Chapter 2:

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"You know Bryan. How crazy he is!" I knew right away she was lying to me. I just went along with it, so theres no yelling and crying or fighting.

"Ok! I believe you," I lied.

"Really? Ok, um, we should go to the movies?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders, the way I did when I wanted to her more. "Well, we could walk. Umm, uhh, we can, umm, uhh go out and eat?" I smiled at her idea.

"Let's go!" She grabbed her wallet and yelled to her mom that we were leaving. We headed to the elevator and waited for our long ride down. Kasey lived at the top. Number 36. On the way down it is usually about two to five minutes because of other people.

The first time I ever came over to Kasey's house the elevator broke down on our way down. I was only 7 years old and scared of everything. Sleeping in the dark. Scary. Anything with teeth and darkness was scary to me. We were in the elevator whistling to the elevator music. We were laughing and having a good time in such a small space. We slowed down then stopped. The lights flickere. I held on to the bars in the elevator. The lights finally went out. You heard a big scream from the corner. Guess who that was! We were in the elevator for about thirty minutes waiting for the people to open the elevator up and turn the lights back on. I never figured out how the elevator stopped. To this day it still haunts me!

We walked out onto the sidewalk. You heard car horns talking shouting. NYC! My place! A couple times we would accidently bang into someone making them drop there bags. The theater was4 more blocks away and already my feet were aching.

"So who is your favorite in One Direction," I asked. I know she doesn't like taking about it but I want to see, well pretty much for fun!

"Ummm," she said smiling. "Zayn!" I smiled. "You?"

"I don't really have a favorite. But the cutest is... Louis!" I said to her almost screeching in her ear, again. "Why do you like Zayn?" Her smile faded from her pale face. She looked upset, like she didn't know anything about anyone of them. My smile went to a nice smile to a frown.

"I don't know. He's cute, funny," she was getting into love details! "Smart, nice....." I interuppted her.

"Ok! I get it!" I said going back to a smile.

"What about you! Why do you like Louis?" She asked me with another huge smile on her face like nothing happened.

"I told you. I like every single one of them. I can't pick!"

"C'mon! Just tell me why Louis is cute!"

"Well.. Ummm because his hair has that wave."

"That's a stupid one!" She said punching me in the shoulder.

"Well, his clothes are cute!"

"You find those overalls attractive?"

"Yes!" I said.

"You're right!"

"Yep!" We laughed together.

We walked onto the last street until we reached the theater. I heard screaming of 'CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!!!' over and over again. I stood on my tippy toes to see who the people were. I saw several faces. They all had pretty faces to. One of them turned around and it was Niall! Niall from One Direction! I screamed loudly some faces turned to me. I kept standing on my tippy toes and I saw more faces. Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam!

"AHHHHH!" I screamed again.

"Calm down! It is not that big of a deal!" I loooked at her. "Oh yeah for you it is!"

"You too! Why don't you care for them anymore?" I said.

"I do! Not that much!"

"Yes you do! C'mon lets go meet them!" I walked to the circle thinking Kasey was behind me. I walked alone screaming into peoples ears. I heard more screaming when Zayn walked out of the circle toward Kasey. At first I didn't care that he was walking toward Kasey. Actually! I didn't care at all that he was walking over to her. I kept screaming and pushing to the front. I finally reached the front with angry faces behind me. The cute boys made there way around the circle signing autographs. Some girls fainted when they hugged them. Some girls screamed so loud they probaly broke there ear drums! Finally, they made there way to me! I smiled at stole a pen from someone and asked them to sign my arm. They signed it very nicely. I walked out of the circle bumping into Zayn!

"How do you do?" he asked me as I fell backwards. He helped me up!

"Good!" I had kept the pen and asked him to sign my arm like the others did. And he did, lovely. I stared at him as I walked over to Kasey. "Hey! OMG! That was the best ever! I met them! They touched me! I held Zayn's hand!" I screeched. Kasey smiled a weak smile and motined me to this time go around the circle and walk to the theater.

I stared at them as we past. One of them smiled at me as I waved to them. I screeched in Kasey's ear again and I couldn't get my eyes off of them. I stared at them until we turned the corner but I was still smiling.

We headed to the movies and waited in line forever for tickets and a seat. More screaming behind me. I turned around and saw running and a limo. I squinted to see who was in the limo. One Direction trying to get away from the girly mob. I smiled at the girls as we finally got into the uilding and buy our tickets. We got popcorn and got the best seats in the house, the top. Where we can throw popcorn at one another and no one to tell us to stop. No one can say can you slide down in your chair. I can't see. The best part was, only two other families were in the theater. They were both in the front. No one was in the top row. We could talk all we want and no one could tell us to be quiet- My thoughts were cut off my feet coming down the hallway at the bottom.

"Let's get a good seat near One Direction!" screamed everyone. Then I noticed a lump next to Kasey. Heads turned all around down at the bottom and everyone headed for them. They went for the wrong person! They went for the two families at the bottom! I started laughing, when I heard a zipper close by. I looked next to Kasey and saw her holding someone's hand. I looked over at the hands. It was hard to make out, then I relized who was sitting there. Zayn! He held Kasey's hand.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" said Kasey. "I will be right back!" She let go of his hands leaving me staring at him. He slid down in his chair making sure no one noticed him. He put his finger up to his mouth, warning me that if I said anything that he will never talk to me again! I kept my mouth shut. I smiled, though. The girls at the bottom left the families alone, but all together they left the theater alone. Zayn sat back normaly in his chair. I saw more heads pop up. There was Louis, Harry, Liam and Niall. My smile got bigger! They smiled back at me and went back to the screen trying to solve the celebrity word scramble.

"Ooh, I know it! One Direction!" I said. The boys laughed at me. We talked and talked and I totally forgot Kasey was here. No one heard the british voices from behind. Everyone was so busy in the word scramble! Kasey walked up the stairs slowly looking down at the floor. I was laughing with the Direction people I barely noticed her. She sat down next to me on the other side. Not next to Zayn.

"Move over next to Zayn," she said.

"Are you sure?" She stared at me. "Ok!" I moved over next to Zayn trying to keep myself from screaming. I smiled to big it hurt my cheeks! I am pretty sure that I embaressed myself in front of them! They probaly only smiled because they were trying to be nice to me. They probaly didn't appreciate my liking of them. They probaly thought I was their weirdest fan!

The theater went dark and the movie started.

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