Chapter 8

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As promised you guys, here is chapter 8 of this.....interesting story of mine X3

See you all on the other side!

((Jerome's POV))

I simply sat there for a while, keeping the boy in my arms as I waited for an answer from him. Hopefully, he would tell me the truth; the truth in my eyes being that he was, in fact, gay. The whole situation would make sense to me.

If Mitch did admit it, maybe I could do something to help him. I could be a shoulder for him to lean on. much like now. As cheesy as this may have sounded, I think I may have been developing some sort of feelings for this boy.

Everything about him intrigued me; from his quiet exterior to merely the clothes he wore. I wanted to find out more about, solve the mystery behind his quiet and secluded nature. Obviously, the bullying would have been a part of it but, there had to be more, of that I was certain.

Mitch's quiet voice roused me from my thought process. "I....I'm gay.." He whimpered, seemingly shifting closer to my body. "That's why they pick on me, because I'm a mistake." He snivelled. I looked down at him once more, noticing the transparent tears that were welling up in his dull-coloured, amber eyes. Him crying was the last thing that I wanted.

"Shhh, don't cry.." I cooed softly, catching the tears as they fell with the pad of my thumb.

"But, I am a mistake." He choked, his body beginning to tremble.

"No, Mitch, no.." I sighed, pausing for a second before deciding to lift his light figure into my lap. "You're not a mistake," I hummed, combing my fingers through his hair gently as I sat up moreso against the wall. "They're the mistakes."

He soon seemed to relax in my arms, his redenned face nuzzling slightly into my shirt. The wet patch that was developing beneath his cheek didn't bother me in the slightest. As far as I was concerned, Mitch's happiness was the only important thing right now.

We sat there quietly for a few minutes, simply relishing in each others presence. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The bell rung loudly, Mitch's eyes shooting open and his body tensing. "We need to get to class now, Mitch." I whispered, standing up with him.

He seemed almost reluctant to let go; the way his limbs were wound around me reminded me of the way a baby chimp would hold onto their mom. "Come on." I chuckled lightly as I heard the thundering of footsteps outside the door. We were going to have to face the pupils sooner or later.


I have to go now due to the fact that I am being ushered off the computer as we speak o-o

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