Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys, welcome back! c:

Sooooo tomorrow (5/22) is my birthday, and I'll be having some friends over Friday night, so I don't know if I'll be able to have Nineteen written in time for Saturday. But hopefully I will, so don't worry about it. Sunday at the latest it will be up. Kay?

Anyways, here's Eighteen. It's a bit short, but I had a little writer's block on this one, sorry!

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!

BEE’S POV (I know last chapter was Bee’s too but this is necessary I promise)

That was quite the experience, I thought as I collapsed onto the hotel bed. We’d spent hours at Disneyworld, and I was utterly exhausted. And we still had Minecon tomorrow! 

I dragged myself up, took a quick shower, and changed into some athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Wringing my damp brown hair, I walked back into the bedroom and took out my phone, setting the alarm for 6 AM (Minecon started at 8:30). I climbed into bed, shutting off the lamp on the nightstand as I did so. Sleep took me into its hands almost immediately.

~ Yay, another magical time skip! :D ~

I woke to the sound of footsteps in the hallway. I glanced at the clock, thinking I must have overslept. It read 3:42 AM. What the heck? Who is awake at this hour?

The door opened, and a soft light spilled into the room. I buried my face in the pillow. “Guys, if you don’t let me get some sleep, you’re going to get cranky Bee tomorrow; and trust me, you don’t want that.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

I sat up so fast that I nearly fell off the bed. “Dul?”

There she stood, framed in the doorway, a suitcase in one hand and her phone in the other. She looked weary, tired, and nervous. “Hi.”

I blinked. “What are you doing here?” Another glance at the clock. “And at 3:45 AM?”

She shut the door behind her and dragged her luggage over to the empty bed to my right. “You didn’t think I was going to miss Minecon, did you?”

I shook my head in confusion. “But Tomahawk—”

Her face became stony. “Please, don’t.”

I knew that tone, so I shut up. Instead, I said, “Well… I guess I’ll see you in the morning, then?”

She nodded, disappearing into the bathroom with clothes slung over one arm. I had already fallen back asleep by the time she came out again and went to bed herself.

~ So many time skips, sorry! xD ~

When I woke up a few hours later, Dul was already awake, fixing her hair in the bathroom.

“Didn’t you only get, like, three hours of sleep?” I mumbled upon entering.

“Unfortunately,” she replied. “But I’m not about to miss Minecon with my best friend just for that!” She smiled at me, but it seemed halfhearted. My sleepy brain chose to ignore that.

“I’m meeting the guys downstairs for breakfast in forty-five minutes,” I stated, beginning to straighten my wildly messy bedhead. “You coming with?”

“Yep,” she responded, popping the P. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.” I put on eyeliner and some eyeshadow, checking myself critically in the mirror. 

Forty minutes later, Dul and I were in the elevator, headed to the ground floor. I hummed quietly to myself while she stared blankly at nothing, her foot tapping nervously. I felt seriously bad for her, but I was determined to be a good friend and not push the subject that was on both our minds:

How was Tomahawk going to react?

Yes, it's short, I'm sorry! xD My writer's block was getting the better of me, and I needed to end it there to be able to switch to Jordan's POV in the next scene. 

I am super excited, though, to write the last chapter (or there may be two left still, I dunno yet!) and the epilogue. I already have both mostly written in my head :D

Vote and comment for more! Until next chapter!


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