said as I dialled her number. There was nothing but the choice to leave a voicemail. "I don't know if you're going to listen to this but I'm going to be coming home tonight. I'll see you then. I love you." I said and hung up. I was already here in the same cafe as her but she didn't seem to notice at all.

I entered the door ready for whatever she was going to throw at me. Lately she hadn't called me. There was nothing after my last phone call with her. I couldn't see anything. All around the house was empty rooms. I finally made it to our room. The one that had the wall of photos. The photos of us but none of them were there. All it was, was a empty blank room.

I felt myself tread on something. I looked down and found a note. From her. Y/N. 'It's over.' was all it read. I clutched it to my heart. All she had to do was wait for me.

'But still, I hope our love will last forever
Just give me 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours
Because I know that we belong together
I just need 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours' 

"Y/N!" I said raising my voice to catch her attention. I found her after strolling in the park. I was glad that she didn't go back to her own home just yet. "What do you want Lukas?" she asked surprisingly calm. I hoped that our love will last forever. I hoped it so much that it was burned into my brain and my heart. It was something I breathed knowing one day it would kill me. "I know we belong together Y/N. I know we do. Just give me one more chance. I'm begging you. I just need 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours." I remarked. She didn't look too impressed.

I took her hands in mine silently willing her to change her mind. "I'll give you your 5 to 7 years." she stated and didn't shy away from my touch. I was so happy at that moment. I'll take it slow so we can both learn to love each other again.

'Yes, I'll be yours
And our love will last forever
Just give me 5 to 7 years and I'll be yours
Oh, because I know that we belong together
I just need 5 to 7 years..
Only 5 to 7 years..
Please, give me 5 to 7 years..' 

I left her again. After our argument. I left her after she told me to. I sighed and looked at the ceiling hoping I'd get a text or call from her telling me to come back. I've told her so many times that I'd need 5 to 7 years. Always those numbers. It was the truth though. Our love is what I hoped would last forever.

"I just need 5 to 7 years Y/N. 5 to 7 years and then I can be yours again. Our love will last forever. Just please give me those years." I said in the text to her. I felt odd. It wasn't as if I felt like I was missing her at all. I closed my eyes and hoped for good dreams. "I'll be yours." I muttered into the cold night air.

'And I'll be yours.' 

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