Chapter 4:

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The next day was school. School. The most boringist place on Earth! I got on the big smelly yellow bus. I sat with Olivia who lives on the 7th story in my building. Olivia kept talking about One Direction and so did I. We didn't stop because we were annoying the boys. We talked about the concert and how cute they were. We talked about each one and what we loved about them. Louis's overalls and Zayn's mohawk. Harry's hair. Niall's accent and his blonde hair. And Liam's voice and cuteness!

The bus arrived at the high school. We waited in the gym for the bell to ring and for out teachers to pick us up. We kept talking about One Direction annoying the boys some more.

The bell rang and we headed toward our classroom. We had boring lessons through out the day. Math. Review. Language Arts. Boring. Everything was boring. I couldn't wait to get out of school!

My mom picked me up and she took me to the Hair Cuttery to get my hair cut. I liked my long hair. I didn't want 6 inches to be cut off.

"How was your day?" she asked me.

"It was boring," I responded.

"What did you learn?" she asked.

"Nothing! Everything was a review!" I said rolling down the window. It was so hot in the car.

"Ok! Did you do anything exciting today?" I shook my head.



"Why do I have to get my hair cut?" I whined.

"I don't know. I'm finding hair all over the place. The color is yours."

"You're treating me like a dog, mom," I laughed. We both laughed for a long time. Then, we finally arrived at the Hair Cuttery.

"Sit down. This might take a while." I sat down on the black chairs. I almost fell off because the chair was so hot.

The radio was on at the Hair Cuttery. One Direcrion was playing. I sang along to Up All Night. I wasn't listening. My mom was shouting my name telling me that it was my turn to get my hair cut. The song finally ended and she was dragging me to the hair chair. I waited in the chair for about 30 minutes for my 6 inches of hair to get cut off. After they cut my hair they put cream and that took 10 minutes. I finally was done and I could go home and sit on the couch and watch T.V with Leah.

We walked out to the car. We heard honking all over and shouting. All you could see on the streets was cars. We got int eh car and drove off into the big city. There wasn't a lot of traffic. More honking went on, on the streets.

"I love your hair cut," my moms said touching my hair and smoothing it out. She wasn't paying attention to the road and the light turned red. She ran the light not making it through. Another car came hitting the brakes. It was loud but it was to late. The car already crashed into theback of the car on my mom's side. My head bangd against the window and what ever was in front of me. I was bleeding through my nose and my head. Everything started to get fuzzy. I heard noises and I saw someone open the car door and take me and my mom out. They placed us on the side of the road. I couldn't feel my legs or my arms. I could barely feel my face. Everythign was blury, I couldn't make anything out. All I saw was shapes and colors. I tried moving my arm but it hurt to much. I wanted my mom to be next to me. I heard sirens from far away then I felt hands touching my back. I was placed inside a truck. Hands beating on my chest. My breath was being taken away. Something was placed on my nose.

"Breathe honey, breathe." I tried beathing as hard as I could but I could. My breathe was getting lower and lower. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. My legs and arms hurt. I couldn't remember anything. I couldn't remember where I was last at or what was happening to me. I lay there trying to remember, trying hard to keep breathing and keep my vision the same. I started to feel weary and wanted to sleep. I couldn't sleep or I could die in my sleep. I don't want to die. My vision got blurrier and blurrier then everything went black.

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