ten and ten=20

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UPDATE: I am not dead
So basically I'm in a performing theatrical wahoo and it swallowed my life in rehearsals like the monster it is. Then my educational schedule decided I couldn't have a life. I would like to apologize in a begging manner because I saw how long its been since I put up the last chapter and I am sorry. Depending on how the next few days go we'll see what happens next, but I promise to try my hardest to write and put a few chapters up over the holiday.
I'm sorry I haven't given y'all in a while.
BTW their out of the cave. Tell me who you think put them down there, because even I don't actually know.

After being stuck in a cave for such a long time real life can be a bit overwhelming and some things can help with it but there's only so much. After getting out of the cave we had to take a helicopter to get through all the mountains. Isabella was frozen the whole entire time in my arms. She'd already had one panic attack when some medical personal tried to put us in separate transportation so that the doctors would have more room. it didn't go over well and we took one helicopter, it was a good idea because she has obviously never been on anything other than your economy flights.
After Isabella tossed her cookies on some snow, we went from the helicopter to a small private jet of mine. It was nicer and we both took it a lot nicer than we would have otherwise. Also it turns out the only thing either of us could handle at the moment were wonderful saltine crackers and water.

We took a straight plane to St.Petersburg, then as fast as possible because neither of our minds were taking any of this very well, we got on one of my most plain jets to get back to New York. Why?

A short stop in London, and we were going back to the red white and blue.

Isabella was more than a little bit terrified of Russia. Loki joined us at that point and the whole thirteen hour flight back along with some random male nurse, and Rhodey. Our release though how it seemed was a bit unexpected.

Pepper was still nowhere to be seen. Not that I minded of course

Rhodey didn't let me go for at least a good two minutes, he had wanted to see me so bad. Isabella seemed to be getting along with everyone so far, although in the first few hours in the plane she'd had at least two panic attacks and hour. I was now seeing why everyone was so concerned about me after I had gotten out of the cave and after the Battle of New York. It was going to take a lot of time for both of us to get anywhere in the aims.

So in those thirteen hours we slept, or at least tried to sleeping on a mattress seemed a bit strange. We watched in complete fascination a few movies, at least one season of The Office, and still could not stop staring at the television screen that had since captivated our minds. Things like light bulbs, air vents, and other seemingly normal first world materials were suddenly very different. It was like when I came back from Afganistan except it was a lot worse and everything was amplified.

Eventually we did however make it through the rest of the flight by playing card games because those didn't freak us out, and landed in the Big Apple. I guess that Natasha had made it so that whenever we did come back Isabella and I would be able to come back without any issues with the embassies.
Everyone had made sure to not publicize our rescue until after we were in a secure place. I couldn't be more glad, and I thanked whoever it was that kept the paparazzi and there snapping cameras away from the two of us.
We walked from the plane to the airport which had been made empty for our arrivals.

We were out then, and the air was a lot nicer outside of the cave. It smelled like smoke and chillis and South America. The wind, oh my goodness, blew through Isabella's hair. The lights glinted, and put more of a view on Isabella's weakened features. It wasnt as bad as it had been, but unless you knew how bad it was before no one would be able to see how bad it actually was.
We were then escorted by Happy in my old Audi to stark tower where the doctors would be meeting us and the medical wing was going to house our recovery. All was ready since I had made the protocols myself so that anyone on the top level of my friendship got perfection.
"So boss, the kids gunna be so happy to have you back."
"The kid?"
Happy nodded "Yep, spidey is still going strong."
"Not much action for him though, used to constantly ask for missions. The kid brings down crime like you wouldn't believe."
"Wow" I whispered in a soft voice.
"And don't bother about ms.potts she's just gotten on the fastest flight here. Tokoyo to London to DC, it's the only route she could go on since I'm not there. Pepper will be here in about two days."
"How's she been."
"Good-good. taking care of the company you know. Been missing you. Loki wouldn't let her help look for you."
I chuckled, "Sounds just like him."
He quieted down after that,
Happy kept looking back repeatedly at us, glancing at a now sleeping Isabella. Jet lagged and our bodies were on crazy clocks. We weren't on Russian,New York, or London sleeping schedules. Before after the Battle of New York I wasn't this bad off. So I cradled her as we continued driving to the tower, more happy than I could ever be.
I saw them then, the lights. Twinkling, shining, multicolored lights. Streetlights,lamps, convenience stores, hell I saw a Walmart. Shaking Isabella awake you would've thought I brought her to Disneyland or something.
"Anthony what in the world."
I would've felt bad because I was fairly certain she had a headache after all of this traveling, but it was made up for.
"Are we back."
The tall tower came into view, my tall blistering tower, and I saw the glinty name of STARK shining brightly. I had known about the change but I had never been more powerful. Isabella's brown eyes reflected the light as we exited the car once we arrived. I took in a deep breath of beautiful over polluted Manhattan air. Never had I felt more relieved to be breathing the most American air, and I knew I was home.
As we went through the lobby with sunglasses on in the middle of the night, up the elevator where we were greeted by FRIDAY who made Isabella jump with fright.
Doctors came out like parasites and while normally I would love to see them, they had to do about a dozen tests on the two of us and we had to be seperated. While it was only for a short time, I had never truly left Isabella ever for two years.
After a short thirty minutes we were told that the remaining tests could be taken in the morning and over the next few days and weeks.
We requested that we be placed in the same room if not the same bed. So as we tucked ourselves in to the matress in the clean smelling air, and the shower gel that Isabella put on, and situated ourselves into each others arms, we fell asleep preparing to meet the world again.

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