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So because I just went and saw Spider-man homecoming which was a gift, but also came out a bit after I started this fic. This fic is now AU until I figure out how to fit spidey's timeline. Also I know that you all want Isabella and Tony to get out of the cave. It will happen and I have a plan. But it'll be a few chapters. I have a plan, and the extent of time they spend in the cave is part of that. It's coming, but some other stuff has to go down first.

I have a plan y'alls.

- xoxoxo, PotionInMotion



We both sat there taking glances at each other and smiling.
"Do you two have something to share with the class?"
I cocked my head to the side.
"Do we, you tell me?"
Loki was in front of us and I could tell the moment he popped up he caught on to the differences. How interactions had changed just...slightly. A pinch of romance in the cave now that the God of Mischief was snorting up like crack.
"Well your close up to each other, and that's close considering how cozy you two usually are." he said smugly.
I got to watch the scarlet blush Isabella's pale cheek. Like watching fireworks go off just from that.
"I have no idea what your talking about Loki?" she replied in a false innocent tone with a bewildered expression on her face.
"Neither do I?" I said joining her

Loki sighed "I've lived over a thousand of your mortal years, I know these things."

I gasped dramatically "You do?"
I looked at Isabella who was smiling at me.
"Whatever do you think he means?"

She giggled "I think he wants in on the secret."
"But no we mustn't tell him."
"He is a God, he should know."
"I already know, just tell me." Loki growled.

I dropped the dramatics in an electronic heartbeat and said dead seriously sighing
"Isabella and I are a respected romantic couple now."
I watched in his eyes as the lights came, and I could see excitement come in rolling like waves in the sea.
"Finally at last." He said after about two minutes of silence.
"I can die peacefully now knowing that my one wish has come true."

"Which is?" Isabella asked in a passive tone.
His smile just got bigger and he said warmer than kid tv shows
"For you two to be together, happily ever after."
"It's only part of one" I mused, "the fairy tale doesn't end with the captives still being in captivity."

I almost felt bad for being the buzz kill but, it was worth it. There was a chance Loki would work faster.
"Because a love story that takes up a whole cave, is a pretty sad story."

Isabella nodded,"running a relationship can only go so far this way."

Loki was hating how we just poured waters all over his candles but that was okay. It had been three more months in this cave, and though me and Isabella were taking this extremely slow (I hadn't even kissed her yet). Running an actual relationship which was tough for both of us, was awkward being trapped in this cave.
This wasn't how I imagined spending Fourth of July which was two weeks ago.

"But I am happy that you're happy we're together." I said at the end of it all.

Loki shrugged his shoulders,
"It's fine honestly. You two are tired of this cave I get it. Believe me though we are working as fast as we're able to get you two out. Its hard seeing as we still only have a general idea of where the two of you actually are."

Isabella's eyebrows went up,
"really, where?"

"Europe. The problem is when we try narrowing it down its still fairly large. All of Russian and her neighbors could be where you are. Plenty of mountains, plenty of caves, and plenty of low temperatures."

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