Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys! Welcome back!

This chapter was actually maybe supposed to be a filler chapter, but I kind of got carried away and this whole section sort of exploded into MORE drama. Oops.

Also, warning, there is some foul language in this chapter. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!


“This is all my fault,” I groaned into the mic. “If I hadn’t suggested we tell them…”

Jordan sighed. “Bee, you’ve got to stop blaming yourself. I don’t think anyone is at fault here, and we’re getting nowhere by blaming ourselves and each other.” He leaned forward in his chair, his eyes reflecting the light in his room through the webcam. “I should’ve tried harder to convince Tomahawk, but there’s no way he’ll talk to me again now. And Minecon is in only two weeks…” 

I glanced up sharply, nearly pulling a neck muscle. “What?

He nodded grimly. “Yep. Two weeks and we’ll be in a hotel in Florida (A/N: I know that was 2013 but bear with me for the sake of the story, okay?). Problem is, I was supposed to room with Graser, Grape, and Tomahawk, and the room next door was supposed to be TYBZI, H, and Jon.”

I whistled. “That’s tough.”

Jordan looked at the ceiling. “I have no clue how that’s going to work, but I don’t think any of them will want to waste Minecon tickets. I think it’s a good chance to talk to them all, though.”

I shook my head. “It’s no good if we’re all going to be biting each other’s heads off. Dul and I are good, but it’s obvious that Graser, TYBZI, and Tomahawk aren’t. We shouldn’t ruin our Minecon experience because we’re all bickering!” I rested my hand on my mouse and began exploring a new tab.

“Bee…?” Jordan asked uncertainly, seeing my attention redirected.

“I’m talking to Tomahawk, Jordan. And I’m going to make him see sense.”

I closed the Skype call, reminding myself to apologize to poor Jordan later. Tomahawk was on teamspeak with H, and Dul sat muted in the background. I clicked on.

Users joined your channel.” Intoned the monotonous voice. All talking instantly ceased.

“Tomahawk, can I please talk to you?” I begged, willing him internally not to log off. I didn’t want to lose my chance.

He made an irritated-sounding noise. “If you’re going to start bathing me with fake apologizes like Bayani, I don’t want to hear it.”

“They’re not fake,” I defended heatedly. “We mean every word we tell you, I swear it.”

“Yeah, right,” he scoffed, and I could easily imagine him rolling his eyes or crossing his arms. “Like I’d believe any of that obviously false bullshit--”

That was it for me. “Tomahawk!” I snapped. “Shut up and listen to yourself! We’re not lying to you! All we’ve been doing for nearly three weeks is trying to make amends, to get everyone to stop fighting! And then you come along with your mind completely closed to everything we have to say without giving us a chance!” Adrenaline pumped through me, and every bitter feeling I’d had over the past weeks spilled over. “We’ve literally poured our hearts out trying to fix all this, and we could write a novel and you’d still say the same damn thing!”

Probably a mistake: Tomahawk instantly rose to meet me, fire for fire. “You’re the idiot, Bee! Thinking you could saunter back and simply apologize and everything would be okay, like back in kindergarten? That’s not how it works! You’re just like every other person on the Cube who manipulated me and make me look like a fucking dumbass in front of thousands of people on purpose! Well, news flash, I don’t give a shit! And, frankly, I don’t give a shit about anyone else on the Cube either! So you can shut the fuck up, Bee!”

A cry entered my ears before I could respond. It was Dul, her mic now unmuted. “How could you say that, Tomahawk?” she whispered, her voice wavering. “We’re your friends…”

“You guys were never my friends,” spit Tomahawk angrily. “And I honestly could care less what you think, because that’s obviously how you’ve always felt about me.”


“What?” he hissed, annoyed.

“NO!” Dul screamed. “You have it completely wrong! You’re so fucking blind, Tomahawk! Can’t you see what’s right in front of your face?!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I LIKE YOU!” screeched Dul. “I’ve liked you for months, and all you’ve done is shun me and now insult me, over and over! You know what, fine. I’m not going to waste my time and heart on someone who hates my guts.” And she logged off.

A stunned silence in the teamspeak. 

“Tomahawk…?” I ventured wearily.

I heard him slam his fist on his desk, making me jump. “Great. Just fucking great. Now I feel like shit.”

“She didn’t even tell me,” I said softly. “I never knew. She knew Bayani liked me, gave him the courage to tell me, and still none of us ever knew…”

“Wait…” he responded slowly. “Bayani likes you?”

I sighed. All the will to fight had gone out of me in a heartbeat. “Yes, Tomahawk. We gathered you all on the teamspeak that day to tell you guys that we were dating. That’s what Bayani and I have been trying to explain to you.”

An uncomfortable, awkward quiet, then Tomahawk spoke again. “…I’m an asshole. I’m such an asshole. I’m so sorry, Bee…”

My smile was forced and dry. “Don’t worry about it. Bayani and I forgive you. Now, I can’t say the same about Dul.”

“Dammit,” he cursed under his breath. “Will you guys help me fix this?” he asked reluctantly.

“That’s what we’ve been trying to do all along.”

Yeah... this chapter became way more than it was originally supposed to be.

I hope you guys enjoyed the extra action though ^^

Vote and comment for more, as usual! Until next time!


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