Chapter 3

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The movie was about 3 hours. Still no one notice that One Direction was sitting next to me. I was so into the movie that I must of missed One Direction leave. Kasey and I switched seats again, because, well Kasey was under the ari vent and she was so cold and I was so hot! The movie finally ended and we headed slowly out the door. All I could take about was me meeting One Direction. Kasey didn't seem all that interested even though I caught her holding hands with someone. Someone by the name of Zayn!

"Why were you holding Zayn's hand?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" she lied.

"I saw you! I saw you holding his hand! Why were you holding One Direction's hand?" She shrugged. She shrugged like she had no idea what I was talking about!

"I wasn't! That was your imaganation!" she screamed! I siad I believed her, but really I didn't! We walked back to her apartment. We stayed silent. I said goodbye to her and I headed back to my house. I decided to spend the day with my dad, since he was home. We went to the zoo and we quickly went out for ice cream at the brand new store Scoops! My ice cream was of course awesome, but I wasn't thinking about my ice crean, I couldn't get One Direction out of my head. Sometimes my parents caught me drooling. When they talked I dozed out dreaming about dating one of them! I was usually snapped out of it my my mom, giving me a lecture about how rude it is to drool while someone is talking to me. After about 6 lectures on that I stopped day dreaming about 1D. I spent the whole day with my dad and the rest of my family.

"How was Kasey's?" He finally asked me.

"Good! I met One Direction." He laughed for a little bit, then he frowned. I think he is tired of me talking about them all the time. My dad hates it when you talk something non stop, and I think he was going through that now. "Sorry, dad." I mumbled that one. Probaly he didn't hear because he walked away and to the trash can. The trash can that was so far away. I didn't get that because there was a trash can right behind him.

"Sweetheart! Just stop talking about One Direction with him. He doesn't enjoy talking about them as soon as he got home. Take a break on them." My jaw dropped. How could I ever take a break on them. They are to cute to take a break on.

"Mom! I can't take a break on them! They're the only singers I enjoy!" I yelled. Some head turns toward us.

"You better not fight me right now. Go! Go to the car!" I got up from my seat. I tooned out her screaming and yelling. I ran past my father and into the car. I turned on the radio finding One Direction playing. I turned it up really loudly. I sat in the front seat. I stared out the window. I looked at the birds and the trees around. But, something caught my eye. It was a banner that had One Direction on it. It was a contest. If you won you will get to meet One Direction, perform with them and go backstage. You would help them pick out clothes for the next song. The music was over and they metioned the contest.

"Text, I want to win to 973484 to get a chance to meet One Direction!" I texted in. I prbaly wasn't going to win because there are millions of other contestants. More One Direction songs came on.

I waited for 10 minutes for my siblings to finish there ice cream and come back to the car! My mom made me sit next to my brother in the back. Kyle was gross. When ever he ate ice cream no one bothered to clean up his face. His face was a mess with sprinkles and hot fudge and vanilla ice cream. Sometimes he would squirt the cherry juice  out and put it on his mouth like lipstick. he would go around saying that he was a clown. To me he looked like a psyco person!

I looked out our dented window for about 15 minutes. We finally arrived home. It took longer than usually because there was an accident between a couple cars. My family is so weird they decided to take the stairs uo to our a apartment. We live on the 18th flor out of 20 floors. They're crazy. I decided to take the elevater. To bad I didn't have a key. My parents should be careful where they hide the spare key because anyone could find that key.

I raced inside my house and to the T.V. I turned it on. There was more stuff about One Direction contest. I texted in again.

"How did you get inside?" My mom asked dropping her purse next to me.

"Be careful where you hide your spare key!" I threw the key at her. She put it in her pocket and headed toward the kitchen. She sat down with my father at the kitchen table. They talked for a while as I watched T.V. iheard lots of screaming from my brother and sisters. They were running around playing tag. They were always running in front of the T.V and screaming so loudly that I could barely tell what the T.V was saying. I finally took my part in responsibility to calm them down but of course I said the wrong thing. I was sent to my room. Leah was crying and so was Kyle and Rachel was screaming my name angirly. What did I say? I don't know what I said! I spent all night in my room. The wind blew as I fell asleep. 

The next morning I slept in. I slept till 10:00 which is unusal because I usually wake up around 7 or 6. I woke up to the sound of my sisters screaming there lungs off. I walked downstairs to find my sister on the floor. her hand is bent a different way. They way it isn't supposed to be. My other sister is screaming because she is so scared. My mother rushed into action. She picked up the screaming child and caried her out the door. My dad went to get the car ready. I was incharge of Kyle and Rachel. We watched T.V for a while. Leah came back. Her eyes were bright red and some tears still came out. She ran over to us and climbed on my lap. She hugged me tightly. I looked at her hand. It had a white cloth covering it. She held Rachel and Kyle's hand as we watched T.V together.

"Sign my cast Daphne," she said handing me a blue marker. I signed my name gently and neatly on her hand and so did Kyle and Rachel. I put Leah down and went to go talk to my mom and dad. How did she break her hand?

"What happened?" I asked sitting down with them.

"They were running around. She tripped and she fell. She treid catching herself but it was to late!" I shivered.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed getting up. I poured myself some orange juice and went to sit down on the couch with Leah who was resting. She took up most of the space. Once I sat down she sat on my lap. She held my hand tightly. She was shaking. I knew she was scared of what happened. I remember the day when I tripped and fell. I broke my leg. Scary times! We watched a baby show. Dora the Explorer. Very stupid!

"Where is the map?" Dora said.

"Its right behind you stupid thing!" I said. Leah laughed so hard her face turned bright red. I had to calm her down or her face would explode. A commerical for 1D came on. It was about the contest. I texted a couple more times. Then, Leah texted in. We had a great afternoon together after the accident. I love her. She is adorable when she is not screaming her lungs off.

Leah was the only person to get ice cream that day. The rest of us got a couple cookies and that was it. Kyle got messy from the two cookies, which I didn't get at all because the cookies were so small and from a box from the Giant. I had to clean him up of course! Leah was put to bed last because of her arm. I had to tuck Rachel and Kyle in and my dad made a joke asking if I could tuck him in!

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed," I mumbled to myself. "But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell."

"Stop!" My mom screeched. "Go to bed!" I went to my room and tucked myself in. I didn't fall asleep right away. I talked to myself and I fnally fell asleep to the wind. Again.

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