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I don't know how much more of this I can take.
So far Isabella's been taking the change of her body as well as one would expect, therefore not at all. At first she fought it really hard, thrashing, snapping, throwing things, acting like the prospect of bed rest was nothing but blasphemy. She wasn't made to be in a bed, for goodness sakes she was 22. I was 39, and the age gap killed me everyday as is.
I didn't mind it as much, and Isabella didn't seem to mind at all in the first place. It just wasn't a big priority to worry about.

Who knew if either of us would live long enough to see people's reactions when they saw the gap. In all honestly, if Loki had done what he was supposed to then the freak out would be far less. But the reactions could only be seen if we both lived, not one or the other or neither. However Isabella decided that it was worth worrying about.
Because Isabella Marie Swan is an angel. Not to mention she notices any change in behavior.

No one is able to go that far when there that weak though. So eventually she calmed down and allowed us to make her as comfortable as could be while she rested. She simply didn't have the energy to do much anymore. So the days were spent as they had been loosely before, in bed sharing stories and thoughts with one another. I got to know so much about Arizona, more than I had even seen in a resort. In key, I told Isabella about the houses I would take her to when we got out. How many acres, bedrooms, floors, TV channels. Each one of them made her happy, hopeful, and that was all that I had honestly ever wanted. I needed her to be in as least amount of stress as I could get her in. Loki had said that the more stress she had the faster she would burn out. Vise versa, the more amount of happiness the better she would be at doing at least a little more healing than beforehand.

It didn't last long though, Isabella as weak as she was, refused to rest an extended amount of time. Literally killing herself to stay up and going, rather than simply relax. It was like watching a toddler but worse, because this was a 22 year old that had been and was still trapped in a cave fore more than a year. Then the crazy thing happened. In a short summary when I was sleeping Isabella had gotten the habit of getting up and going over every bit of the cave. Over, and over, and over again. She began digging into the walls again, for what I didn't know.

Then after when she was satisfied that nothing had appeared she would snuggle back up in the sheets and sleep peacefully and be complacent when I was awoken with her. I probably wouldn't have found out if it hadn't happened, really this is something that had hopped out of a show about vampires or something.

So Isabella decided that just exploring the cave wasn't enough. She dug down deep in her soul, and found every type of ritual she could find that she had seen on shows and put them to use. God bless Sarah Michelle Gellar. She took anything she could remember out of her beloved television experience and put it on the flower marks on the wall. So she took some salt spread it on, spit,tears, water, hell I don't know how but she managed to make her own 'holy water' and sprinkle that on as well. Nothing happened with those because nothing would, as one would accept.

As a last resort though, after cleaning the wall off each and every time she did one of these experiments she'd kind of kick it off the list of her knowledge to what was the easiest to hardest to achieve in our beloved cave. Only one of the liquids would go on each night, then she would start over the next. What would be the hardest one to get you may ask? In this case, because Isabella knew how to make Holy Water, it would be blood.

Not because of her hurting herself I was guessing, oh no, but because she knew I would notice any scratches or changes in her condition. It had been almost trained into me as an instinct to know when she was hurt with even the slightest scrape.

She was putting a lot of faith in her blood if you ask me, and to be surprised it payed off.

This girl I fell in love with was the ever determined reader, decided that to get the blood she wasn't even going to try to hide it from me. Not really because she cut the one part of her I held almost everyday. She cut her palm, not really big or deep but enough to get out some blood. She was going all Divergent with how she wanted this to go, I've never been more inspired in my life. Especially because I've never read or seen either of them and only knew them detail to detail from what Isabella had told me after she had read and seen both of them on repeat.

So after drawing the blood, I guess she smeared some on her hand, and high fived the wall with it.

What happened next is nuts.

I wasn't there for the beginning of this process, I was happily passed out on the bed.

It started glowing, only for a minute at most it started glowing. At this point I woke up because the light coming from the wall was so damn bright. It was something unlike anything I had ever seen in all by 39 years of sight.

The flower on the wall was glowing, a beaming light. Not only that, but Isabella was too. Her skin like a glow stick slowly spreading across her body. All her wounds healed, any scratches or scrapes, or the littlest scab she could have gotten in that time.The bleeding cut on her arm that I barely noticed before it was healed in seconds. It didn't get rid of her weakness completely, but it lightened it. All her scars were taken away, the one on her wrist, her leg, or her side simply disappearing as if they had never happened at all.

She looked like an angel, a beacon, a lighthouse, and she looked invincible, and so so breathtaking.

I called her name and she looked towards me, looking happier then she had the first time that we kissed. Everything about her was turned up to dial eleven, and seeing her eyes without the dread and for just moments without the the bags and the weight that life had given her. Her skin was a healthy sort of tan, not the porcelain pale it was the constantly reminded me of the fact that she needed to get to the sun.

She smiled at me, and laughed. Giggling in an almost bubbly manner, energy storming out of her. The light had consumed her being and was being emitted from somewhere within her.

"I love you more than you can even begin to know Anthony."

Something snapped inside of me, realizing what was happened. I rushed towards her, ignoring instinct telling me it probably wasn't a good idea. Her skin glowed even more the closer it was, and I knew it wasn't an illusion any longer. I wanted to worry more, but part of me couldn't manage it.

Isabella looked like she was the baby-sun in teletubbies.

"Tony, don't worry" She said in a reassuring tone, "Its not hurting me."

I soaked in what she looked like when she wasn't dying, when whatever it was made her glow. This would have consequences later I knew that. No one was turned luminescent without having something else thrown into the party too. But in the moment, I was just happy that she was happy.

Then as fast as it started, it reversed slowly yet quickly. The light seemed to draw away from her body, then collecting it into a little ball. The energy splashing, occasionally lashing out, but in a ball the size of Isabella's hand either way. Isabella was still slightly tan but it was washing off of her, joining the glowing entity that was giving off the light. It placed itself in front of Isabella, shining on her similar to a flashlight, then it got really close to her and her eyes started doing this flashy glowing thing. That only lasted about ten seconds at tops, before a current started going.

For a few moments it felt like a low scale tornado was going down inside our very own Siberian cave because of the sunbeam. It got close to the flower on the wall and was at the peak of its brightness, before the lights gave out of Isabella's eyes, and she plopped to the floor as the light disappeared through the wall.

In the darkness I grabbed my beloveds limp body, having seemed to go unconscious after whatever the hell had just happened. Her skin was pale again, but less of death,and her body had a slight bit of a feverish warmth to it.

I looked at her where all the scars on her body had been. The major ones had dimmed, echos of former injuries such as the one on her wrist. The minor ones were just gone.

I would later find out by Loki later that whatever had happened to her saved her, given her just enough strength to make it to the end with the amount of bed rest she was on.

Whatever else it might have done to her however.....

I was just glad that she was alive regardless of the condition.

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