Chapter Seven

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Hey guys!

Sorry I didn't update two days ago; I was at a hockey game and this week has just generally been busy for me.

But it's okay! I have this drama-filled chapter for you all that's the longest one yet!

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and leave a vote and comment if you enjoy! Have fun!


I was content.

I’d just told the love of my life just that, and she hadn’t rejected me; even better, she’d admitted she felt the same way. I couldn’t have felt any happier at that point. The dark haze that had consumed me previously was gone, and it was with more enthusiasm as usual that I recorded a Survival Games apologizing for the short absence and promising a return to normalcy.

I went to bed that night anticipating the next day; I couldn’t wait to talk to Bee again. My last thought as I drifted into unconsciousness was of her beautiful face.

- Le time skip to three days later –

“Hey Jordan!” chirped Bee as I entered the teamspeak. My excitement was reaching a near breaking point: today, Bee and I had decided to tell the others about us. I knew they’d understand, and I could imagine Graser or TYBZI’s comments about me finally finding a girlfriend, which made me grin.

“Hi there, Bee!” I exclaimed back. “Ready to spread the news? I messaged everyone today to be on the Cube at this time, and that it was really important.”

Bee squealed. “I can’t wait!”

I laughed. She was so cute. And I relished how I could think such things without feeling guilty or confused anymore. “Let’s do it!” Without hesitation I joined the Cube teamspeak with Bee just behind me.

Several of the others were already there. Tomahawk, Grape, Dul, TYBZI, H, Jon, and Rusher occupied the room, chatting idly. Upon Bee and I joining, the first thing I heard was a yell of, “Hey there, Bayanidoooooood!” followed by a chorus of laughs.

I chuckled. “Greetings, Mr President! Thank you for gracing us all with your presence on this fine day!”

“My pleasure,” TYBZI responded proudly. More sniggers could be heard through microphones. 

I suddenly realized what was missing from the tab list. “Where’s the robot?” 

“I am here, Bayanidood!” announced the familiar voice, as the name Graser10 appeared among the rest of the users. 

“Nice of you to join us today, Graser,” said H sarcastically. “Have a date with pizza that made you late?”

“…possibly,” he admitted, causing more laughter. “So what brings us all together today, Bayani? You had something to tell us?”

“Uh, yeah,” I approached slowly. “See, it’s about Bee and I…”

“Wait, Bee’s in here?” Graser interrupted, checking the list quickly.

“Yes, she’s been here since Bayani was! Stop being such an idiot and let him speak, Graser,” TYBZI chimed in.

Silence greeted this statement.

“Graser?” TYBZI asked, uncertain now.

More silence.

“What’s up, man?” I questioned, weary of the normally-talkative robot’s sudden quiet.

A few more seconds of nothing, and then two words.

“I’m done.”

I looked in confusion at my computer screen. “What?”

“I’m done,” Graser stated louder, his voice gaining heat. “I’m done with letting you guys insult me. I know it’s supposed to be a joke and everything but you’re just taking it way too far and I’m getting sick of it. I’m SICK of self-centered TYBZI thinking his word is law or some crap, I’m SICK of Bayani playing along, I’m SICK of being treated like I’m stupid and ugly and good for nothing. I’m SICK of Tomahawk and his smart-ass comments whenever we’re recording—”

“Hey, wait a minute!” Where everyone else hadn’t said anything during Graser’s rant, Tomahawk wasn’t taking anything sitting down. “My smart-ass comments? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

At this, a flurry of voices, ranging from exasperated to furious, spoke at once. I winced, but this was nothing to what came next.

Fights broke out. Tomahawk and Graser were still arguing, but they were soon to be joined by TYBZI, H, Rusher, and pretty much everyone else but Bee and I in the teamspeak. I attempted to make myself heard over all the screaming, but found little success. I listened in horror as people I’d known for a long time, who’d been best friends for years, took venomous jabs at one another, saying things I’d never thought I’d hear them say to each other. Every now and then I heard Bee’s higher-pitched female voice through the flurry of angry words, but she had about as much success as I did.

Finally, Bee had had enough. “STOP!” she screeched into her microphone, making us all cringe and immediately ceasing all talking. There was a moment of stunned silence before Bee spoke again. “What the HELL is wrong with you guys?! You’re best friends!”

“Not anymore,” came a bitter voice. TYBZI. “I’m done with everyone here. I can’t believe I ever considered anyone here a friend.”

“TYBZI!” Bee exclaimed, and I could tell she was trying not to cry. “You don’t mean that.”

“Oh, I mean it alright,” he spit angrily. “And you can just fuck off, Aussie. I never asked you.”

I gasped, and I heard Bee do the same. Then a strong emotion rose within me; not anger or fury at TYBZI, but frustration and confusion. What the hell was going on?!

“I knew there was a reason two girls were playing with us,” hissed Tomahawk. “They just wanted to make us look like idiots and asses. Well, you’re just whores. I hate all of you!”

Dul gave a choked sob, and angry, raised voices broke out again, the insults getting more and more offensive, even ranging to things I wouldn’t have even said to the guy who mugged me when I first moved to Seattle; and that was saying something. I should’ve made more moves to stop it, but I just sat there in blank shock as the insults were hurled around the teamspeak, not knowing what to do or say.

“I’m DONE!” screamed TYBZI. “I’M OUT OF HERE! GOOD RIDDANCE TO ALL OF YOU!” And TYBZI left the teamspeak, his icon vanishing from the tab list.

One by one, the Cube members left the room, until only Bee and I remained. In the sudden silence, I could hear her sobbing and crying.

“Bee…” I began softly.

“Oh, Jordan, what do we do?” she wailed. “We can’t just sit here and… and let this happen!”

“I don’t know, Bee,” I murmured, sinking back into my chair with my face in my hands. “I really don’t know.”

OH GOD I FEEL SO BAD FOR WRITING THIS. I know these guys would never say any of this stuff to each other but I had to have some sort of big fight for this plot to work. Trust me,  the guys are cool, and this is in no way related to the Twitter drama going on (I wrote this about a week prior to that).

Soooooo if you enjoyed, be sure to leave a vote and comment! Bye!


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