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To put into simple terms, were on the run. I can only buy things using cash. I cant use my phone. If i want to contact anyone it has to be by mail. I can't use my real name. I go by Sasaki when where in public and Naruto goes my Natsuki.

Everything is tell me to run. All the signs are telling me to turn him in but my body is saying 'stay with him or he'll kill you'.

Naruto pov

I had to pick. Kakashi or Sasuke. God how i wanted to go with Sasuke. How i wanted to take him in the backseat of his car, but i had far more important things go do.

time period changes back to the hospital after crash, "pick me or kakashi"

I sighed as Sasuke walked away, looking over his shoulder. I have to go, i have to go to Kakashi.

I slowly walk to the hospital room feeling the tears well up in my eyes, "dont worry sasuke, ill come back for you."

I slowly opened the door and glanced at Kakashi as he smiled and tilted his head. How much i wanted to choke this bastard amazed me.

I wanted to wrap that IV cord around his neck til me turned blue.

"So you picked me" he smiled. His voice use to be music to my ears but now it just filled me with rage. Since when did the fire in my heart for him grow cold?

"Yea sorry i took so long kakashi" i felt my body reject him name as it slid off my tongue

"Come sit." He says and scoots over in the bed

I stared at him. I wanted to cry. What did this man have that i needed so much.? Love? Lust? Whatever it was we didnt share that anymore. Attachment is crazy huh? There one day gone the next.

"Forgive me." I whispered as i grabbed the butterfly knife from my back pocket

No finger prints. I slid on my gloves.

Kakashi stared eyes locked onto the tv as he ate some weird looking fries. I straddled him causing him to smirk a bit.

"Woah there im still injured." He laughs and snakes his hand around my waist

His touch felt like poison, it disgust me. I grabbed his chin and leaned down to kiss him before pressing the knife to throat.

He didn't jump or move, he just sat there. "You can't do it."

Was all he said. His words rang through my head as i gently slid it across neck. Deep enough to draw blood but not deep enough to kill him.

"One for the money." I gently kiss his lip. This was the last time I'll ever feel them.

He smirks, "two for the show." He pulls me down deepening the kiss, running his fingering into my hair

"Three to get ready." I reply and bite his lip before getting off him. God, the way my heart felt at that moment made me remember exactly why i needed him.

It pained my heart as i placed the blade on his chest and slowly slid it into his heart. He gave me a pained smile as he began to quietly cry.

"Now go, Naruto, go." He whispered as his eyes closed and he stopped breathing. I listened to the monitor flat line as i slid the blade out from his chest and walked out from the room.

Doctors and nursed running past me with a defibrillator, not knowing that his heart will never beat again.

I drove home, stripping and throwing my clothes into the fireplace, pouring bourbon on them and setting them aflame. I sat on the couch, knife in my hand, as the clothes burned.

I could hear the sirens wailing. Growing closer. I was the last person in the room before he died, of course they're coming for me.

God. Help. Me.

The siren stopped at my house and i could hear the guns cocking and people chatting outside. Then something told me to run.

I threw some water on the fire and grabbed some clothes from the fire. I searched the drawers for my loose cash and grabbed the keys to my bike. I grabbed my bookbag and threw in the cash, some water, food bars and a pair of jeans after throwing on my jacket.

"He may be armed and dangerous. Fire with the intent to kill." I heard a voice say from the door

Knock knock knock knock

"Naruto Uzumaki, its the KPD, and FBI, open the door." They yell

I slowly open the door to the balcony and pulled my bike out from under  tarp.

"Open up or we will break the door!" They yell

"Go around back!" Another yells

"Tch." I click my tongue and start up my bike. "Come on girl." My bike makes a loud rasping sound before turning on

"He around back, lets go!" They yells as i speed off into the woods behind my house

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I yell as i speed up, i ran. Im wanted. I killed a man. Im wanted. Fuck!

After a few 20 miles the gas is completely empty, and ive used up the spare bottles of gas i hid under the seat.

The bike swerves into a grass ditch and i let myself fall under the bike as i stare up at the night sky.

Then it hit me. Every emotion at one. I was crying and screaming. Kicking my bike, laughing while pulling my hair out. I balled up, tears running down my face, checking my shoulder every 2 seconds while screaming in pain, knowing i should be quiet.

I felt drunk, yet so alert. I knew what this was. In one moment. One decision. I had gone off the rail.

"Hey buddy you okay?" I girl with long black hair ask as he pulls over on the road

"Yea my bike is outta gas." I reply, mimicking his accent, not sure where i was exactly

"Ah your from here too. Have you ever been to Kikios night club?" She asks and leans her arms on the window

"I uh..no..i haven't." I smile back and walk closer to the car

"If you want i can give you a ride," she says and unlocks the car, "i heard they're hiring. New manager is needed."

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