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When I woke up again an unknown amount of time later I was well rested kind of. meaning my back was stiff, and it was freezing. I breathed out, seeing the moisture of it as I did so it was so cold. thinking fast I looked over to the girl who was still sleeping peacefully, with the blanket over her protecting her from the cold. Once again, kind of protecting her from the cold. Her cheeks were bright red, and I could see her breaths too. Carefully, I gently put the back of my hand up on her forehead. Yep, she was cold but not so much that I should be worried. on accompanying the cold, I was starving. Honestly it was sad how used to being in this condition, from everything that had happened. So I walked into the 'bathroom' which was newly discovered as of now. It was like the others with a bathtub made out of stone, with a simple shower head that was actually pretty nice. it would be even nicer if I wasn't being held captive in a cave, for reasons that were unknown with a girl I didn't know. the toilet was once again a basic run of the mill toilet seat nothing special or particular of it whatsoever. I was hating whoever took us even more and more. the only thing giving us any privacy were two cheap curtains. one for the shower, the other for the room as a whole. this person seriously chose the cheapest way to hold me mysteriously. after using it I left, going into the kitchen. once again the only thing I had was a faucet and a camping stove. I noticed the bad sofa we had, and the one rug the people let us have next to it, I was sick and tired of being here. I walked over to where the food was grabbing two instant oatmeal's. I turned on the stove grabbing one of three pots we had and filling it with water, as much as it would shock people I did know how to cook. I heard some movement in the bedroom as I finished making it. I didn't know whether to be excited that I wasn't going to be by myself, or sad that this was the reality that I had already lived in and got a day to get used to it. I slowly walked into the bedroom where she was waking up. even with all the sleep she had gotten, their were deep bags in her eyes.
She flinched when she heard me come in, though I was having Casper footsteps. Slowly with caution she turned her head to me, big brown eyes peering at me in fear confusion and the daze of just being woken up.
I raised my hands slightly in a 'have no fear kind of way'
"Good morning"
Her eyebrows twitched seeing me
"Tony stark?" she asked eyes widening even more
I smirked the slightest bit.
"In the flesh."
She nodded as if coming to terms with it.
"Where are we"
The big questions coming first just like I knew they would
"A cave."
"No idea."
"How'd we get here."
I looked at her carefully
"I was drugged and kidnapped while leaving a gala. You?" I questioned
Her eyes scrunched up,
"I'm not sure, it's kind of a daze."
I shrugged, she had just woken up from a very drugged induced sleep.
"Who took us?"
"That's what I'd like to know"
Then she started crying, yep she was going into shock. I ran back, grabbed her still warm oatmeal and handed it to the girl who looked and took it
"Is there any way out?" she asked as she started eating.
I shook my head "none that I could find."
This just made it worse as the look of devastation got deeper.
"If you don't mind me asking, who are you."
She looked up eyes still full of tears as she wiped them off
"I-Isabella swan, I go to the university by my apartment."
Yes, she was a college student.
"How old are you?" I asked, not having been able to tell
"Twenty, almost twenty one"
Wow, younger than I'd expected. nodding I shrugged again
"Well I'm tony stark"
She looked at me a certain glimpse in her eyes
"I know who you are, everyone knows who you are."
Cocky, this was gunna be great
She nodded "because iron man, stark industry stuff, and the fact that your names on your building."
I laughed out loud "I forgot about that."
I got a small smile out of her that was short lived and honestly just really depressing. The shock had her looking worse than before, the bags under her eyes even more apparent. about I'm guessing an hour later I had coaxed the girl into coming out, when she found out it was actually a cave she winced.
Showing her all the stuff they had given us, I'd explained that the tools and spoons they gave us worked well enough to do there job, they were too dull to do anything.
"Cupcake" I asked,
She nodded accepting the nickname
"Did you have the car battery in your chest before."
She shook her head "only know"
"In order to keep you comfortable I'm gunna make you one like the one in my chest but a little different because of the tools we have."
Getting the edge of one of the rocks off one of the corners she began writing on the wall what we had
3 pots
3 pans
A faucet
225 bars of soap
And so forth, because she's way smarter than me before I even know it. counting out all that we had, we had about four years worth of food if we ate it every day and ate like 5 meals every day. it was something that scared Isabella just about as much as it scared me by the expression of fear on her face. then came the seeds, they were special seeds where like all the other instant stuff, ya just add water. put it in soil, give them water, they'd grow giving us an unexplained amount of food. This kind of food that they grew was especially gross, because of the no sun thing, so the two of us agreed that it would be for the best to keep those to the side. the constant coolness kept in the cave, so we both spent the day in the uncomfortable but bearable jackets the captors had given us. Near the end, Isabella went over to one of the endless wall spaces and drew out a thirty day calendar
"Do you remember today's date?" she asked
I shook my head "I think it might've been August or"
"September. We'll say from here on out, today is September first."
She put above the calendar in fancy calligraphy 'September' and checked off the first box. then we brushed our teeth and stuff, and went to bed. The cold came just as it did last night, and I told Isabella that it would only be getting worse. I said she should get the blanket permanently because she was a skinny toothpick and nineteen, and I was a fully grown man who could take the cold. She promptly responded saying we would take turns, in a fashion that I couldn't argue with.
Then I got her to take the blanket for the night, and we went to bed.

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