Chapter Three

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Hey guys! I have a nice & long emotional chapter for you guys today! :D

First, however, I would like to thank everyone for the amazing support I've seen so far. I have a total of over 100 reads now, which is so amazing for me. That's more than all my old fanfictions combined! Remember, the more reads, votes, and comments I get, the more likely I'll be eager to update!

As usual, follow me on Twitter and Instagram @code_cherry and vote and comment if you like this chapter and want to see more! Enjoy your long chapter :D


“…what’s up, guys? My name is Bayani, and welcome back to another Minecraft Hunger Games! Today I’m here with Grape and Tomahawk…”

I quickly rewatched the footage from my recently edited SG, scanning it for errors before I began the uploading process. Recording with Grape and Tomahawk had certainly made me feel better for a while, at least. But now that the time was past, I’d come back to the inevitable subject of Bee.

I had a feeling I was throwing my emotions in an uncertain circle in which I knew I felt something for Bee, but would shove it to the back of my head denying it. I couldn’t come to a solid conclusion, and I expected that I’d eventually drive myself to insanity if I didn’t do something about it.  

Sighing in halfhearted defeat, I set my video to upload and opened my teamspeak tab. I quickly glanced at who was online. Graser and H were in the recording studio, and Grape and Dul were sitting muted in the normal chatroom. I took a deep breath and unmuted my own mic.

“Grape? Dul? Can I talk to you guys for a moment?” I asked uncertainly, hoping my voice wasn’t cracking. A green dot replaced the red one next to Dul’s name.

Scuffling was heard. “Get off, you silly cat! I’ll feed you in a moment.” More shuffling as Dul moved her microphone back into place. “Hey Bayani. Of course.”

Grape unmuted a split second later. “I’m here too. What’s up, man?” he questioned, the clicks of his mouse audible in the background.

I cleared my throat softly and began to speak, and suddenly the words were flowing out of my mouth and I couldn’t stop them. “I think I may like Bee. As in more than just a friend. But I don’t know if she likes me back and I don’t want to offend her or hurt her in any way. I don’t know what to do or how I feel and I’m really confused, and I feel as if I’m going to burst from not talking about it to anyone,” I blurted, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. There, I said it. With a shock, I realized that this was the first time I’d truly admitted it to myself as well as someone else.

There was a brief silence from Grape and Dul. Then Dul spoke. “That’s really sweet, Bayani.” Grape made a noise of agreement. “You should have told someone sooner.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I guess I just hadn’t admitted it to myself yet. This is the first time I’ve actually thought, ‘I like Bee as more than just a friend.’” I stared at my hands. “I don’t know what I should do. I don’t even know if she feels the same way about me.”

“I can’t tell you anything for certain,” Dul cautioned. “But Bee talks about you. A lot. She thinks it’s adorable how protective you are of her in the games you do together, or on Twitter how you defend her. That sounds a lot to me like there’s something between you two.”

“Bee won’t judge you for your feelings, even if she doesn’t return them,” Grape added. “You can’t control how you feel, and she knows that.”

I grunted indecisively. “I don’t know, you guys.”

Dul’s tone was sympathetic. “You’re not going to get anywhere if you don’t tell her. She’ll find out eventually, especially if you’re falling for her harder over time. It’ll become obvious, and she’ll be hurt that you didn’t trust her enough to confide in her. Better now than later.” Her words cut through my doubtful haze like a knife. I knew she was right, but I didn’t think I could face Bee and spill my feelings to her. I was too scared she’d throw it back in my face.

“New user has joined your channel.” Spoke a robotic voice. I glanced to the side and saw, with numb horror, the username heyimbee pop up in the sidebar.

“Hey guys! What’s up?” she chirped happily. That was it. I couldn’t take it.

“I’ve got to go. Sorry, guys,” I managed. The last thing I heard was Dul’s protest of, “Bayani--” before I closed the teamspeak. My thoughts flew in a tornado around my brain. My emotions hurtled throughout me uncontrollably. I sank down onto my bed with my hands over my face.

In a weak attempt to console myself, I whispered, “It’s for the best. She won’t get hurt this way.”

...and scene! What do you guys think? Our story is finally starting to take off here ;)

I feel as though Grape should've talked more, being a guy, but I felt that Dul would know more about Bee and how she feels about Bayani than he did, so she sort of became matchmaker here.

Also, I'll give brownie points (and possible a character in the story!) to whoever can comment what they've noticed about certain parts in the chapters so far (and that will be there in the chapters to come!)

Hope you guys liked it! The more feedback you give, the more story you get. Sound fair?

Until next time!


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