
39 2 1

Sorry for the lack of not updating then suddend updating. And the sudden change in plot but the old plot was too boring to write. Sorry not sorry if you dont like it, but without further adieu, the next chapter.

How did we get here? I sigh as i lay down on the hotel bed and glance over at Naruto who was sleeping soundly. How can he sleep so well knowing what he did.

"Sasuke." He moans a bit and sits up

"Yea?" I ask a bit startled

"You're staring to much." He walks over to my bed and plops down, "i know your thinking, how can he sleep so peacefully knowing what he did."

"Soundly." I correct him

He tilts his head. "What?"

"Nothing." I reply and brush it off

"Well, anyways. I know its hard to sleep, being what you seen. But believe me, if you dont sleep now, your gonna regret it later" he sighed and got back into his bed

I turned of the light and closed my eyes, but i was only met with pictures of the man, bleeding on the ground and Naruto covered in blood.

"Naruto." I whisper yell over to him

He doesn't answer and i feel even more uneasy then before. I climb out of bed and walk over to him, "pardon the intrusion." I mumble and slid into the bed

I crawl into his arms, his heat warming up my body, his cold feet against mine. His bare chest is where i lay my head. Listening to his heart beat, i was calm like that.

I inhaled his scent. A mix of cheep body soap and toothpaste. But even hidden in there, that smell of copper, blood, tainted his body.

His arms made their was around my back, pulling me close to him. I was calm. Whatever i was in, i was to far deep to get out of.

Some where between the cars passing outside, the static from the tv, and the beating of our hearts i fell asleep.

I woke up in a cold bed. The room was empty. I got up, foggy eyes, and stretched. "Naruto?" I call for him

I check the bathroom and the connected room. "Naruto?"

I flip on the tv and check the camera, seeing if he was in the lobby or outside the hotel.

I glanced over at the keys on the dresser. The car keys, the cash. Everything i needed was here. I grabbed the keys and tossed them in my hand.

I could leave now. With about 400 so dollars i could easily make it back home and... then what? What then. I could never live a normal life.

I heard the door click, as i dropped the keys back down and threw my self on the bed and grabbed the remote.

"Sasuke. I brought breakfast." Naruto smiles as he walks into the room with a few bags

"Whats all this." I ask and look into the bags

"Ah, these are your clothes. And some contacts, glasses, and other things ill need." He explains and sorts the stuff

"Glasses? Contacts?"

"You will wear glasses, when you where younger your brother got cleaning supplies in your eyes but bad eyes run in the family." He says as he put in the contacts

"Blue eyes stand out in this city. Ill wear brown contacts to fit in. And you will wear at hat every where unless you cant. Got it Sasaki?" He looks at me through the mirror

"Understood Natsuki." I smile and put on the glasses that weren't prescription. I pulled my hair down and slid on the ballcap.

I watched as Naruto soaked the receipts in water so the ink ran and it was unable to be red

"I jacked a few cards from some people, we'll stop by some ATMs and pull all the money out of them. Get a few thousand." He explained as he tied his shoes

"Are we low on money?" I ask feeling worried

"No." He laughs and throws on a black hoodie, "i have enough cash to buy us a few houses in the Bahamas."

"So why dont you?" I ask. A house down there would be nice

"Well i have to get to it." He looks at me and grabs our things throwing them into a bag. "My cash is scattered around tokyo, burried in random placed ive been to. Couple thousands in each spot. A few feet deep."

He grabs our tooth brushes and burns then so that you cant pull out dna off of them.

"Thats where were going?" I help him pack up

"Yea, then were off for good." He smiles and stops, "sasuke."


"You can leave."

My eyes shoot to his as my heart begins to race, "what?"

"I won't stop you. You can leave. Walk right out that door. Be a free man. Im not holding you captive. You can leave." He says and unlocks the door


"But know if you leave, i better not see your face again." He send me a pained glare

"What happened to all that talk about me leaving and you killing me?" I joke around

He grabs my throat and pushes me against the wall"Dont get me wrong, if i see you after you walk out that door, i will kill you without a second thought."

"And if i stay?"

"Ill make you wish you had left." He looks at my eyes searching desperately for an answer

I gently kissed him and pull away,

"im into deep to leave now."

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