Chapter Four

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Hey guys! Welcome back!

Ever since I posted Chapter Three on Wednesday I have recieved such fantastic support! If you search Beeyani, my story is the third result :D Thank you guys so much!

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and vote and comment if you want more! Enjoy Chapter Four c:


Did I hurt Bayani somehow?

At first I was ecstatic to see his username in the teamspeak the minute I joined, but my heart broke slightly when he immediately left after my greeting. It sounded like he’d been in a serious conversation with Dul and Grape when I first joined, and by the way Dul had objected when he left, I was the reason he’d disconnected.

There was a ringing silence in the teamspeak for a horrible moment or two before I spoke softly. “I’m sorry.”

Surprise and a little amusement wove its way into Dul’s voice as she answered, “For what?”

“I drove Bayani away somehow. I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.” As much as I tried, I couldn’t hide how hurt I was.

“Bee, it’s not your fault,” Dul consoled me. “He’s a little emotional right now, that’s all. He doesn’t hate you. No, Bee,” she added as I attempted to interrupt. “Don’t contradict me; I know that’s what you’re thinking, and you need to stop this very second. Bayani does not hate you.”

I could identify raw, a bit desperate honesty in her voice. I sighed. “Why else would he hastily just leave like that the second I joined?” I stared at my hands.

Dul was obviously trying not to get frustrated with me. “You’re being ridiculous. Why on earth would Bayani hate you?” Her voice lowered. “Look, I know how it must look to you, but I can promise you with all my heart that he does not hate you, Bee. You have to trust me,” she pleaded.

As much as my heart didn’t believe her, Dul had never lied to me before. “I’ve always trusted you, Dul, and that doesn’t stop here. But I can have my doubts,” I told her softly.

“I know you can’t completely take my word for it. When I say I understand, I swear that I do,” she murmured, and for a second I could detect jealousy and sadness in her tone, but it was gone in an instant. “Why don’t we play some SG? I need an episode for tomorrow.”

“Okay,” I agreed, going over what she’d said to me in my head. Dul had never lied to me, and she said Bayani didn’t hate me. In fact, she flat out swore to me that he didn’t. However, I still had the nagging feeling that something was wrong with him, and it was because of me.

Oh, Bayani, I thought sadly as I opened up Minecraft. Why can’t I just tell you how I feel without being rejected?

and there's our fourth chapter! Stay tuned guys; the next couple of chapters are gonna be good ones, and I'm super excited to write them.

Also, in this chapter there's a hidden subplot that will appear in chapters to come >;D see if you can spot it.

Votes and comments make me smile; they motivate me to update sooner, so be sure to do just that! See you next time!


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