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Guess you can call it ignorance. Ignorance is bliss. Guess its stupidity. Guess it was even attachment. But i chose Kakashi.

Even though ever fiber of my being told me to go after Sasuke. Even though my legs and arms wanted to go after him, why had i come back?

Deep down. I cant. I wont. I need Kakashi. He keeps me whole.

But he doesnt need me. He has a child on the way. Ill only be a burder. So ill leave. Sasuke wont have me. Kakashi wont take me. My only option is to leave and start fresh.

After a while of laying in the bed and staring at the ceiling ive decided to make way to some small city not far from Osaka. And pick up my teaching career. Then ill buy a house and settle down.

Its settled. Im moving on, and im moving away.

《Time lapse》

Sasuke pov

"Are you sure you can't do it?" I growl over the phone to Shisui, who refused to renew the lease for me

"Do it when you get back, its your bar." He nags and hangs up the phone

"I would if i could you dumbass but im not in Tokyo." I yell and throw my phone knowing the lines dead and he cant hear me

I sigh and straighten my tie, im going to try and buy this club from Yoasobi so i can expand business.

I push the door open and the jumping  bass and the screaming made this place feel like my bar. Couples kissing on the wall and people doing body shots on the table.

I made my way to the bar, "hey do you know the owner. Im here on business." I ask the bartender

He looks over at me, a face mask covering everything but his eyes, and nods. He places down the drink and begins to walk, motioning me to follow.

I glance over at the dancers and they all had on masks and all the employes as well. We get to a door that says YOASOBI in bold letters.

The bartender knocks then leaves me at the door. "Come in." A voice yells

I slowly open the door and a blond man is sitting at the chair with a black mask on sorting some cash, and a lot of it.

"Im Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha." I walk over to him and extend my hand, "Im here on business."

He stares at my hand for a moment before slowly taking it. "Im Yoasobi."

"May I ask, what does that mean?"

He glances at me before answering, "my name.. its means night life or night show. Up to you." I can see his fake smile through his mask

"Why do all your employees wear masks?" I ask

He seemed to flinch at my questions, "its just apart of their uniform."

"But why?"

"Just because!" He snaps

I cocked an eyebrow. Why so mad

"Sorry. Its just..your here for something right?" He changes the subject

"Yea, i was wondering if i could buy this bar from-

"Absolutely not." He replies cutting me off "and if thats all, then leave."

"Why?" I ask getting angry

"Because i live here. This is my home and im not selling it." He snaps and open the door and looks at me

I sigh and walk out his room and over to the bar and sit down. "Why do you wear masks?" I ask the bartender

"Buy something and ill answer." He replies and begins to make a kamikaze

"Give me one of those."

He smiles and slides the cup my way, "we wear these because the boss does. They make him feel better. So he doesnt stand out."

"And why does he wear them?" I felt my self getring more curious as the night went by

"Another shot." He commands.

I gulp mine and slide him my cup, he refills it before telling me. "A whole ago he moved here. Bought this place from a girl he fell for. She died, caught fire in this bar. Burned to the ground."

"Well shit." I sigh and throw back my shot, "and after that?" And slide him my glass

He slides me another glass, "he rebuilt this place as a memorial but we had to start up business to keep the power on. He began to live here but after he found her ring, he began to say he could smell her, the dead her. Couldn't stand ti be in here without vomiting."

"So he wears the masks so he doesn't smell it?" I ask and sip my shot feeling a headache creep along

"Yea. There's nothing to smell though. Doctors said Naruto is just facing a metal road block. He thinks he's smelling her since his body doesn't accept what happened.?"

I felt my heart throb as i began to choke on my shot "n-naruto?"

"Ah, Mr.Yoasobi."

So this is where he ran off to...

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