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Everything had gone back to the closest to normal they could in the cave. Whatever happened when Isabella became a glow stick, seemed to fix her body and its problems. Not completely but enough that she would live.
She was still skinny but not so deathly pale as she had been, she wasn't so weak anymore. The bags under her eyes were lighter and she no longer looked like she was on the brink of death anymore. She looked more herself if just slightly thinner and a bit more pale than we had been when we entered the cave.
Loki had visited seconds after whatever had happened ended. He had told us basically what we had figured out on our own. Isabella was alright now, the situation was no longer critical, and she was alive.
And we had no idea what else happened. No machines or medical equipment, Loki's magic couldn't tell us a lot either. So we took it day by day, until a week later things got a bit more insane than it had been beforehand.

Neither of us had expected it. we had been in the cave for sixteen months for heavens sake, a year away from the world. Not to mention that because neither or us were dying, we weren't praying to be rescued. Too much false hope had done that too us, and the only reason why we were still alive and well was because of the crazy that went down with the lights.

I got up to find Isabella already awake and making oatmeal.

"Good morning ,gorgeous."

I pecked her on the lips, hugging her from behind
"Morning beautiful."
I went and began cutting some of the gross raisins out of the bag and put them in their own kettle to boil.
"How early did you get up, I didn't notice you."
She shrugged "I don't know, maybe an hour ago. I was awake earlier, but it felt weird getting up so I stayed in bed until I felt okay."
I nodded knowing. Not knowing what had happened wasn't doing either of us any peace of mind. She had started saying that her skin felt tingly, and at times a bit too warm at an almost feverish level. I couldn't do anything about it, even when we were out these kinds of things were a bit beyond us. The fact we had been here so long had its affects as usual of course

When I was twenty one I was drinking till I couldn't see, gambling till the sun got up, and sleeping with enough girls to start a village. here she was twenty two and in a cave for half of it. I still had the dreams though, the ones where we were out of this damn cave and I take her to see the world. We finally get to go on a proper date, and we kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower or something. I get to take her to the tower, introduce her to Rhodey finally. and maybe, just maybe in the really nice dreams we get married and if she wants them kids. but they were just dreams, yes we had a love story but it was just the two of us in the cave together and the occasional Loki stopping by. How much I wished to be able to give her the world, she'd never have to worry about paying rent or college tuition when we got out. She had told me that if we got out that she would move into the tower if I'd let her. And darn right she would, if anything was like it was with Afghanistan being away from each other would be a pain. Isabella could have your own floor, or we could make mine ours. I just didn't want her too far away ever. That made her smile, and that smile made me happy. We were in here for God knows how long and the only thing helping was the fact that we were both still here.

And so it was, I hugged Isabella tightly from the back trying to comfort her. trying to give her as much company as I could trying to avoid consequences that this could have when we got out. I kissed behind her ear, pecked her cheeks and lips, hoping to remind her that not all was lost.
Trying to get rid of the dark look in her eyes. The sad look that made me want to buy her an island.
Now I knew all about her father, boyfriend, mother, and stepfather. not to mention all about her hometown. And how much I couldn't wait to meet them all. the look was the worst when she turned 22, the knowledge that she was wasting what were supposed to be the best years of her life in a cave. there really was nothing sweet, nothing to give her any joy. then I started singing. Little lullabies that made her laugh harder than ever before.

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