"Play Time"(part 3)- Kol Mikaelson

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Kol was at the bar, a drink already placed in his hand despite being noon and even though seemed focused on his drink and trying to ignore the bus-boy that was drilling holes with his stare into Kol's skull, his mind was focused on the door waiting for her arrival.

And his patience was tested as he was not used to waiting, but his patience was awarded when he heard the door opening and a familiar voice that was talking to the phone before she hang up . He subtly turned to look as she want to the bar and took a seat, her mind immediately focused once again on her phone.

He waited once again as he absentmindedly observed her, taking in every detail on her face and every expression that she made while playing a game on her phone until he heard her phone ringing. His ears focused on the conversation  when she answered her phone, hearing (Y/N)'s friend which name had already forgotten voice blaring through telling (Y/N) that she couldn't come to Mystic Grill. He smirked as he watched (Y/N)'s eyebrows burrow, satisfied at her excuses being so convincing , that even would have trouble knowing that they were lies if he hadn't compelled her to tell them, so that he would have a chance to talk to (Y/N).

He heard (Y/N) sigh as she accepted her friend's apologies and hang up. He waited for a minute before he approached her and tapped her on the shoulder, a friendly smile placed on his face rather than his normal smug smirk, when she turned to look at him.

"Hello ,it's (Y/N) right?" he asked despite remembering her name. He watched her eyes widen in recognition and then her eyebrows burrow further, proving that their first meeting hadn't left the best impression of him in her mind.

"Oh! It's you" the tone that she spoke in didn't and her expression didn't indicate any kind of excitement for his appearance.

"Last time I didn't have the chance to introduce myself" he offered his hand for her to shake, something that she did very hesitantly."My name is Kol Mikaelson and despite the fact that our first meeting wasn't ideal, I am pleased to meet you."

"I would like to apologise for being a bit of a jerk last time we met but alcohol can really bring out someone's worst person" he continued with his most convincing regretful smile.

He watched her eyes widen once again in surprise, not expecting any kind of apology from him.

"It is fine. It was not something you have to apologise." a small smile bloomed on her face.

"Would you mind if I sat next to you?" he questioned, his eyebrow rising as if to emphasize the question.

She only pointed the empty seat next to her as a response.

"I know that it comes of as a way to hit on you, which I am totally doing by the way, but I found you really beautiful." he complemented, taking the risk of the pleasant situation turning totally sour.

But this time his attempt to hit on her had a different result, than the first time they had met. He once again heard her heartbeat race, but unlike the last time no snark left her mouth and she only blushed a little before silently thanking him for his compliment, his decent behaviour achieving what he wanted.  A chance for him to properly start the game.

"What would you like to drink,(Y/N)?" the bus-boy that his sister was obsessed with, interrupted their interaction glaring at Kol, before smiling down at (Y/N).

"The usual, Matty" she answered, beaming at him

"And you sir?" Matt's glare returned to Kol.

Kol only smirked before shaking his glass, that still contained some alcohol.

"You do know that it is only noon?" (Y/N) asked when Matt left.

"Let's say that my day wasn't the greatest and I needed something to relax." he vaguely answered, before changing the subject.

"So tell me more about yourself, after all I only know your name" he started a small talk which gradually turned into a deep conversation. He carefully listened to (Y/N) talking about things that her friend had already told him and answering her questions, lying when needed.

Before she knew it hours had passed, Kol's humour making her laughed, sometimes  almost hysterically and made her forget about time. A gasp left her mouth when she finally looked at her phone and saw the time.

"Oh my God! The time really passed flew by, I have to get going." (Y/N) quickly stood up, grabbing her purse.

"Wait, I would like to accompany you home" Kol offered.

"You do know that it isn't night time yet?" (Y/N) questioned, really doubting Kol's ability to tell the time.

"Yes, but I want to spend more time with you" he explained, chuckling at how hard she was blushing when she heard those words.

"Okay then" she answered after she cleared her throat trying to appear less flustered.

Just as she expected time flew by as they continued talking while he walked her home and soon they were in front of her door.

"It was really nice meeting you" she admitted, her hand landing at the back of her neck.

"Would you like to do this again?" he asked, his hands subconsciously getting inside his front pockets.

"Are you asking me out?" she tease her lips curling into a smirk.

"Maybe" was his only answer as he smirked, enjoying seeing her more confident when he was around, than in the beginning.

"Well, I accept" her smirk turned into full smile.

"I will come to pick you up, at eight 'o clock. Wear something formal. I want to take you somewhere nice" he explained.

"See you tomorrow" she answered with an excited smile while she struggled to unlock the door as she looked at him and finally opened her door to enter. She pecked his cheek before quickly entering her house, leaving him outside his right hand coming of his pocket to land on his cheek that was still feeling the touch of her lips and as his heart fluttered,surprised by her action, he realised that perhaps what he consider as a play time could turn into something dangerous for him.

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Part 3 is finally up!!😂But I don't know if there will be any more parts. Do you think that I should continue posting more parts? I hope you will enjoy reading it and if you liked it please vote, comment and feel free to leave a request😘

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