Chapter 7

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Before I start off this new chapter in my stroy, I would like to make a shout out to my own biggums :3

Her name on this delightful website both you and I love is 'ShipFicsRus' and, just like me, she has started a new Merome book. It would be greatly appreciated if you guys went and checked out her story, amybe leave a comment below on it if you enjoyed (or even a vote if you're feeling generous X3).

That's all from me for now, see you doods at the end of the chapter :3

((Mitch's POV))

"Brandon Keaton." I whispered, hanging my head a little as I drew my knees closer to my chest. I could already feel the tears burning at my eyes; no way was I going to let them fall whilst Jerome was next to me.

"Was he that boy who was bothering you before?" Jerome asked softly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Surprisingly, I decided against shrugging him off.

"Yeah, it was." I answered quietly. In all honesty, I probably did deserve the burns anyway. I should've kept my mouth closed and just gone home like I originally planned. Instead, I decided to go to my locker, expecting that, on the off chance, Brandon and his 'gang' of friends wouldn't be there. Looks like yet again, the luck just wasn't on my side.

"Oh, Mitch." Jerome sighed, gently beginning to rub my shoulder which resulted in me leaning into his side. "Why do you let him treat you like that?" He frowned. There it was; the bombshell of a question I'd been expecting ever since I walked out of the nurses office with Jerome. Honestly, I really didn't feel like telling him the truth about my current situation. What, with being gay and all, he'd probably find someway of judging me.

"'s not going to stop." I murmured, staring intently at my lap. Suddenly, the stonewash colouring of my jeans had become a fascination to me, a distraction from the conversation that was desperately trying to commence.

"But, it will stop, he can't just bully you for no reason." Jerome mumbled, pulling me slightly closer to him. Admittedly, he felt quite warm, the mere feeling of the heat radiating from his body comforting to me.

"He does do it for a reason." I confided, moving my head so that it was resting on his padded shoulder. It was a reason that most boys of my sexuality got bullied for; being different. According to Brandon, gays were mistakes. I was clearly a bigger mistake than the rest of the boys in my school and he felt the need to express his hatred for differentiation on a daily basis.

"Do you want to tell me what that reason is, Mitch?" Jerome asked quietly, running his thumb over my shoulder in a soothing motion.

"No, I don't really want to tell you to be frankly honest." I sighed, knowing fully well what response I'd achieve from him.

"If it makes you fell any better, Mitch, I used to get bullied in my old secondary school." Jerome stated. I looked up at him, feeling somewhat taken aback.

"What?" I frowned. Jerome came across as one of the popular kids, one who everybody adored and flocked to. Mind you, I guess every kid has their flaws that others love to pick up upon.

"Yeah, that's right." Jerome smiled sadly. "Do you want to know why I was picked on?" He asked, to which I nodded. "I'm actually bisexual, believe it or not." He chuckled nervously.

"Y-you are?" I squeaked, my previous reluctancy to tell him about my sexuality fading.

"Yeah, I am indeed." He nodded. "And I have a slight suspicion that your situation is pretty similar to mine." He stated.


Remember to leave a  comment down below doods, as well as a vote if you enjoyed! :3

A new thing that I've wanted to start doing is a QOTD (Question Of The Day). So, my question of the day for today is: What is your favourite ship?


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