Chapter 6

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I'm finally back to this little website (well, it's pretty huge but, oh well..) to write a chapter for you doods out there :3

Sorry I've been on such a long hiatus but, I've been feeling a little sad latley. For any of you who are bothered, no, I have no idea why I am sad but it happens..

Anyways, less of the touchy stuff and more of the story writing X3

((Jerome's POV))

I wrapped my knuckles gently on the door once more, sliding down the nearby wall until I was sat on the floor. Damn, this boy was as stubborn as a mule. "Come on, Mitch; I just want to help you." I called yet again, letting out a sigh and tilting my head back until it hit the solid concrete.

Honestly, I was close to just giving up on him, close to letting him fight his own battles and just suffer in silence. But, on the other hand, I fet a small connection with the boy. I used to get bullied frequently in my previous school, something that nobody knew nor cared about to a certain extent. The reason I was bullied? Well, it's because I'm bisexual, something that is clearly seen as abnormal in this screwed up world of ours.

I clasped my hands together, looking down to my lap. As a child, I guess I found it hard to understand why liking a guy was so bad. Couldn't people be happy with anybody they wanted? I certainly thought that they could. My mother had a completely different impression, however. She thought that all gays, lesbains and bisexuals were banes of Satan, children that have no right to be walking on this earth. This was exactly what she had told me, the day before my father and her left me.

A slight tear sprung to my eye as I thought back to them; such a sweet couple until they knew the truth about their 'fucked up son'. I was sent to live with my Grandma, a lovely old woman who was fully accepting of my sexuality. In fact, on multiple occassions, she'd try to set up dates for me, dates with boys who 'looked gay'. I obviously refused them and, when I reached 8th grade, she finally gave up. Now, I'm in 12th grade, in a new school and, so far, I've managed to keep my bisexuality a secret.

I decided to try the door one more time, reaching out to knock but finding my fist make contact with thin air. Swiftly, I turned my head, spotting that the door had been allowed to creak open. I stood up from the floor, brushing the dust from my jeans before poking my head around the side of the door. "Mitch?" I called softly, to earn a sigh in response.

The poor boy was curled up against the wall, knees drawn tightly to his chest. His open bag lay next to him, a small tube opened by his feet. Cautiously, I walked over to it, kneeling down so I could read the label. 'Burn Ointment, prescribed to Mitchell Hughes' it read. With a frown, I screwed on the lid. "What do you need this for?" I asked curiously.

He simply pulled up his sleeve, revealing a series of red blotches painted onto his skin. That must have been why he yanked himself from my grasp. God, I'm an idiot. I sat down by him, replacing the tube in his bag and zipping it up. "How did you get those?" I inquired, only for him to yank his sleeve back down again. "Come on, Mitch." I sighed. 

Eventually, he coughed, speaking a quiet sentence. "Bradon Keaton did it."

So, there is another chapter, hopefully longer than usual ;3

Remember to leave a comment down below and a vote as well! It's also always nice to chat with you guys over message :3

Anyways, PEACE OUT DOODS! \(ouo)/

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