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Well they had bonded quickly.
Somehow Isabella had managed to convince Loki to stay for thanksgiving as well. Not exactly sure how it happened but she was nice but acting like she had the bubonic plague and if she touched Loki he would get it. Her nervousness didn't die down at all, but I could tell the prince didn't mind in the least bit of favors. He was still overwhelmed by how accepting she was, something he obviously wasn't exactly used to.
There was ice between them that needed to be cracked, and I had no idea how to do that in any sense. Heck I hadn't figured out how I broke the ice with Isabella myself, much less getting other people to do so. Either way, I told them I was going to rest because I had a head ache and I was tired.
But When I woke up some time later they were all buddy buddy. Loki was still smiling at her like she had the secrets of life, and I could understand that sort of effect. Isabella just kind of got under everyone's skin, her ability to accept just about anything regardless of everything made her a good candidate for everyone. so coming out of the bedroom having the both of them cooking and talking and laughing wasn't much to go off of. She was chopping the carrots for something, I'm not sure what, and he was chopping the lettuce. From what I was hearing Isabella was telling him all about Arizona and her mom. About the trips they had gone on, what the place she lived in was like. He was telling her about all the worlds he had been to.
"That really exists."
"Yes" he responded kindly "the tree with the fruit of life does exist. If one bites it's offspring, they're immortal."

She was really loving it, talking to someone other than me. From what she told me when the Battle of New York happened she would've been about fourteen and living in Phoenix. So she had no reason not to trust Loki, while I on the other hand got thrown out of a window by him. so here I was quietly observing the two, making sure nothing bad was going to happen. Totally not jealous of all the attention that he was getting from her. She was happy right now though, so I would deal with myself and my dumb feelings for her sake. Being 21 and being stuck in a cave with a superhero in a cave was not what she had planned in life. Isabella wanted to get out, we both did. But you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, what you just might find, you get what you need. That's what we were going off of right now, because we had nothing else too. I was surprised at just how chill I was with Loki being here, all things considered. Maybe it was because now Rogers had a specific place in my heart for hate, and Loki just didn't seem so bad anymore. Or maybe it was the close confinement and lack of anyone but a sweet virgin 21 year old to hang out with anymore and I was just going insane. I was willing to bet the latter.
He was safe for now though, what with us being held captive in this cave for the past four something months. There wasn't really much he could do to make this experience any more than it was. I had been in this particular cold cave with Isabella a month longer than it had been in Afghanistan with Yinsen. Not to mention no signs of us getting out anytime soon. Loki would help with our mental states, whether I liked it or not. Isabella as expected couldn't care less for reasons that she was selfless and unconditionally kind and loving, an absolute angel. As while I was Black Sabbath. The other reasons for her strange comfortableness being around a man who was a God and had tried to take over the world a few years ago, I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Being comfortable around dangerous people could have a sweet background story that I really wanted to get into. While to Isabella I was a pure slate to look at as everything about me and whats happened to me, and I mean everything, is out there in the big world to see Isabella was murky water. I knew only what she told me, with the point that she had no criminal record and really hadn't done anything to get track of my attention in her past 21 years of life aside from the past four months spent in this cave. So that was how this was going, and in my outside life if I had any concerns about her behavior in attains to her past I'd simply have Jarvis go forth and hack every data base until we found a reasonable explanation.

These days it wasn't as easy. No technology, no wifi, heck not even smoke signals to get anything from what was out there. Now all the stuff we had was a camping stove, and a Norse God who had tried to take over the world and threw me out a window in the process. He was the best thing we had now though so I would deal with it. I was currently getting a knife and transcribing some sort of song lyric into Latin on a corner and just shut up my brain and dealed with their giggles for now. Later we'd be doing Thanksgiving anyway, so if I was going to be mad why should it be today. I had never really done it at all except for maybe once with the butler Jarvis and his wife Anna, and by the sounds of it Isabella had done a bit dysfunctional ones with her mother and that was it, Loki had never even heard of the holiday. So I went forth and wrote down the lyrics for highway to hell on the wall and even though I wasn't great and would probably have lots of mental problems and therapy after we got out. For the first time in a long time hearing Isabella laugh and seeing her smile, and seeing Loki as not a crazy bag of cats, all was kind of okay.

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